May 10, 1918. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 937 For EWART’S TYPE GRAINS COLLIERIES and MINES, &c. Sprocket Wheels. Elevator Buckets. GEO. W. KING Ltd., Stratford, LONDON, E. 15 Telegrams—“Agrikinger, London.” Telephone—18 and 662 Stratford. w w Ji ■K Hl! BURN LOW GRADE COAL : : on your Boilers by installing a : : Keith Induced Draught Fan : COAL BILL REDUCED : EVAPORATION INCREASED James Keith & Blackman Co. Ltd. 27, FARRINGDON AVENUE, E.C. 4. Branches CARDIFF, NEWCASTLE, BIRMINGHAM, EDINBURGH, etc. . THE butterley company LD„ ______ : PIT TRAM AND WAGON WORKS : ______ Telephone: No. 67, 68, & 69, Ripley. Codnor Park, ALFRETON. Telegrams : “ Smedley, Ironville.” =• PIT TRAMS in WOOD or STEEL osi ' Wilf 0 t Jr **• V »• . • - / •*< . J iSu.# i ■ _ ‘ ■an- — iwm ft OPEN. CLOSED. COLLIERY OWNERS and MANAGERS are invited to send for particulars of The BUTTERLEY PATENT ADJUSTABLE END. A novel idea in pit trams. Designed to comply with the Coal Mines Act, 1911, and to facilitate loading. Can be Readily Fixed to Existing Trams. Girders Hydraulically Cold Straightened. ______