May 3, 1918. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 881 TREBLE RAM PUMPS MARK. TRADE Telegrams :— “ Evans, Wolverhampton.” National Telephone, No. 39. For HIGH LIFTS in MINES, COLLIERIES, &c. MARK. TRADE LONDON OFFICE:— SALISBURY HOUSE, LONDON WALL, E.C. Sinking Pumps, Direct Acting Steam Pumps (Simple and Compound), Duplex Pumps (Simple and Compound), High Lift Power Pumps, Boiler Feed Pumps, AND Steam Pumps of every description. HORIZONTAL ELECTRICALLY DRIVEN TREBLE RAM PUMP. 1,200 feet Pattern. Electrically Driven Pumps, Centrifugal Pumps, Wire Rope Driven Pumps, Horse Pumps, Hand Syphon Pumps for Colliery Work, AND Hand Pumps of every description. JOSEPH EVANS « SONS I» Culwell Works, WOLVERHAMPTON, 70,000 evidences of success HAILWOOD COMBUSTION TUBE OIL LAMP Ask for the full details to=day, r ALL i’LO: Just 70,000 times has this lamp proved that it gives a better light than an electric lamp. Of course, it is the And it has attained this success because it has shown these advantages. A greater all=round candle power than an electric lamp. A clearer, whiter light, and one not easily extin= guished. A greater candle power and a greater element of safety than any other flame safety lamp. Greater gas=detecting properties, and it is 50 °/o cheaper than an electric lamp. You will be interested in the numerous compli= ments miners have paid the Hailwood—you will be interested in knowing the economies it can effect in your mine. HAILWOOD 5 , COMBUSTION TUBS- LAMP j