April 12, 1918. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 739 Talks about “ Sirocco.”—No. 2. Experience. PLOWRIGHT BROS. LTD., Brampton Iron Works, Chesterfield. Put experience—Sirocco experi- ence— behind your proposition, and save costly experiments. Speciality— 00*1 screening t CONVEYING The ‘'Sirocco” Centri- fugal Fan is employed for the ventilation of Buildings, Ships and Mines ; for Induced and Forced Draft on Boilers, etc., etc. Sirocco experience is an assurance and guarantee that the knowledge acquired in all these years has perfected a type of fan that has won its pre-eminent position through sheer merit. The MARK FAN had been installed in thousands before other makers were able to produce this type. Write ns your full requirements, and we will give our experienced advice, and send literature free. Davidson &, Co. Limited, Sirocco Works, Belfast. No. 3 will be on RELIABILITY. Branch Offices— London : Egypt House, New Broad Street. Manchester : 54, Corporation Street. Glasgow : 53, Bothwell Street. Birmingham : Exchange Buildings, New Street. Albert Frosts HoujxirdSt. Sheffield. RED LABEL. <3 o o © Q © ® a ® •DELIVERIES° ® FROM STOCK ® PutoSaoas Dos Spagsss —o— ■ I k1 ife' I ■ :'w .■C '■ "%L’: ■ SECTION OF SCREENING PLANT AT BENTLEY COLLIERY. DONCASTER. CONSIDERABLY OVER 100 PLANTS H Estimates and Designs on application WORK IN BRITAIN COLONIES. HOPKINSON VALVES |L' fw F-Tli -i'T mZI w I |U! IJIB^PAtYnT * | Bf ■ I Bi Blir- - — it.: m ■ 1 u.RANTI-PATENT] PATENT STOP VALVE UPWARDS OF 30,000 SUPPLIED OR ON ORDER. THE HOPKINSON-FERRANTI J. HOPKINSON & CO. LTD., BRITANNIA WORKS, HUDDERSFIELD. LONDON - GLASGOW - PARIS - PETROGRAD. No. 400.