April 12, 1918. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 731 CRADOCKS WIRE ROPES WORKS— WAKEFIELD, England “s SUPERHEATERS JrA 1 JtLlN 1 SAVE IO to 20% of COAL. OVER 1,600 WORKING. *-40^ ~ if ' « SUPERHEATER APPLIED TO LANCASHIRE BOILER. MAKERS of SUPERHEATERS FOR ALL TYPES OF BOILERS. Experts on Piping Installations, etc. Send tour Enquiries to BOLTON’S SUPERHEATERS Ltd. (Late A. BOLTON & Co.) Heatizer Works, Trafford Park, MANCHESTER. Tele. No, 641 Trafford Park. Telegrams: “Heatizer,” Manchester. Ed. Bennis & Co. Ltd., Little Hulton, Bolton & 28, Victoria Street, London, S.W. 1. Catalogues and all particulars on application. complete self-contained unit small boiler houses. INDISPENSABLE for the rapid and efficient handling of coal and ashes. These machines are installed in a number of important Collieries and Gas Works, saving the labour of many hundreds of men. Combined with “ Bennis ” Stokers —which burn all kinds of pit rubbish— they form a for large and BENNIS Elevators & Conveyors rawstem i ididididie '■J. jEO L-h®7q.?sA ■■ ,. $ I fl More Light means Cleaner Coal, Less Roof Accidents, and Freedom from Nystagmus. . . . = HAILWOOD’S Combustion Tube Lamp is cheaper, more reliable, and has greater candle power than electric lamps. I M0RI«a°BS2£ LTD.