688 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. April 5, 1918. Complete Stone Breaking and Ore Crushing Plants. SPECIALITY ‘Heclon’ Rock & Ore Breaker. Sole Makers of HADFIELD’S PATENT “ Era” Manganese Steel THE SUPREME MATERIAL for the Wearing Parts of Stone Breaking and Ore Crushing Machinery, etc. i-1 S. A A SPECIALITY. HADFIELD’S SPECIAL “ COAL CUT ” STEEL FOR COAL CUTTER BITS IS UNSURPASSED FOR DURABILITY. Steel Castings and Forgings OF ALL KINDS. Colliery & Mining Wheels & Axles Workmen employed over 15,000. HADFIELDS Ltd. Works area over 200 acres. Hecla & East Hecla Works, Sheffield, England. London Office: Norfolk House, Laurence Pountney Hill, E.C. 4. WIRE ROPES FOR ALL PURPOSES. WIRE DRAWERS (Established 1730.) WIRE ROPES for WINDING OUR HAULING LATEST PATENT GUIDES FLATTENED STRAND AERIAL ROPEWAYS LOCKED COIL CRANES AIRCRAFT Works HAY MILLS BIRMINGHAM PHONE TELE ETC., ETC. or 339 victoria, Birmingham. GRAMS: " LATCH, HAY MILLS.” gPENCER & QQ. LD Engineers, Melksham WILTS BRANCH OFFICES. HULL— Burnett Avenue. CAFDIFF— 92, Claude Road. LOWDON- 32> Queen Victoria Street, E.C. 4 LIVERPOOL- 34. Castle Street. Barite to the Manufacturers for details of thesr Carbic 'Portable Welding and Cutting Plants. I say-because I know that the Carbic System is the most economical be- cause the generation of gas only takes place while water is in actual contact with the Carbic Cake. You shut the generator down at night and start it up again in the morning, to find that no deteriora- tion of the old charge has taken place. Each Carbic Cake is guaranteed to pro- duce a stated number of cubic feet of acetylene either by continuous or intermittent use. Carbic IM SPECIALISTS IN ACETYLENE 5I-HOLBORNVIADUCT-LONDON-E-C 1 The Avery Automatic Coal^Weigh^^^ stalled in your plant means g COnveyors and Weighs the coal led to> or "d^con^ y^ elevators, handled y g ■ parllcu|ars. rarlways, telphe«, W. & T. AVERY LTD., Soho Foundry, DlBj”■_____________________ WIRE ROPES OF ALL KINDS. Agentq for Yorks, Notts. Derby & Leicester— YEADON, SON & CO., Albion Place. LEEDS. W. B. BROWN-& CO. (BANKHALL) LTD.,’Globe Works, Liverpool.