March 28, 1918. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. [supplement PAGE IX.] 669 URGENTLY REQUIRES Telegrams: “SOHO, SHEFFIELD.” Codes—A.B.C., 5th Edition, Scotts. Telephone: 3974 Central. DENTON BROS. (Sheffield) Ltd., MANUFACTURERS OF CRUCIBLE CAST STEEL (VICAR LANE, SHEFFIELD. 'PHONE: No.,3720. TELECRAMS: "STABILITY,SHEFFIELD.’ MUNITIONS IRON, STEEL, BURNT METAL, TURNINGS, AND ANY OBSOLETE PLANT. / t \ ° GRANTED TO ROBERT RAMSDEN 179 1. PEPPERCORN 'Tp BRAND. PEPPERCORN” SUPERIOR HIGH SPEED STEEL. ______________ MINING STEELS A SPECIALITY. “DANTON” BRAND RAPID AND SEMI-RAPID for Twist Drills, Reamers, &c., &c. ______________________ SOHO STEEL WORKS, Soho Street, SHEFFIELD. Office and Warehouse-7 to 11, CEMETERY ROAD, _________________________ THE CONQUEROR OF RUST. ___________ BOWRANITE’ is now everywhere recognised as the standard protective for Iron and Steel, superseding all paints and varnishes and specified by leading Engineers, Architects and Naval Con- StrilCtors for Government and other works. The Importance of Rust Prevention ____________________ In War Work, and all other Iron and Steel Construction, efficient protection against rust demands a thoroughly standardised coating, built for the work according to correct scientific tests. Admiralty and other Government Contractors and the leading Constructors and Iron Ship- builders have adopted after rigid practical test THE STANDARDISED RUST PREVENTIVE, "BOWRANITE” u Bowranite” is sold only by name in branded containers. Un-named bitumen solutions are not “ Bowranite,” and cannot be used where “ Bowranite ” is specified. For particulars of laboratory tests and a long list of leading firms using “ Bowranite ” exclusively, write to Robt. Bowran & Co. Ld., 4 St. Nicholas Bldgs., Newcastle-on-Tyne. STOCKS HELD AT CHIEF PORTS AT HOME & ABROAD ©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©© ©©©©©©©©©©©©©© Write for particulars and Trial Tin on this form or on your letter paper. Messrs. Robt. Bowran & Co. Ltd., 4, St. Nicholas Buildings, Newcastle-on-Tyne. {we} enclose our ^tter heading. Free of charge, and without committing £^e J any obligation, please send particulars of “ Bowranite ” tests and a sample tin. Name of Firm_____________................................. Business ....................................... .................................................. Address .................................................................... ROBERT BOWRAN & CO. LTD., Telegrams: Bowran, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. 4, St. Nicholas Buildings, Newcastle-on-Tyne.