668 [supplement PAGE VIII.] THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. March 28, 1918. GEORGE ANGUS & CO. LTD NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE. CONVEYOR BELTS ALL DESCRIPTIONS. I SEND FOR PRICES. I And at London, Liverpool, Birmingham, Manchester, Leeds, Glasgow, Cardiff, = I And JOHANNESBURG. --iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilllllliiiHlllililliiniiiiiiiirFS______________________________ „............................................................... T elephone: No. 7 Aberdare. Telegraphic Address: “Lamps, Aberdare.” Tf»e Cambrian Approved Double Glass Lamp. No. 1 G.G. Giving a bright light at the end of the shift - 11 G.P. N. m MF .-\«v .X’V.vWZ-- & « Approved (Flame) SAFETY LAMPS To meet the requirements of the new Mines Act. The CAMBRIAN Fitted with Magnetic, Pneu- matic, or Lead Locks, Electric Ignition, and Double Gauzes. Our Flame Safety Lamps give a greater Candle Power than any Miner’s Electric Lamp. MAKERS OF THE NEW MAGNET UNDERGROUND PATENT SAFETY LAMP RELIGHTERS. E. THOMAS & WILLIAMS Ltd., Cambrian Lamp Works, Aberdare, South Wales. ABD 15 18 SB IF JOHN BAKER & SON. O a ST R K M 2^1 IRON AND STEEL WORKERS HUI V II bU Thompson St.. BILSTON TUB CORNER PLATES BUCKETS and BASKETS TYNOS. “Bitromarc” Solution A highly efficient Bituminous, Anti- Corrosive Black Enamel Paint for Iron and Steel Structures, Corrugated Iron, Ships’ Holds, Bunkers, &c. tote PMrmtnRS. S. T. TAYLOR & SONS, Tynos Works, SC0TSW00D-0N-TYNE. T. L No.: <5 CeatraL TeL Address: "Cemgo, SceUwaod.” SAFETY FIRST ft? HOOKS. & The Kingerit Hook (figs. 379-80) has 1. Outside locks I. 2. Thickened catch edges K (X + Y). 3. Catch lock Z nearest to catch edges K. These features cover the risks of hooks. A. HANLEY, Thirlmere, Sheffield. ENQUIRIES Solicited. Telegrams— METALLOID. / J. S. UNDERWOOD & 0? Cotton Mill Row, SHEFFIELD. Telephone- \ 3573. Steel and cP Metal Merchants. V / b/ combined are invited. Years. References to users Established 50 We have Specialised in this class of Machinery, and have designed and made more than all other firms LTD BRIDGEND, ANTHRACITE CD AL” BREAKING SIZING AND WASHING PLANT