540 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. March 15, 1918. CONTENTS. Editorial Articles :— Page Industrial Organisation and the Labour Problem 541 The New Franchise .......................... 541 Articles :— Useful Instruments for Colliery Power Plants ... 533 Magnesite and Magnesite Bricks ............. 534 Recruiting of Coal Miners .................. 535 Notes on Colliery Turbo Plant .............. 535 A “ Responsive ” Shaft Signal Device ....... 538 Obituary ................................... 539 The American Coal Trade .................... 539 South Wales Mining Timber Trade ............ 545 Coal Conservation ......................... 545 Electricity v. Steam Power at Collieries ... 546 Labour and Wages............................ 548 Open Contracts ............................. 548 The Freight Market ......................... 550 Abstracts of Patent Specifications Recently Accepted ................................. 550 New Patents Connected with the Coal and Iron Trades ................%.................. 552 Publications Received ...................... 552 Reports of Meetings:— Midland Institute of Mining, Civil and Mechanical Engineers ..........................,...... 537 The Coal and Iron Trades ....................542—545 The By-Products Trade ...................... 53 The London Coal Trade ...................... 542 The Tin-plate Trade......................... 544 Current Science and Technology ................. 539 Parliamentary Intelligence...................... 542 Law Intelligence ............................... 545 Notes from the Coal Fields...................... 547 Coal, Iron and Engineering Companies............ 548 Miscellanea: — Cleavage in Coal—The Outlook for Pitwood ... 538 Northern Colliery Officials^ Mutual Aid Associa- tion—Fuel Economy Problem.................. 539 Supply of Coal to France.................... 542 Manchester Geological and Mining Society.... 546 Fuel Oil Experiments—Microscopic Section of Coal Seam—Coal Output of British Columbia... 552 ADVERTISEMENTS. Offices for ADVERTISEMENTS and PUBLICATION- 30 & 31; Furmv&l Street, Holborn, London, E.C. 4. Telegraphic Address —“Colliery Guardian, Fleet, London.” Telephone—1354 Holborn. CONTRACT ADVERTISEMENTS : Prices for SPECIAL POSITIONS on application. Prices for ORDINARY POSITIONS:— Single Column (3 inches wide) : I or 52 insertions 2s. 9d. per jnsertion for each ” 13 „ 3s. 9d. ) mch ln dePth- Double Column (6 inches wide), double the above rates. Three Columns (9 inches wide), three times the above rates. SUBSCRIPTIONS. The Colliery Guardian, published at 2.30 p.m. on Friday, can be supplied direct from the Publishing Offices, post free for twelve months, at the following rates :— United Kingdom .......... 28/6 (26/- in advance). Canada .................. 30/6 (27/6 do. ). Foreign and Colonial ... 33/- (30/- do. ). When foreign subscriptions are sent by Money Orders, payable through the Post Office, advice should be sent to the Publishers. Offices for Advertisements and Publication :—30 and 31, Furnival-street, Holborn, London,, E.C. 4. Telegrams—“ Colliery Guardian, Fleet, London.” Telephone—1354 Holborn. Established 1866. PATENTS, DESIGNS, and TRADE MARKS. TT ARRIS AND MILLS, J--1- Chartered Patent Agents, 34 and 35, HIGH HOLBORN, LONDON, W.C. 1. Telegraphic Address—“ Privilege, London.” Tel. No.—Holborn 2763. TJATENTS. Advice Free. holX0^. JL New Inventions, Designs, Trade Marks, carefully and promptly protected at low INCLUSIVE FEES. THE CONSULTING PATENT AGENCY (1880), 253, Gray’s Inn Road, London, W.C. 1. Master Sinker, at liberty, will place own method for dealing with water, to save both tubbing and pumping. —Apply, Box 7015, Colliery Guardian Office, 30 & 31, Furnival-street, Holborn, London, E.C. 4. Engineer, 34, sound technical training, 17£ years colliery engineering experience, DESIRES CHANGE?— Write, Box 7018, Colliery Guardian Office, 30 & 31, Furnival-street, Holborn, London, E.C. 4. Wanted, First-class Certificated Manager for Collieries in Lancashire. Apply, stating age, experience, references, etc. Good salary paid to suitable man.—Box 7021, Colliery Guardian Office, 30 & 31, Furnival-street, Holborn, London, E.C. 4. ■ WE ARE SUPPLYING j ALL REPORT BOOKS & FORMS Under the Coal Mine.? Act, 1911. | THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN CO. LTD., 1 | 30 &31, Furnival-st., Holborn, London, E.C.4. | VENTILATING FANS AND ENGINES. See Advertisement appearing on front Cover of alternate weeks. THE WADDLE PATENT FAN AND ENGINEERING CO. LTD., Llanmore Works, Llanelly. VIVIANS BORING COMPANY L0^r 88 Miles of Borings Complete^ W WORK GUARANTEED. J0 BORING tor MINERALS, &c. Solid Specimens of the Strata obtained. Established 1888. Work guaranteed. J. S. DAVIDSON & SON, St. Bees, CUMBERLAND. “CROWN” BOILER COVERINGS of Outstanding Superiority. 967., SAVING Intensest Heat cannot Impair. SUTCLIFFE BROS. TIST PEEBLES Electrical Machinery See Illustrated Advt. HHSH in next week’s issue. BRUCE PEEBLES & Co. Ltd. Engineers, EDINBURGH. ARMYTAGE & JONES Ltd., SHEAF STREET, SHEFFIELD. RAILS. (For all purposes). Boiler Tanks. WAGONS. (Coal & Ballast). Points and Crossings. CRANES. (Loco & Derrick). Sleepers. Buffer Stops. Buyers of all kinds Steel and Iron Scrap. LANCASHIRE AND CHESHIRE COLLIERY UNDER-MANAGERS’ ASSOCIATION. 6, Colin Street, Wigan Lane, Wigan (General Secretary: JOSEPH BUTLER). MEMBERS OF THE NATIONAL FEDERATION OF COLLIERY UNDER-MANAGERS OF GREAT BRITAIN. The Council desire to make an earnest Appeal to all Under-Managers who are not yet members of any association to correspond with SECRETARY at the above Address, when Particulars of Membership will be forwarded, and Branches formed at Convenient Centres. Brattice Cloth. — Gentleman Wanted with influence amongst colliery managers and proprietors, to sell BRATTICE CLOTH on good commission only.—Address, FAIRCLOUGH & SONS, Bank-lane, Clayton, near Manchester. Draughtsman required to take charge of Coal Washery Dept. Experienced men only need apply.—Full particulars in the first place to Box 7003, Colliery Guardian Office, 30 & 31, Furnival-street, Holborn, London, E.C. 4. Wanted, Shop Foreman (Fitting Shop) for large group of Collieries in Lancashire. Applicants must have good knowledge of general workshop practice, not necessarily Colliery experience.—Apply, giving references and stating age, experience and wages required, to Box 7008, Colliery Guardian Office, 30 & 31, Furnival-street, Holborn, London, E.C. 4. First - class Draughtsmen, with good general experience, Wanted by large controlled firm in South York- shire—Apply, giving full particulars of experience, and salary required (inclusive of war bonus), to Box 6886, Colliery Guardian Office, 30 & 31, Furnival-street, Holborn, London, E.C. 4. Wanted, a Certificated Surveyor and DRAUGHTSMAN for anew Colliery.—Apply, stating age, expe- rience and salary required, to Box 7012, Colliery Guardian Office, 30 & 31 Furnival-street, Holborn, London, E.C. 4. Wanted, a Colliery Enginewright for a new Colliery.—Apply, stating age, experience and salary required, to Box 7013, Colliery Guardian Office, 30 & 31, Furnival-street, Holborn, London, E.C. Surveyor Wanted for North Staffordshire Colliery. Must hold H.O. Certificate for Surveying.—Apply, stating age, experience and salary required, with copies of two recent testimonials, to Box 7004, Colliery Guardian Office, 30 & 31, Furnival-street, Holborn, London, E.C. 4. Wanted. Colliery Electrician, working, used to a.c. and d.c. plant and signals, and telephones.—State age, wage, experience, when at liberty, to Box 7007, Colliery Guardian Office, 30 & 31, Furnival-street, Holborn, London, E.C. 4. Wanted, Enginewright for group of Collieries in Lancashire, to work under supervision of chief engineer. Applicants must have a good knowledge of general colliery work. —Apply, giving references, and stating age, experience and salary required, to Box 7009, Colliery Guardian Office, 30 & 31, Furnival-street, Holborn London, E.C. 4. anted, First-class Certificated MANAGER, to take charge of modern Collieries. Must be thoroughly practical and accustomed to the longwall working of both thick and thin seams with average gradients. Good opening for suitable man.— Apply, stating age, experience and salary required, to Box 7019, Colliery Guardian Office, 30 & 31, Furnival-street, Holborn, London, E.C. 4. Wanted, First-class Certified Colliery MANAGER, for South Yorkshire Colliery. Must be under 35 and have good general education. Experience of coal-cutters and conveyors essential. Good prospects for suitable young man anxious to get on.— Apply, Box 7020, Colliery Guardian Office, 30 & 31, Furnival-street, Holborn, London, E.C. 4. Wanted, Assistant Colliery Electrician, capable of taking charge of 500-kw. Turbo Alternator Plant in the absence of Chief Electrician, and to assist generally.—State age (must be exempt from military service), qualifications, salary required, and when at liberty, to Box 7017, Colliery Guardian Office, 30 & 31, Furnival-street, Holborn, London, E.C. 4. Geo, N, Dixon & Co,, 43, Cast!? Street, Liverpool, Auctioneers and Valuers, COLLIERIES, Brickworks & Mining Plant. Wanted, Post bv a disengaged First- CLASS COLLIERY MANAGER and SURVEYOR; used to opening up in thick and thin coal mines, deep and shallow; also ganister and clay mines; well up in construction and building work, with good experience. Over military age. Apply-- JOSEPH MARRIOTT, 99, Wood-road, Hillsbro’, Sheffield. In the High Court of Justice, Chancery Division. Mr. Justice Eve. 1916 D. No. 952. Re THE DERBY KILBURN COLLIERY COMPANY LIMITED. Important Sale of the valuable Colliery UNDERTAKING of the DERBY KILBURN COLLIERY COM- PANY LIMITED, together with the Freehold and Leasehold Lands and Cottages, Surface and Mineral Rights, Buildings, Tramways, Plant and Machinery, Horses, Carts, Pit Ponies, Utensils, etc. Mr. THOMAS EDWARD RUSHTON (of the firm of Messrs. Edward Rushton, Son & Kenyon), the person appointed bv Mr. Justice Eve, will SELL by AUCTION in ONE LOT as a GOING CONCERN at the ROYAL HOTEL, DERBY, on Friday, the 5th day of April, 1918, at 3 for 3.30 p.m., subject to Conditions of Sale to be then and there produced, THE DERBY KILBURN COLLIERY, situate about 5 miles from the centre of Derby and about 3 miles from the Borough Boundary, and adjacent to the Derby to Nottingham Branch Line of the Great Northern Railway Company. FREEHOLD LANDS AND FREEHOLD MINERALS. The property comprises 30 acres or thereabouts of freehold land situate in Derby and in the Parishes of Stanley, Morley and Chaddesden, in the County of Derby, and there are also 260 acres or thereabouts of freehold minerals, consisting of the seam of coal called “the Kilburn Coal,” situate at Morley aforesaid. LEASEHOLDS. The Leasehold Lands comprise 32 acres or thereabouts, in and over which the Company hold and have Mineral and Surface Rights, and the Leases under which same are held do not expire until the year 1935. In addition, there are 16 Workmen’s Cottages held under a Lease expiring in the year 1928. LEASEHOLD MINERALS. The Leasehold Minerals comprise 200 acres or thereabouts lying under lands and hereditaments situate at Stanley and Morley afore- said, and are held under various Mining Leases or Underleases expiring in the year 1934. THE COAL SEAM. The area of unworked coal is about 350 acres, estimated to yield upwards of 1,750,000 tons. The coal is a goodKilbuin seam showing a section of 3 ft. 4£ in. of good coal, and a yield has been shown of 5,352 tons per acre. The whole of output, except for loca1 sales, is sent to Derby, where the coal finds a ready and popular market. The property is well opened up, the present owners having carried out a system of extensive developments. TRAMWAY AND COAL WHARF. For the purpose of disposing of the coal a double-line cable tramway has been laid which conveys the coal from the workings to a Land Sale Coal Wharf situate at the Borough boundary. At the Wharf an excellent modern Screening Plant has been erected, where there is also a suite of Offices, Stabling, Stores and Lurry Weigh Bridge. THE COLLIERY BUILDINGS AND PLANT. The buildings are well and substantially built, and include Steam Boiler, Power and Pump Houses, Stores, Offices, Stabling, etc. The Plant includes Lancashire and other Steam Boilers, Winding and Hauling Engines, Pumps, Electricity Generating Plants, Electric Motors, Electric Lighting Installation, Venti ating Fans, Coal Cutters. Shafting, Gearing, Piping, Mechanics’, Smiths’ and Joiners’ Tools, Underground Tramways, Pit Trams, Horses, Pit Ponies, Carts, Drays, Engineers’ Stores, Fixtures, Loose Tools and Utensils. Descriptive detailed particulars and plan and Conditions of Sale are now ready, and maybe had from the AUCTIONEER, 13, Norfolk-street, Manchester; the RECEIVER, WM. CAMPION, Esq., Iron Gate, Derby; Messrs. PEACOCK & GODDARD, Solicitors, Gray’s Inn, London, W.C. 1; or from— 40, St. Mary’s-gate, Messrs. MOODY & WOOLLEY, Derby. Solicitors. hr Sale by Tender, Coal Cleaning PLANT, capable of dealing with 400 tons in 8 hours, consisting of :— 1 REVOLVING TIPPLER. 1 SCREEN, 8 ft. wide, bars 12 ft. long. 1 Large COAL PICKING BELT, 4 ft. 6 in. wide, 50 feet centres and 13 ft. lowering jib. i Mild STEEL PLATES, lap joints. 1 Small COAL PICKING BELT, 50 feet centres, with lowering shute 4 ft. 6 in. wide. 1 Zimmer CONVEYOR, 18 in. wide, for shale. 1 Large COAL JIGGER. 1 Small Do. Do. 1 Full-load CONVEYOR CHAIN, 42 feet centres. Approximate length of 3 in. shafting, 60 feet; approximate length of 3J in. shafting, 82 feet. 1 Double HORIZONTAL ENGINE, 10 in. by 20 in., geared 4 to 1. The above plant may be seen by arrangement with— Messrs. INSOLES LTD., CYMMER COLLIERIES, FORTH, RHONDDA. br Sale, Small Coke Breeze, large quantity. What offers ? Apply—MANAGER, Gas Works, Colne, Lancs. TO COLLIERY PROPRIETORS, IRON MERCHANTS AND OTHERS. Mr. David Roberts, F.A.I., will Sell by PUBLIC AUCTION ON TUESDAY, MARCH 26th, 1918, at 12 o’clock noon, at the DULAIS ANTHRACITE COLLIERY, ONLLWYN, 10>h miles from Neath, THE SURPLUS PLANT AND MACHINERY, including:— Quantity of Steel and Wrought Scrap, about 180 tons of T-headand BRIDGE RAILS, 92 SETS PARTINGS AND CROSSINGS, WINDING ENGINE, HAULING ENGINES, Fan Engine and Fan Pumps, Motors, Cables, Pit Head Frame, Steam and Water Pipes, Pit Horses, etc. Goods on view by appointment. Catalogues may be obtained from the AUCTIONEER, at his Offices, No. 19, Heathfield-street, Swansea. Telephone : No. 233 Docks. Large English Colliery Wanted. Principals only. Agents not replied to. The strictest confidence guaranteed.—Apply, Box 7022, Colliery Guardian Office, 30 & 31, Furnival- street, Holborn, London, E.C. 4. TThiglish and Welsh Collieries and Mineral Jjj AREAS for SALE and WANTED. Bona fide buyers ready. Principals only. Particulars in strictest confidence to— J. R. LOCKWOOD, 18, Bank-street, Sheffield. For Sale. — Two pairs Horizontal ENGINES. 8 in. cylinder, 16 in. stroke. One pair “ WINDY PUTTERS,” 21 in. cylinder, 7 in. stroke, double drum. One TANK LOCOMOTIVE, six wheel coupled, 17 in. cylinder, copper firebox, steel tubes; steam pressure, 1201b. square inch.—Apply, Box 7016, Colliery Guardian Office, 30 & 31, Furnival-street, Holborn, London, E.C. 4. TT'or Sale, High Speed Waddle Fan, 1 7 ft. 6 in. diameter, belt-driven. When running 370 revolutions per minute produces between 50/60,000 cubic feet of air per minute. Just been dismantled in order to be replaced by larger fan. Apply to— THE PBIESTMAN COLLIERIES LTD., Newcastle-upon-Tyne. For Sale, 115-kw. Generating Set; Willans engine, coupled to a Siemens dynamo 230 volts, 500 amps., with separator; on bed 12 ft. 6 in. by 4 ft. 6 in. Immediate delivery. WILLIAMS & SONS, South Bermondsey Station, London, S.E. 16. Aerial Ropeway Plant, New or Second- hand, complete, or parts, WANTED. Any length considered.— Reply, Box 7014, Colliery Guardian Office, 30 & 31, Furnival-street Holborn, London, E.C. 4.