February 22, 1918. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. [supplement page III.] 401 How Induced Draught saves your Fuel Briefly, by completely burning the fuel. When by Induced Draught, the correct amount of oxygen to secure perfect combustion is fed to the fires, the maximum of heat is obtained from the fuel. This ensures speedy evaporation in the boilers and in many cases reduces the number of boilers required. A cheaper fuel may be used ; and black smoke, which is a costly nuisance, is abolished. You can take advantage of these economies, and incidentally utilise the waste heat, by installing The YCLONE Induced Draught Plant If you will write us, we will send our engineers to examine the existing arrangements, and will submit plans and estimates free of all cost to yourself. Our illustrations show two types of Cyclone Fan—the Heavy Pattern Blower and Exhauster for Induced Draught, Dust Col- lecting, etc., and the Cyclone Combination Blower and Motor for Ventilation. There is a Cyclone Fan 1 Here is a cyclone r an for every purpose— Sw Induced Draught, Dust :<£ and Refuse Collection, Ventilation, Heating, Drying, etc. Our experience extends over 30 years and our advice is free. Write us. Have our Catalogue 275F for reference. WIRE ROPES & TRADE MARK. w.w WIRES. ESTABLISHED 1864. TRADE MARK. HAVUNC, HAULING ROPES CRANE ROPES GUIDE ROPES SIGNAL WIRES Specialities: CONTRACTORS TO : The Admiralty, War Office, Crown Agents for the Colonies, Post Office, India Office, Trinity House, and various Foreign and Colonial Governments. WINDING. WINDING ROPES Telegrams- “ WHITECROSS, WARRINGTON.” THE Telephone—Nos. 9, 10 & 11, WARRINGTON. WHITECROSS CO. LTD., WARRINGTON. Agents for N. & S. Midlands—BIRAM & CD.. 28, Euston Road, London, N.W. 1. PUMPS m. T. Shore & Sons Ld. Engineers. Etruria, STOKE-ON-TRENT Telephone: 74. Telegrams : “ Pumps, Stoke=on=Trent. THOS OXLEY p Iron, Steel & Machinery Merchants, Shiloh Works, SHEFFIELD HAMMERS WEDGES, PICKS, FORGINGS, &c., -------*• FOR - COLLIERIES, QUARRIES & WORKS. BUYERS OF SCRAP IRON, STEEL, METALS AND OBSOLETE PLANTS. A CONTINUAL STOCK OF SECOND-HAND MACHINERY THOROUGHLY OVERHAULED. — LIGHT AND HEAVY SECTION RAILS. — Telegrams—“IRONICAL, SHEFFIELD.” Telephone-4630 (6 Lines). Manufactured by The Provident Steel Tool Co. LIMITED, Brown Street, SHEFFIELD.