374 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. February 22, 1918. UNAFFECTED BY HEAT. Write for samples and particulars before you commit yourselves to BUYING FOREIGN MATERIALS, occupying room on board ships which is required for food. Support British product and labour, and help to save shipping tonnage. Apply— J. C. BROADBENT & GO. LTD., Slagwool Works, REDCAR. Telegrams—“ Broadbents, Redcar.” Telephone—16 Bedcar. Makers of Anti-Friction Metal of all ANTI- FRICTION ALLOYS. Every ingot of our various brands is stamped with The MARK ‘ATLAS.” John Russell & Co. Ltd Alma Tube Works, WALSALL. For Gas, Steam, Water, &c ^DF WELDLESS STEEL TUBES for ENGINEERS, Ac. classes. Special Alloys for PIT-TUB BEARINGS ROPE-CAPPING “ ENGINE-HOUSE REPAIRS Our ATLAS METAL (W. E. WATSON’S Brand) is largely supplied for Colliery work. Atlas Metal & Alloys Co. Ld. 52, Queen Victoria Street, London, E.C. 4. Telegrams— Telephone— “ Aloyau, Cannon, London.” Central 2210. JOHN STANIAR & CO., Manchester, Eng. Wire Weavers & Metal Workers. Established over 100 Years. --------- EVERY REQUISITE. ------------------- GAUZES in Silk and Wire. BRUSHES in Bristle, Weed, Fibre or Steel, for every known make of Brush Machine. PERFORA TED PL A TES in Iron, Steel, Zinc, Brass, Copper. GUARDS for Engines, Stores, Machines, Strapping, Lifts, &c. AWARD MEDALS—Japan-British 1910, Franco-British 1908. Telegraph—“ Gauze, Manchester.” Telephone—City 3306 HUGE pressures* AULD’S PATENT STEAM REDUCING VALVES J.B. , TREASURE &-C9, - VflUXHRLL R° LIVERPOOL GAUGE GLASS WASHERS LUBRICflTORSnc L/5T5 ov ffPPL/MMM. LASSES Also Makers of Special FULL BORE Patent Steam Reducing Valves for Blowing, Winding, Pumping and other Engines, and for supplying Surplus or other steam from high to low pressure boilers, &c. DAVID AULD & SONS, Patentee. and Makers, LTD. Whitevale Foundry, GLASGOW. PATENT TIP T gROTECTLOiN^EELGiE BELTINGS... Inniiiiuiiiiuiii ml Im iiuii—imu mill EFFICIENT POWER TRANSMISSION can only be secured by using A';:. ■ si..bA' • 1 ' is the right type of driving belt. The Ideal Belt for Planing Machines and all drives with constant belt-fork action, is the TULLIS PATENT PROTECTION EDGE LAMINATED BELT. It transmits the full power without slip and answers immediately to the touch of the belt- fork, changing pulleys with surprising rapidity. The Drive illustrated is to a Planing Machine which in- creased its output 20 % when this Belting was installed. Try a TULLIS BELT next time. John Tutus & Son Ltd. Belting Specialists, St. Ann’s|Works, GLASGOW. "JOHANNESBURG NEWCASTLE VST Bl R Ml NGHAM=L E E DS lullIIIIMBIIIIHI Illi Im min—inn mill rztn i rzzj