314 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. February 15, 1918. .. ___________________________________________________________________... HAVE you seen this Pink List Certificate of ours ? It’s a handy size to carry and wherever that van you use exclusively for the conveyance of your goods may happen to be when you need a new Dunlop tyre, if you produce one of these certificates to any dealer in Dunlop tyres, you will receive the special terms provided for in the Dunlop Pink Form Agreement. Why not sign a Dunlop Pink Form Agreement to-day? Your local motor agent has a supply and he’ll give you all particulars gladly. DUNLOP RUBBER CO., LTD., Founders of the Pneumatic Tyre Industry, ASTON CRO'S, BIRMINGHAM. Telephone : 920, 930 East. ____ / DtJ*lOp... ........*' __«... * c° .. c ■..... Of.__ th............. .. LPn^n,'r' __ FERRANTI TRANSFORMERS FERRANTI LIMITED, HOLLINWOOD, LANCASHIRE. f jit-: