276 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN February 8, 1918. REVISED DIRECTIONS AS TO THE SALE OF COAL. It is officially announced that the following altera- tions have been made in the Directions as to the Sale of Coal, dated October 12, 1917 (Colliery Guardian, October 19, 1917, p. 739): — A covering letter from the Coal Mines Department of the Board of Trade states that the main alteration is in regard to shipments to Norway, Sweden, Den- mark, Holland, and Spain, all quotations for sales to these countries having in future to be made in the cur- rency of the country in question, and payment made by the buyer in the same currency through accredited agents of H.M. Government in the various countries. All shippers of coal to these countries should take steps to inform their clients of these arrangements. The agents in question are : — Norway.—Messrs. C. J. Hambro and Son, Christiania. Sweden.—Messrs. J. Hambro and Son, Stockholm. Denmark.—Messrs. C. J. Hambro and Son, Copen- hagen Holland.—Messrs. Hope and Company, Amsterdam. Spain.—The Anglo-South American Bank, Bilbao. Except as regards the system of payment for ship- ments to these countries, the revised Directions do not apply to any contracts in existence on January 31, 1918. The position as regards contracts made before and after the issue of the present Directions respectively is as follows : — (1) Contracts made prior to May 1, 1917, are not affected by the Directions of June 28, 1917 (but see Nos. 6 and 7 below). (2) Contracts made between May 1, 1917, and June 28, 1917, inclusive, come under the Directions of June 28, 1917, unless the coal was sold or re-sold before June 29, 1917: (a) to consumers in the United King- dom; (b) to purhasers abroad; (c) to ship owners for bunkering their own steamers (including holders of steamers on time charter); (d) to manufacturers of coke oven coke and patent fuel. (See also Nos. 6 and 7 below.) (3) Contracts made between June 29, 1917, and October 14, 1917, inclusive, come under the Directions of June 28, 1917. (See also Nos. 6 and 7 below.) (4) Contracts made between October 15, 1917, and January 31, 1918, inclusive, come under the Direc- tions of June 28, 1917, as amended on October 12, 1917. (5) Contracts made after January 31, 1918, come under the Directions dated January 31, 1918. (6) The increase of 2s. 6d. per ton as from October 15, 1917, applies to all consignments despatched for shipment (otherwise than to France or Italy) on or after that date, including deliveries under all existing contracts. (7) Where an exporter or merchant had bought before June 29, 1917 (including purchases made before May 1, 1917), but had not re-sold before June 29, 1917, he must on re-sale observe in every respect the Directions of June 28, 1917, if the re-sale took place between June 29, 1917, and October 14, 1917; those of October 12 if the re-sale took place between October 15, 1917, and January 31, 1918, inclusive; or those of January 31, 1918, if the re-sale takes place after that date. The effect of this is that in each case the buyer must not on re-sale to a merchant or exporter in this country charge less than the scheduled price, or on re-sale to a purchaser abroad (or to a ship owner in the case of bunker coal) charge less than the scheduled price plus the necessary commissions and brokerages prescribed by the Directions, observing also in the case of brokerage charges on freight the instruc- tions given in the following paragraph. In the case of shipments to France and Italy, the existing arrangements in regard to brokerage on freights will be maintained, and in the case of ship- ments to other destinations outside the British Isles the amount of the brokerage on freight to be retained by the exporter shall not exceed 6d. per ton, the SCHEDULE A.*—(cont.) NORTHUMBERLAND. Hard Coal Collieries. Screened, Un- steam and screened. Nuts. Small. Duff. Bothal ......... Cowpen........ | Davisons ....... Newbiggin .... | Bentinck .......J Bowers ......... Buddles ...... I East Hartley . f Ravensworth ...... ) Chevely ........ Howards ..... I Fernnybeds...... t Scremerston ...) Broomhill:— (Warkworth) ... (Blyth) ...... Hastings ......"j West Hartley I Main & Stobs-1 wood .........) Bebside..... ...) Carrs .........) Preston......... lULlSC. s. d. s. d. 32 6 ... 27 6 32 0 ... 27 6 31 0 ... 27 0 30 6 ... 27 6 32 6 ... 27 6 29 6 ... 26 6 28 0 ... 26 0 28 0 ... 26 0 s. d. s. d. s. d. ...28 6...22 6...12 6 ...28 6...23 0...12 6 ...28 6 ..21 6..12 6 ...28 6.22 6...12 6 ...28 6..22 6...12 6 ...28 6...21 0...12 6 ...28 6...21 0...12 6 ...28 6...21 0.12 6 Soft Coal Collieries. Gas. s. d. Class 1. 29 0 ... Mickley. Class 2. 26 0 ... All other gas coals from Northumber- land. Screened Steam. Classi. 32 6 ... Whorlton and Mickley. Class 2. 29 6 ... Montagu, Throckley and Tynedale. Smithy Small. 27 6 ... All smithy small from Northumberland. Manufacturing Rough Small (Non-coking). 21 6 ... All manufacturing rough small (non- coking) from Northumberland. House. 32 6 ... Whorlton. Manufacturing and Bunkers. Classi. 27 6 ... Mickley. Class 2. 26 6 ... All others. SCHEDULE A.* Coking (Unscreened and Small). Class 1. 27 6 ... Mickley. Class 2. 26 6 ... All others. MONMOUTHSHIRE AND SOUTH WALES. Coke-oven Coke. Class of coal. Price. Steam. s. d. Smokeless best 35 6 ,, second quality ... 34 0 Seconds 33 3 Ordinaries 32 6 Best drys 32 6 Ordinary drys 31 0 Steam smalls, No. 1 24 0 33 33 33 2 23 6 „ „ „ 3 23 0 33 33 33 4 22 6 33 33 22 0 33 33 33 3 21 6 33 33 33 ............ 21 0 „ „ „ 8 20 6 Washed smalls 25 0 Best Black Vein, large 32 6 Ordinary W estern Valley ... 31 6 Best Eastern Valleys 31 6 Second Eastern Valleys 30 6 Best washed nuts 32 6 Seconds 31 0 Best washed peas and beans 30 0 Seconds 29 0 Unwashed duff, 1st quality... 20 6 ,, 33 2nd „ ... 18 6 33 33 3rd „ ... 16 6 Bituminous. Best households 35 6 Good households 33 3 No. 3 Rhondda large 33 3 Smalls 28 6 Class of coal. Price. Bituminous (continued). s. d. No. 2 Rhondda large........ 29 6 No. 2 Rhondda through ...... 26 0 Ditto and other through (seconds') ............... 24 6 No. 2 Rhondda smalls (best) 21 6 „ ,, „ (seconds) 19 6 Gas through ................ 27 6 ,, small .................. 23 6 Anthracite. Best breaking large ........ 32 6 2nd breaking large.......... 31 6 3rd breaking large ......... 30 0 Red Vein large.............. 28 0 Class of coal. Price. Anthracite (continued). s. d. Red Vein beans................ 33 6 Price of screened cobbles, nuts and beans of 3rd quality ... Is. per ton resp. less than above. NOTTS, DERBY AND YORKS. Per ton. s. d. Large screened steam ........ 32 6 Hartley's ................... 30 0 Yorkshire washed steam....... 30 0 Screened gas................. 28 6 Gas nuts..................... 28 0 Unset eened gas ............. 27 6 House and cobbles............ 30 0 Trebles (unwashed) .......... 26 6 Do. (washed)................ 27 6 Doubles (unwashed) .......... 26 6 Do. (washed) ............... 27 6 Singles and smithy peas (un- washed) ..................... 25 6 Singles & smithy peas (washed) 26 6 Smalls (unwashed)............ 22 6 Do. (washed)................ 23 6 Coke-oven coke................ 45 0 • LANCASHIRE. Best steam coal (screened) .... 30 0 Do. do. (unscreened)... 28 0 Second steam coal (screened)... 29 0 Do. do. (unscreened) 27 0 Screened gas coal ............ 28 6 Unscreened gas coal .......... 27 6 Nuts ......................... 26 6 Slack ........................ 22 6 House coal.................... 30 0 NORTH WALES. Best screened steam coal;.. 30 0 Best unscreened do........ 28 0 Best slack ............... 20 0 House coal................ 30 0 FLINTSHIRE. Best screened steam coal.. 29 0 Best unscreened do........ 27 0 Machine-made Cobbles. Best ................... 45 0 2nd .................... 43 6 3rd..................... 41 6 Red Vein cobbles .......... 38 6 Machine-broken Nuts. (French, Paris and stove.) Best................... 45 0 2nd ................... 43 6 3rd ................... 41 6 Red Vein nuts ............. 38 6 Machine-broken Beans. Best..................... 37 6 2nd ..................... 36 6 3rd ..................... 35 6 Peas (all qualities) 22 6 Rubbly culm 15 6 Red Vein culm 13 6 Breaker duff 10 6 Billy duff 9 0 Steam (Swansea). Best large 32 6 Second large 29 6 Best through 26 0 Second through 24 6 Best smalls 21 6 Second smalls 19 6 Screened cobbles 32 6 ,, nuts 32 6 „ beans 30 0 Bituminous (Swansea). Through and through .... 29 6 Smalls 26 6 Gas (Swansea). Through 26 0 Smalls 23 6 Patent fuel ... 32 6 Coke-oven coke 50 0 45 0 ... DURHAM. Gas. s. d. Classi. 29 0 ... Easington,Towneley,Thornley, London- derry, Wearmouth. Class 2. 27 6 ... Boldon, Hetton, Holmside, New Pelton, Ryhope. Class 3. 26 0 ... Brandon, Burnhope, West Leversons Consett, Deafhill, Deans Primrose, East Pontop, Felling, Horden, Lamb- ton, Pelaw Main, Pelton, Priestmans, Ravensworth, Sherburn, South Der- went, South Pelaw, Usworth Walls- end and Hebburn, Washington, West Pelaw Main (and other coals not specified). Screened Steam. NORTH STAFFORDSHIRE. Per ton. s. d. House coal............... 30 0 Large screened steam coal . 32 6 FOREST OF DEAN. Large coal ............... 29 6 Through coal •............ 27 6 CUMBERLAND. Screened bunker coal .... 31 0 BRISTOL. Large coal ............... 32 6 Unscreened coal .......... 27 6 FIFESHIRE. First Fife large coal .... 30 6 Third do. ................ 26 6 East of Fife Jewel coal.. 28 0 Best Navigation screened coal... 33 6 Second do. do. ... 31 6 Best Navigation unscreened coal 27 6f Second do. do. 26 6f Third do. do. 26 6f First Navigation smalls .. 24 6 Second do. do............. 23 0 MID AND EAST LOTHIANS. First quality coal ....... 29 0 Second do................. 28 0 Whitehill Splint coal .... 30 6 Niddrie do. .............. 30 6 Screened bunker coal ..... 29 0 Unscreened do............. 28 0 WEST LOTHIANS. Screened coal (first quality) ... 29 0 LANARKSHIRE. Best Splint coal ......... 32 6 Second do. ............... 30 6 Best Hartley coal ....... 31 6 Named brands Ell coal..... 30 6 LANARKSHIRE-{cont.). Per ton. s. d. Second Ell coal............. 29 0 First Navigation screened coal 32 6 Second do. do. 30 6 Best steam screened coal... 30 0 First Navigation unscreened coal 31 6 Second do. do. 29 0 Third do. do. 28 0 AYRSHIRE. Jewel coal ................. 31 0 Soft do.................... 29 0 Splint do................. 30 6 Ayrshire hard coal.......... 29 0 Steam coal................. 29 0 Navigation screened coal ... 32 6 First Navigation unscreened coal 31 6 Second do. do. 29 0 Third do. do. 28 0 SCOTCH WASHED NUTS (FROM ALL DISTRICTS). Trebles.................... 25 6 Doubles ................... 24 6 Singles ................... 23 6 Pearls .................... 20 6 Unwashed dross ............ 17 6 SCOTCH ANTHRACITE. Round coal................. 30 6 Jumbo and treble nuts...... 30 6 Doubles ................... 30 6 Singles.................... 27 6 Pearls .................... 22 6 Coke-oven coke from Scotland 42 6 Patent fuel do. do. (f.a.s. Glasgow) ........ 32 6 KENT. Screened coal (at pit) .... 32 6 Unscreened coal (at pit) .. 27 6 Nuts (at pit) ............. 26 6 Slack (at pit)............. 22 6 Class 1. 32 6 ... Hetton, Lambton, Londonderry, Ry: hope, South Hetton. Class 2. 31 0 ... Auckland, East Hetton, Eldon, Horden, Randolph (and other coals not specified). Nuts and Peas. Class 1. 28 6 ... Lamb ton, Ryhope, Sherburn, Silks- worth, South Hetton. Class 2. 27 0 ... Auckland, Eldon, East Hetton, Horden, Randolph (and other coals not specified). Smithy Small. 27 6 ... Beamish, Hebburn, Holmside, Ryhope, Towneley (and other coals not specified). Manufacturing Rough Small (Non-coking). 22 6 ... Hetton, Lambton, South Hetton (and other coals not specified). Duff. Class 1. 20 6 ... Ryhope, Silksworth. Class 2. 18 6 ... Hetton, Lambton, South Hetton (and other coals not specified). House. Classi. 32 6 ... Caradoc Wallsend, Dean and Chapter Wallsend, Elemore Wallsend, Hetton Best Wallsend, Sherburn Finchale Wallsend, Tees Best Wallsend, Tunstall Wallsend, Vanes Wallsend. Class 2. 31 0 ... East Hetton Wallsend, Hawthorne Wallsend, Hetton Lyons, Mainsforth Wallsend, South Hetton Wallsend (and other coals not specified). Manufacturing and Bunkers. Classi. 27 6 ... Auckland, Easington, Harton, London- derry, Marley Hill, Morisons, Tanfield, Towneley, Weardale, Wearmouth. Class 2. 26 6 ... Bearpark, Brancepeth, Browney, Burn- hope, Consett, Deafhill, Deans Prim- rose, Framwellgate, Hamsteels, Hamsterley, Hebburn, Horden, Lambton, North Brancepeth, Peases, Pelaw Main, Priestmans, Sacriston, Sherburn, South Derwent, South Garesfield, South Medomsley, South Pelaw, Washington, West Stanley, Usworth (& other coals not specified). Coking (Unscreened and Small). Classi. 27 6 ... Bearpark, Brancepeth, Brandon,Burn- hope, Consett, Dunston, Hamsterley, Marley Hill, Peases West, Priestmans, Redheugh, Sacriston, South Gares- field, South Medomsley, Tanfield, Towneley, Weardale, West Brance- peth, West Stanley (and other coals not specified). Coke-oven Coke. 45 0 * These prices are subject to a deduction of 2s. 6d. per ton in the case of shipments to France and Italy, and coal for the manufacture of patent fuel for shipment thereto. f W here these coals are shipped at Leith or at Glasgow or other west of Scotland ports for bunker purposes the prices are to be :— s. d. Best Navigation unscreened coal........................................... 31 6 Second do. do............................................... 29 0 Third do. do................................................ 28 0 These prices only apply to coal for the ship's own bunkers and do not apply to coal shipped to coaling stations abroad. balance being payable by him to the owners of the collieries, coke ovens, etc., from which the fuel was shipped. The machinery of the Central and Local Committees for the Supply of Coal to France and Italy wfill be continued in regard to shipments to those countries. With reference to the clause regarding commissions payable by collieries to agents out of the scheduled prices, the Controller has received a number of com- munications stating that the condition limiting the payment of these commissions is not being strictly adhered to by certain collieries, and that commissions are being paid irregularly for the purpose of securing orders. The Controller proposes to institute a close