272 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. February 8, 1918. HADFIELDS Ltd. Workmen employed over 15,000. Hecla and East Hecla Works, SHEFFIELD, England. Works area over 200 acres. “HECLA” AUTOMATIC TUB CONTROLLER (WILDE & PETRIES IMPROVED PATENT). All parts made of Hadfield’s Best Cast Steel. IMPORTANT LABOUR-SAVING APPARATUS. Advantages.—The Controller can be made perfectly Automatic, the action of the Cage settling on the props withdrawing the catch, and thereby releasing the Tubs. It enables the Cage to be loaded and unloaded at the pit top and bottom more quickly than by the ordinary methods now in use. Colliery Requisites of every description. Complete Stone Breaking and Ore Crushing Plants. SOLE MAKERS WILD£ & pETPlis PATEN' WIRE ROPES FOR ALL PURPOSES. WIRE DRAWERS . . . * (Established 1730.) SPENCER & p.0. LD Engineers, J Melksham WILTS WIRE ROPES for WINDING, . - OUR . . BRANCH OFFICES. HAULING, LATEST PATENT GUIDES, FLATTENED STRAND- AERIAL ROPEWAYS, CRANES, LOCKED COIL . . AIRCRAFT, ETC., ETC. P A* A;?' ' ' HULL“ X / Burnett Avenue. / &)/ CARDIFF f 7 92’ clau^e R°ad. fL0KD0N f 32, Queen Victoria / Street, E.C. 4 / LIVERPOOL " 34, Castle Street. I say-because I know Works HAY MILLS, BIRMINGHAM Write to die Manufacturers for details of dietr Carbic 'Portable Welding and Cutting Plants. that the Carbic System is the most economical be- cause the generation of gas only takes place while water is in actual contact with the Carbic Cake. You shut the generator down at night and start it up again in the morning, to find that no deteriora- tion of the old charge has taken place. Each Carbic Cake is guaranteed to pro- duce a stated number of cubic feet of acetylene either by continuous or intermittent use. or 339 victoria, Birmingham. - ( PHONE : 338 ' GRAMS: “ LATCH, HAY MILLS.” < arbic Ly SPECIALISTS IN ACETYLENE SPECIALISTS IN ACETYLENE 51-HOLBORNVIADUCT-LONDON-E-C- 1 The Avery Automatic Coal Weigher T" the exact weight of coal consumed by each tX: and with such an apparatus engineers guard tZSX togT y"rX requirements. W. & T. AVERY LTD.. "sSftS? BIRMINGHAM. WIRE ROPES OF ALL KINDS. Agent§ for Yorks, Notts. Derby & Leicester— YEADON, SON & CO., Albion Place, LEEDS. W. B. BROWN & CO. (BANKHALL) LTD., Globe Works, Liverpool.