February 8, 1918. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 267 HUWOO Pick Axe. Small Cost. Weiglrt only 18 lbs. The Huwod Pneumatic Pick Axe is NOT a Hammer Drill. Can he used for Taking Down Canches where Shots cannot be Fired. Making Manholes. Squaring Off Corners. Making Girder Holes. Breaking Concrete, Clinker and similar Hard Substances. Boiler Scaling, and many other purposes. Free Demonstration given by HUGH WOOD & CO. LTD., Dept.. N EWCASTLE-ON-TYN E. Telegrams : “ HUWOD, NEWCASTLE.” Telephone : 980 CENTRAL. LONDON: 65, Fenchurch Street, E.C. 3. CARDIFF: 102, St. Mary Street. MANCHESTER: Hive Works, Trafford Park. \y(’ v ' '' '-'A 4 WE BUY OR SELL SCRAP OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. OLD WORKS and £ COLLIERIES, FOR DISMANTLING if SCRAP WANTED TEI___1242, 1241, 3072. BRANCHES— GATESHEAD, BIRMINGHAM, CARRY ON MUNITIONS WOOLWICH, LLANELLY, GLASGOW, LISKEARD. TRUNK 1013. TELEGRAMS—FERRIC. MARPLE & GILLOTT LTD. SHEFFIELD.