196 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. January 25, 1918. YORKSHIRE ENGINE C° LD Contractors to the Admiralty, War Office, India Office, &c., and Colonial and Foreign Governments and Railways. >e~ 1 HEAD OFFICE & WORKS : SHEFFIELD, ENGLAND. London Office : 34, Caxton House, Westminster, S.W. 1. BUILDERS OF STEAM, ELECTRIC & COMPRESSED AIR LOCOMOTIVES for any Gauge—of any Weight. COAL CUTTING MACHINES HAULAGE ENGINES OF ALL TYPES, FORGINGS IN IRON & STEEL—G.M. & PHOSPHOR BRONZE CASTINGS. MACHINE WORK OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Telegraphic Address ENGINE. SHEFFIELD. We have Specialised in this class of Machinery, and have designed and made more than all other firms combined. References to users are invited. Established 50 Years. ANTHRACITE COAL LTD BRIDGEND, BREAKING SIZING AND WASHING PLANT NO SUSPICION between Weighmen. Denison’s Patent Mercury Resistance PIT BANK WEIGHING MACHINE. Quick. Accurate. Durable. NO WATER. Pointer Shadowless. SAMI DENISON & SON I™ Furlea, ________________ IS LL—3 /B O i MARKS, STAMPS. BRANDING IRONS! ■ f firass Labe/s & 77me fiefs of Letter & figure Punches, fimfossfug Presses. firass/fame P/ates. fifeati/s, Moifftters’Leffers&fi/gi/rss. t pies. E.PRYOR& SOK, Seals. . i m al mB^-nsMia mcKINSHAW 57 SHEFFIELD. “GRIPTITE” JOINTING COMPOSITION FOR ALL KINDS OF FLANGED JOINTS IN CONNECTION with STEAM, GAS, or WATER. “GRIPTITE” stands highest pressures at any tem- perature. It is non-poisonous and British made. it is 75 °/o GREA TER in BULK THAt± LEAD^ COMPOUNDS^ “GRIPTITE” is used by several Engineering Firms, Iron Works, Gas Companies, Mills, Breweries, &c. Supplied in kegs J, i & 1 cwt. at 40/- per cwt. (carriage paid). Kegs extra at cost price. Mixed and ground in oils, ready for use. CROUCH & CO., Ruskin Works, Ruskin Av., Manor Park, LONDON, E. 12.