January 18, 1918. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 147 COPPEE COKE OVENS Established 1851. BY-PRODUCT PLANTS, and ----------~ COPPEE COAL WASHERS. .£1^ CRUDE and RECTIFIED CRUDE and RECTIFIED BENZOL PLANTS. the COPPEE COMPANY (BRITAIN) Ltd For Particulars, apply to— King’s House, Kingsway, LONDON, W.C. 2. Telegrams: “EVCOPPEE, WESTCENT, LONDON.” Telephone : HOLBORN, 5820 (2 line*). Russian Office : 35, Pouchkinskaia, Kharkoff. Cardiff Office : 38, Mount Stuart Square. 4875 Cardiff. Glasgow Office; 29, Waterloo Street. 5332 Central (4 lines). Plants are at present under Construction in ENGLAND, WALES, BELGIUM, RUSSIA, FRANCE, HOLLAND, SPAIN, MEXICO and AFRICA. M. COULSON eTcD°; SPENNYMOOR, = MAKERS OF = Coal Washing and Screening Plant Coke Oven Machinery Gas Works & Chemical Works Plant Ash Washing and Handling Appliances &c., &c. 7 m ' I: £1 Jr 450 H.P. MAIN AND TAIL HAULAGE GEAR. LTD BRIDGEND, SIZING AND WASHING PLANT We have Specialised in this class of Machinery, and have designed and made more than all other firms combined. References to users are invited. Established 50 Years. “ANTHRACITE CORL"