142 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN January 18, 1918. recorded signals cannot be cancelled until the signal is complied with. In the case of mine shaft signalling (where the signal for “ men ” would generally be the special signal) if the original or call signal of three is given by the banks- man, and shown on the corresponding recording indicator, the confirmatory or “ acceptance ” signal will be given by an onsetter, and be shown on the corresponding indicator for the onsetter. Means are provided for re-setting the main indicator immediately on a change of motion of the engine, and for re-setting any main indicator immediately by giving a new signal, as well as for re-setting the recorded signal after it has been fully complied with. A. switch is operated by the banksman for extending the range of signalling from any one level to the engineman, and at the same time indicating to the engineman, through contacts on the switch, which level he is in communication with. There is also an emergency danger signal operable from any signalling point, and indicating to the engineman that he must stop the engine. (Eight claims.) HEW PATENTS CONNECTED WITH THE COAL AND IRON TRADES. Applications for Patents. January 7 to 12 {inclusive,). [Note.—Applications arranged alphabetically under the names of the applicants (communicators in-parentheses). A new number will be given on acceptance, which will replace the application number.] Aaga^ird, A. Internal combustion engines. (344) Bagley, C. H. F. Removing molten slag from open-hearth steel furnaces by air or steam blast. (747) Barnard, T. K. Power engines. (376) Batty, T. E. Conveyors, etc. (477) Bentham, C. Floating plant for loading small coal from barges into ships. (578) Cammell, Laird and Company, Carter, Sir G. F., and Quine, W. E. Clinometers of the liquid type. (337) Chemical Engineering and Wilton’s Patent Furnace Com- pany. Furnaces. (530) C. I. Syndicate. Process for manufacture of ammonia, etc. (703) Clare, G. E. Means for propelling canal boats, barges, etc. (461) Clarkson, T. Furnaces of steam generators. (463) Cornell, H. Magnetic separators. (587) Cornet, A. Steam generator. (472) Cruyt, L. Internal combustion engines. (663) Davis, W. H., and Davis and Son, J. Clinometers. (429) Dontis, M. Means for utilisation of exhaust steam in steam engines. . (509) Gilderson, R. J. Gas mixing burner for furnaces. (752) Griesbach, H. S. Internal combustion engines. (564) Harding, G. H. Turbines. (371) Heenan and Froude. Internal combustion engines. (663) Hinds, A. F. Furnaces. (530) Houston, P. T. Internal combustion engines. (761) Howell and Company, and Willans, G. H. Tubular heat- ing elements for feed water heaters, etc. (455) Humblet, L. Steam generator. (472) Ingram, H. J. Two-stroke cycle internal combustion engines. (425) Jackson, J., Lancaster, M. L., Rogers, Sir H., and Walter, C. M. Treatment of tinned scrap. (577) Jenkins, H. C. Process for manufacture of ammonia, etc. (703) Lemperiere, L. E. Internal combustion engines. (381) MacKay, H. J. S. Steam generators. (750) McLellan, W., Merz, C. H., Michie, A. C., and Weeks, E. G. Use of solid fuel for large scale power pro- duction. (717) Maxted, E. B. Synthesis of ammonia. (660) Merton, A. M. M., and Rowley, F. Roasting furnaces. (588) • Morrison, W. Internal combustion rotary motor. (433) Parsons, R. C. Process for manufacture of ammonia, etc. (703) Pedlow, R. H. Internal combustion engines. (719) Peterson, J. Power generating devices. (723) Schaanning, A. Electric transformers, etc. (757) Schofield, G. H. Percussion drilling machines. . (444) Simon Limited, H. Floating plant for loading small coal from barges into ships. (578) Sinclair, A. T., F. C., and H. Turbines. (371) Sivy er, F. J. Manufacture of coke. (531) Smith, R. J. Self-contained vertical combined water and smoke tube steam generator. (642) Smith, S. Internal combustion motors. (635) Soc. Frangaise d’Exploitation de Fours Speciaux a Haute Temperature. Furnaces for melting steel, iron, etc. . (388) Soc. pour 1’Exploitation des Brevets Bellem et Bregeras. Pump with controllable delivery. (349) Stinchcombe, T. Furnaces. (530) Stirling Boiler Company. Steam generators. (750) Sundh, A. Fluid motors and pumps. (471) Tully, C. B. Carbonisation of coal, etc., for production of gas, tar oils, etc. (694) Wright, D. Burners for liquid fuel. (332) -Yeadon, J. A. System of heating steam boilers. (639) Complete Specifications Accepted, {To be published on January 31.) [Note.—The number following the application is that which the specification will finally bear.] 1916. . 14047. Conklin, B. Rotary engines. (112285) * 14422. Submersible and J.-L. Motors Limited, and Durn- ford, C. W. Combined pumps and electric motors. (112287) 14423. Submersible and J.-L. Motors Limited, and Durn- ford, C. W. Electric motors. (112288) 18561. Gobe, A., and Diard, H. Revolving cylinder interval combustion engine. (102975) 18587. Lole, A. E. Rotary pumps and the like. (112292) 18682. Edington, J. F. Internal combustion engines. (112298) 1917. 136. Matthews, J. Load transporting carriages or travellers for overhead tracks. (112311) 836. Baker, H. Recovery of ammonium chloride from ammoniacal liquor, . with the extraction of cyanides and other valuable products. (112329) 1606. Millar, J. Internal combustion engines. (112335) 2233. Flopkins, C. T. Manufacture of composition fuel. (112341) 6314. Major, J. L. Cooling solidification, and delivery of pitch. (112370) 14471. Sandbrook, W. Miners’ safety lamps. (112407) Complete Specifications Open to Public Inspection Before Acceptance. [Note.—The number following the application is that which the specification will finally bear.] 1917. 10187. Remy Electric Company. Dynamo-electric machines. (112415) 12009. Aktiebolaget Carlit. Ammonium perchlorate explo- sives. (112417) 14359. Porges, P., and Strache, H. Process for increasing output of light hydrocarbons in manufacture of oil gas, etc., from mineral oils, etc. (112420) 16573. Violet, M. A. Multi-cylinder two-stroke motors. (112424) 17583. Chinese-American Company. Internal combustion engines. (112430) 17947. Gobe, A., Diard, H., and L’Eclairage Electrique. Two-stroke cycle rotary internal combustion engines. (112432) 18911. Thaberg, N. T. Process of producing gas from moist fuel in furnaces, etc. (112443) • 19^91. Adams, H. Method of and apparatus for storing and discharging coal, etc. (112453) 1918. 143, 249, 265. Aktiebolaget Wigelius Motorer. Internal combustion engines. (112459, 112464, 112466) GOVERNMENT PUBLICATIONS. *#* Any of the following publications may be obtained on application at this office at the price named post free. Statutory Rules and Orders, 1917 : (No. 1351), Mines, Coal Mines Act, Rules made by the Board for Mining Examinations, and Approved by the Secretary of State, December 24, 1917, Amending the Rules as to the Qualifi- cation of Applicants for First- and Second-Class Certificates of Competency. Price l^d. Home Office : Mines and Quarries Form No. 25. Price ]J,d. Mines and Quarries Form No. 23. Price 2d. PUBLICATIONS RECEIVED. “ Cheap Steam,” with which is incorporated “ Cheap Transport ” (Vol. 2, No. 1), January 1918 (Ed. Bennis •and Company Limited, Little Hulton, Bolton) ; “ Shef- field, and District Local Securities—15 Years’ Record of Highest and Lowest Sales, with Dividends Paid and other Information—1903 to 1917 (inclusive),” issued by Hart, Moss and Company, 22, Moorgate-street, Rother- ham ; “ The Journal of State Medicine ” (Vol. 26, No. 1), January 1918 (37, Russell-square, London, W.C. 1), price 2s. net; “University of Illinois Bulletin” (Vol. 14, No. 40), June 4, 1917—“ Tests of Oxy-acetylene Welded Joints in Steel Plates,” by Herbert F. Moore, price 10c. CATALOGUES, DIARIES AND CALENDARS. W. H. Bowater Limited (Birmingham). — A cheerful- looking calendar, with the ruddiness of the coal fire about it, relieved in part by a black ground, will answer the purpose of anyone needing a handy date indicator for the wall. The tear-off slips are neat as well as bold. British Insulated and Helsby Cables Limited (Prescot, Lancashire).—An illustrated leaflet (No. 149), ready for filing, has been issued by the company, relative to the Prescot fuse boxes. These are strong, simple, and—as practice, proves—effectively designed for the purpose in view. The boxes are of the iron-sealing type for single cables, and are fitted with porcelain bridge fuses. All live metal parts are so protected that they cannot be inadver- tently touched at any time, and the design of the fuse handle and base renders impossible the scattering of metal when the fuses operate. The Home Office requirements are complied with in all details. Sir W. G. Armstrong, Whitworth and Company Limited (Openshaw).—The artist’s skill has been invoked in the pro- duction of one of the handsomest wall calendars issued by any firm. The casting of the “A. W.” brands of high- speed steel is illustrated at its most brilliantly effective stage—the pouring of the white hot metal into moulds. The central figure, that of a brawny workman, grasps the handle of the ladle and empties the bowl of its njolten con- tents, the sun-like radiance of which lights up the scene. The general tone of the remainder of the calendar is a pleasing grey, with white lettering. Although larger than the average wall calendar, the effectiveness produced well merits the space given to it. TUBE MANUFACTURERS EDWIN LEWIS A SONS LTD., WOLVERHAMPTON. Works : M0NM0RE GREEN and ETTINGSHALL. LIVERPOOL Warehouse: 58, SOUTH JOHN STREET. Telegrams: “LEWIS, WOLVERHAMPTON." Telephone: No. 1147 WOLVERHAMPTON (Private Branch Erehange). URGENTLY REQUIRES V 5 MUNITIONS ^W(VICAR LANE, SHEFFIELD. 'PHONE: No.,3720. TELECRAMS: "STABILITY,SHEFFIELD.’ IRON, STEEL, BURNT METAL, TURNINGS, AND ANY OBSOLETE PLANT.