110 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. January 18, 1918. Y i v i'. g I / ' 1U WL • » '/•A ' / y YOUR PRESTIGE AND OURS. YOU believe in your own business and you’re proud of your product. You’ve put your good brains into its manufacture and you’ve won your reputation by making each article as well as you know how. And the prestige of each article is the prestige of its maker. So it is with us of the Dunlop Rubber Co., Ltd. We make Dunlop solid rubber tyres as we make every other Dunlop article—as well as we know how, and how well that is, is shown by the overwhelming supremacy of this Company in the tyre trade of the country. Buy Dunlop solid rubber tyres—for you’re buying Dunlop prestige as well. DUNLOP SOLID TYRES supplied are 43; Easy Row, Broad St., Birmingham, fitted free of charge at:— (Telephone • 588 Midland.) FERRANTI TRANSFORMERS. Short-circuit shocks tend to move the coils in the directions shown by these arrows, i.e., from the centre outwards. Sudden movement of the coils would damage them. against the girders, and under short- is absolutely The coils are apt to shrink after service. By “ taking up ” the shrinkage the Ferranti patent Spring Coil-clamping Device maintains the coils firmly pressed main clamping thus movement circuit stresses prevented. FERRANTI LIMITED H0LLINW00D, LANCASHIRE.