102 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. January 11, 1918. ERNEST PEARCE & Co Sterling Steel Works, SHEFFIELD London Address—Lloyd’s House, 6, Lloyd’s Avenue, London, E.C. 3 STERLING SUPERIOR High Speed Steel Birmingham Address—14, Temple Street, Birmingham Telephone No.—5879 Central, Birmingham. Teh graphic Address—“ Glacier, Birmingham. Telephone No.—10859 Central, London. Telegraphic Address—“ Dringend Fen, London Manufacturers of Steel, Files, Hammers, &c. ||||i|||>|||||||||||||||||||||i!im| Telegrams— Universal, Sheffield. Telephone— 3185 Central. “STERLING GRAND” J5 High Speed Steel Best “DOUBLE DIAMOND”Crucible Cast Steel for Tools (finishing) “DOUBLE DIAMOND” Cast Steel for Taps and Dies. “STERLING” Crucible Cast Steel for Drills, &c. MINING DRILL STEEL of every description. NICKEL CHROME AND OTHER ALLOY STEELS. MARKS. STAMPS. BRANDING IRONS. of Letter & figure Punches, ffmLossfng Presses. PressttemeP/sfes, ttttm/s, Lfoi/Ltters'Letterst figures. pies. E.PRYOR& SON, Seals. PROTAN For BOILERS. A Commercial form of TANNIC ACID (Containing 48—50 °/o TANNIN). BRITISH MANUFACTURE. In conjunction with Soda Ash Enables the Boiler User to compound the most efficient ------ SCALE REMOVER ------------- at only a fraction of the cost of Proprietary Compositions. Composition can be based on analysis of water. Samples and further particulars from CLEMONS, MARSHALL & CARBERT, Branch of The Yorkshire Dyeware and Chemical Co. Ltd., Leeds* nmBKoaaHnBSHminBaHRHNOBBsuaBBiBBraRDHHBaBffliisi^nRRBHUoan No. 64. Guide Rope. No. 59. Winding Rope. ANNALS OF COALMINING & THE COAL TRADE. Br Post, 25s. 9d. BY ROBERT L. CALLOWAY. Price ass. net. The Colliery Guabdiah Co. Ltd., 30 & 31. Furnival Street, Holborn, London, E.C. 4 ■2ie f?QPF HIGHEST QUALITY STEEL WIRE ROPES In Flattened Strand, Locked Coil and other Special Constructions, for Mining and Engineering Purposes. J. & E. WRIGHT, Ltd Universe Wire Rope Works, BIRMINGHAM. Telephone Central 6914 (3 lines). Telegrams: “Universe, Birmingham.” ROPE DRIVING QUALITY in SWITCH GEAR. 'Ll- FOR EFFICIENCY 3 DURABILITY USE Illustrated Lecture on— “THE TRANSMISSION OF POWER BY ROPES.” Post Free on Application. F^TTONDRIV: \ ■ A ■fr rope jA r Telegrams: “ Kenyon, Dukinfield.’ Telephone: 494 Ashton. DIPLOMAS OF HONOUR BRUSSELS and TURIN. LONDON OFFICE : 95 & 97, Finsbury Pavement, E.C. Wm. KENYON & SONS Ltd., CHAPEL FIELD WORKS, DUKINFIELD, near MANCHESTER. LIQUID SWITCH GEAR of HIGH- CLASS MAKE and GOOD ) DESIGN. WRITE for LIST No. 60 with PRICES OUTPUTS. J. H. HOLMES & CO., Hewcastle-on-Tyne.