90 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. January 11, 1918. Parkinson Stove Company, and Thompson. J. A. Protec- tion of iron and steel surfaces. (19057) Rayner, G. H. T. and P. Valve apparatus for rock drills, etc. (19254) Rees, J. I. Coal saving device for domestic fire grates. (19133) Ross, A. F. Identification device, for fitment to colliery hutches, etc. (19092) Ross, A. F. Means for fastening tokens or tabs to coal hutches, corves, etc. (19248) Scatchard, F. Clinometers. (19151) Seghers, A. C. Multicellular pumps. (19236) Sheehan, W. Petrol turbine. (19070) Slater, L. C. Engine, (19152) Smith, T. A. Turbines. (19153) Sullivan, P. J. M. Internal combustion engines. (19329) Thames Trading Company, and Williams A. and L. D. Appliance for giving warning of presence of combus- tible gases or vapour in the atmosphere. (19168) Thompson, F. Metallic pit prop and connector for wooden props. (19192) Thompson, W. Clinometers. (19045) Twynam, T. Production of artificial fuel and utilisation of peat. (19245) Yourieff, V. G. Preserving wire ropes, cables, etc. (19187) January 2 to 5 (inclusive). Adams, II. E. F. Goold-, Bailey, C. W., Denny, II. S., and Norris, W H. H. Production of ammonium sulphate. (310) Adams, W. L. Internal combustion engines. (152) Aktiebolaget Wigelius Motorer. Internal combustion engines. (143, 249) Ballantine, W. H. C. B. Internal combustion engines. (115) Bell, A. C. and T. R. Alternating current motors. (71) Berry, F. E. Electric transformers. (‘245) Brand, E. E. Channel furnaces. (146) British Carbonizing Company and Garbutt, II. O. Rotary furnaces. (246) British Thomson-Houston Company (General Electric Com- pany). Internal combustion engines. (300) Craig, E. A. Steam generators. (142) Durnau, J. Water tube boilers, and superheaters therefor. (309) Downing, A. E. Internal combustion engines combined with air compressors. (20) Fryar, M. Pit props. (271) Guy, H. L. Steam turbines. (247) Heffer, F. M. Centrifugal pump. (178) Hildebrand, W. Purification of boiler feed water heaters, etc. (294) Johnston, N. F. Liquid clinometer. (26) Knorr-Bremse Akt.-Ges. Purification of boiler feed water heaters, etc. (294) Lucas, O. D., and Martin, H. P. Methods for testing explosives, etc. (195) Nicholson, H. A. Steam generators. (142) Palmer, J. Process for production of basic steel. (162) Poole, W. R. Internal combustion turbines. (29) Portham, R. S. Water tube boilers, and superheaters therefor. (309) Richardson, J. G. Pistonless steam engine. (8) Richmond Gas Stove and Meter Companv. Steel furnaces. (276) Schurmann, C. Rope gearing. (253) Shiraki, T. Feed water heaters. (86) Svensson, C. O., and Wetterholm, A. L. Automatic coup- lings for railway vehicles. (104) Thompson, J. Steel furnaces. (276) 'Filler, E. Gas containers, etc. (202) Wallis, W. A. Reciprocating engines of the balanced tvpe. (92) West wood, J. W. Distillation of tar, etc. (47) Complete Specifications Accepted. (To be published on January 17.) [Note.—The number following the application is that which the specification will finally bear.] 1916. 18182. Wild, W. P. Boring tool. (U2040) 1917. 664. Baldwin, A. Feed water regulators for steam boilers. (112054) 1560. Goodyear, C. W. Means for conveying or trans- porting goods. (112063) 6803. Davy Brothers, and Hand, T. W. Steam hydraulic intensifiers. (112090) 7151. Coles, H. S. Internal combustion rotary motors or turbines. (112092) 7625. Gardner, E. Internal combustion engines. (112096) 7731. Junggreu, O. Elastic fluid turbines. (108667) 9732. Nuebliug, E., and Curtis, E. F. Rotary meters, pumps, and motors. (112104) 11025. Cosgrave, S. A., and Malcast Foundrv. Pit props. (112106) 14981. Kesellring, F. Continuous current dvnamos. (112116) 16961. Moilev, W H. U. Furnace grates dr firebars. (112119) (To be published on January 24.) 1916. 5055. Bhatt, T. IT. Apparatus for lifting water. (112131) 13519. Parkes, G. E., Peel, J. C. W., and Chapman, W. H. Lifting and hauling tackle. (112134) 18306. Muhlfeld. J. E., and Caracristi, V. Z. Furnaces for the combustion of pulverulent fuel. (112155) 18390. Muhlfeld, J. E., and Caracristi, V. Z. Exhaust draught apparatus. (112156) 18480. Holliday, B. Internal combustion engines. (112!6 ' 18485. Taylor, S. Method of and apparatus for compress- ing air or other gaseous matter for blast engi- neering, etc. (112163) 1917. 262. Morris Limited, H., Butterworth, J. A., and Edmondson, O. Hoisting machinery. (112172) 584. Hubbard, W. S. Control gear for electrically- driven cranes. (112174) 1146. Filmer, G. B., and Denton, J. J. Electric furnaces. (112177) 1249. MacKinlay, J. J. H. Puddling furnaces. (112179) 1700. Dexter, F. Fan blowers. (112181) 3254. Riddle, W. Processes or means for removing solid metal bottoms of blast furnaces or steel furnaces. (112199) 3675. Everill, W. H., and Vernon, J. E. Coal saver to be employed in firegrates. (112203) 4804. Brundrit, J. Feed water heating and boiler circu- lating appliances. (112214) 5550. Whiteinch Galvanizing Company, and Ordidge, R. E. Mode of hot process galvanising iron and steel plates, sheets, and the like. (112220) 5719. Woodvine. G. Vertical steam boilers. (112222) 6445. Dragerwerk H. and B. Drager. Inhaling devices. (106611) 10200. MacFarlane, G. T. Winches. (112242) Complete Specifications Open to Public Inspection Before Acceptance. [Note.—The number following the application is that which the specification will finally bear.] 1917. 16198. Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Com- pany. Geared turbine installations. (112123) 17607. Hans Reisert Ges. Process of softening water. (112127) 18249. Nelson, L. Gas producers. (112128) 14161. Standard Motor Construction Company. Internal combustion engines. (112261) 18757. Compagnie pour la Fabrication des Compteurs et Materiel d’Usines a Gaz. Water gas producers. (112268) 18959. Siemens-Schuckertwerke Ges. Hauling or winding machinery. (112274) 18974. Basset, L. P. Process and apparatus for the treat- ment of ores in the blast furnace. (1 12275) 19165. Gaz Pau vi e Economique. Explosion engines. (112281) GOVERNMENT PUBLICATIONS. %* Any of the following publications may be obtained on application at this office at the price named post free. Explosives Act, 1875 : List of Authorised Explosives. (London : Published by HAL Stationery Office). Price 3d. PUBLICATIONS RECEIVED. “The Iowa Engineer” (Vol. 18, No. 2), November 1917; “Gassier's Engineering Monthly ” (Vol. 53, No. 1). January 1918, price Is. ; “ Russia—Britain's Great Oppor- tunity ” (Vol. 2, No. 2), December 1917 (Messrs. R. Martens and Company Limited. 149, Leadenhall-street. E.C. 3), price 6d. net; “The Naturalist ” (No. 732). January 1918; New Zealand Geological Survey (Mines Department)—“ Eleventh Annual Report ” (New Series). Russian Mining Outlook.—With regard to the conditions necessary for the development of the Dorietz industry, a supply of capital is essential. For the minimum necessary development of the area, such supply must be large. At present, for the installation of new concerns and new shafts at the mines now working, for every 10,000 poods of coal produced in the year it is necessary to spend 4A to 5 million roubles. Previous to the war, the corresponding figures were 2^ to 3 million roubles. During the next five years the increased production must be made to reach a minimum of one milliard of poods per annum, although only to take the place of foreign coal, and for the normal increase in consumption : thus for the fulfilment of this modest require- ment we should require not less than 460 to 500 million roubles. Such an increased production is the more neces- sary, as the industrial concerns of Petrograd and the north- western shore will naturally be transferred to the Donetz basin. Meantime, the political, financial, economic, and social circumstances of the present time give no ground to expect such a contribution of foreign capital. But as regards Russian capital, it will probably be directed to the lighter branches of industry ; for example, textiles, chemi- cals, etc. Thus it is exceedingly difficult to hope that the existing concerns will develop : much less then that new ones will be opened. CEMENTATION You Expect to Encounter Water, You have Feeders of Water, Pumps are Required, Pumping Entails useless Cost, Water exists in SHAFTS or LEVELS, It would be beneficial to stop such water, WHY NOT Avail yourself of the services of the most experienced high pressure CEMENTATION SPECIALISTS? As PIONEER of this PROCESS in GREAT BRITAIN successful results can he guaranteed. SHAFT SINKING, DAMS, WET SHAFT LININGS UNDERTAKEN. ALSO DEFECTIVE BOREHOLES AND ROADWAYS IN FIRE AREAS. FERRO-CONCRETE LINING A SPECIALITY. Record of WorkSHAFT SINKING with CEMENTATION - - 18 SHAFTS. _ _ . „ . UNDERGROUND DAMS do. - - 16 DAMS. Albert Frangois, Belgian. _ _ Thomas Blandford. . WET SHAFT LININGS do. - - 14 SHAFTS. ALBERT FRANCOIS Whitehouse Chambers, DONCASTER. Telephone—408. Telegrams—” FRANCOIS, DONCASTER.” 5