32 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. January 4, 1918. OUTPUT AND VALUE OF FUEL IN 1916.* The total value of the minerals raised during the year amounted to £214,034,524, an increase of £43,576,266 as compared with 1915. The total output of coal was 256,375,366 tons, and the value £200,014,623, showing an increase in the output of 3,169,285 tons, and an increase in the value of £42,183,956 on the figures for 1915. The average price of coal was 15s. 7-24d. per ton in 1916, as compared with 12s. 5*60d. in 1915. The quantity of coal exported, exclusive of coke and manufactured fuel and of coal shipped for the use of steamers engaged in foreign trade, was 38,351,553 tons. France received over 17| million tons, Italy nearly 5| million tons, Norway over 2| million tons, Denmark over 2| million tons, Spain over 2 million tons, Sweden over 1| million tons, and the Netherlands over 1| million tons. Adding the 3,661,388 tons exported in the form of coke and manufactured fuel, and the 12,988,172 tons shipped for the use of British and foreign steamers engaged in foreign trade, the total quantity of coal which left the country was 55,001,113 tons, as against 59,951,925 tons in 1915. The amount of coal remaining for home consumption was 201,374,253 tons, or 4-525 tons per head of the popu- lation ; 39,384,879 tons were used in the manufacture of coke and briquettes, and 2,612,543 tons of coal with 10,300,888 tons of coke (equal to 17,168,147 tons of coal) in the blast furnaces for the manufacture of pig iron, as against 37,173,489 tons and 18,754,028f tons respectively in the previous year. During the past 44 years (1873-1916) the total value of the mineral raised amounts to £4,049,472,856, and of this sum coal accounts for £3,441,036,534, or 85 per cent.; 8,715,824,000 tons of coal have been raised in that period; and of this amount 2,127,749,000 tons, or more than 24-4 per cent, of the total production, have been shipped abroad as exports in the form of coal, coke, and manufactured 'fuel, and as coal used for steamers engaged in foreign trade. The following are the percentages of the output of coal shipped abroad in each quinquennial period from 1873 to 1912, and the percentages for the years 1913, 1914, 1915, and 1916.-—1873-1877, 13-8 per cent.; 1878-1882, 16-1; 1883-1887, 19-0; 1888-1892, 21-2; 1893-1897, 23-0; 1898-1902, 25-7; 1903-1907, 29-5; 1908-12, 32-4; 1913, 34-2; 1914‘, 30-5; 1915, 23-7; and 1916, 21-5 per cent. Particulars relating to the manufacture of coke and briquettes are given in the Report; 21,389,363 tons of coke were obtained in 1916, valued at £26,725,482; 16,320 coking ovens were in use during the year; and 1,854,573 tons of briquettes were produced, valued at £2,421,913. Of the other non-metallic minerals, the combined values of the output of clay and shale,* igneous rocks, limestone, oil shale, salt, sandstone, and slate for 1916 amount to over 6J millions sterling. Of the metallic minerals raised in the United Kingdom, iron ore is by far the most important. During the year the output of ores of this metal was 13,494,658 tons, valued at £5,545,072. The ore yielded 4,319,096 tons of iron, or nearly half of the total quantity of pig iron made in this country. The following table gives a summary of the total output of coal from each country of the United Kingdom: — From From m Comparison Country. mines, quarries. J-Ouai. with 1915. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. England ..... 179,727,072...26,959...179,754,031... + 1,698,170 Wales ....... 40,436,815... 56 ... 40,436,871...+ 968,064 Scotland..... 36,094,631... — ...36,094,631...+ 497,775 Ireland ..... 89,833... — ... 89,833...+ 5,276 Total 1916.. 256,348,351...27,015...256,375,366... + 3,169,285 The total value was as follows: England, £134,588,786; Wales, £37,726,074; Scotland, £27,625,545; Ireland, £74,221—total, £200,014,626 (£157,830,670 in 1915). Owtput and Value of Coal (including Anthracite), ARRANGED ACCORDING TO COUNTIES.— (Cont.) Approxi- Total Com- mate price County. nnflTititv parison per ton quantity. with 1915 at the mines. . Tons. Tons. s. d. From quarries: Derby 9,898...+ 2,906... — Durham — '...— 120 — Lancaster 360 ...— 391 .. — Leicester 870 ... + 9... — Northumberland 60 ...— 2... — Nottingham — ...— 625... — Stafford 1,491 502... — Warwick 478 ...- 530... — York, West Riding ... 13,802 ...— 421.. — Total from quarries Do. mines & quarries for England 26,959 .. 179,754,031 .. . + 324... — .+ 1,698,170...14 11*70 Wales— From mines : S 61,399 7 (17 4*55 Brecon ............ 1 518,814*) “ 74,791 17 lr29 Carmarthen ...... { 1,97^059*} + 62'703 { 18 1081 Denbigh.............. 2,662,305...- 29,694...16 4*31 Flint ................ 516,460 ...- 32,513 14 8*16 I 32,383,735 7 , 0*76 Glamorgan....... £ 1,767,574*) + U04U°6-u|16 ir22 Pembroke............ 57,751*... + 1,271.. 16 4*9 Totalfor Wales . ... 40,436,815 ... -r 968,008...18 7*91 From quarries .- Brecon .............. 56 4- 56 — _______ _____________ _________ Total from mine* & quarries for Wales 40,436,871 ...+ 968,064.18 7*91 Scotland— From mines : Argyll, Dumfries, Kin- ross, Peebles, and Sutherland 527,226 .. . + 20,930.. f Ayr 3,907,108 .. .+- 53,137 . 14 0 62 Clackmannan 300,718 .. — 9,227... 15 7 04 Dumbarton 420,425 .. . + 7,774..17 977 Edinburgh 2,569,314 .. — 7,941 ...14 7 21 Fife 7,329,051 .. .+- 173,935 J15 7*39 Haddington 969,274 .. — 38,459...14 4 63 Lanark 15,675,943 .. . + 282,144..15 5*57 Linlithgow 1,661,191 .. ■— 42,645 13 10 60 Renfrew 138,600 .. — 3,801 . 14 5*85 Stirling 2,595,781 .. . + 61,928..16 10*53 Total for Scotland... 36,094,631 .. . + 497,775 ..15 3'69 [reland— From mines : Cavan 150.. . + 150... 4 00 Kilkenny 55,844*.. — 824...15 10*72 Leitrim 962 .. — 738... 15 0’12 Queen's 16,492*. + 5,977... 19 11*00 Roscommon 8,921 .. . + 1,506.. 16 11*41 Tipperary 5,904*.. — 1,691. ..12 8*11 Tyrone 1,560 .. ' + 896... 17 6*00 Total for Ireland ... 89,833 .. -f. 5,276 . 16 6*29 Total output & value , from mines and quarries in the U nited Kingdom in 1916 256,375,366 .. + 3,169,285 15 7*24 Total in 1915 253,206,081 .. . — 12,458,312...12 5*60 * Anthracite. f Included with Fife. t Including Argyll, Dumfries, Kinross, Peebles, and Sutherland. The total output of anthracite was 4,644,045 tons, valued at £4,159,953. Of this total, Wales produced 4,318,201 tons, valued at £3,874,867; Scotland, 247,604 tons, valued at £220,543; and Ireland, 78,240 tons, valued at £64,543. Of the 256,375,366 tons of coal produced during the year 1916, the following amount was exported : —Coal, Output and Value of Coal (including Anthracite), Counties. Approxi- Com- mate price parison per ton with 1915. at the mines. Tons. s. d. .+ 33,829...14 1-18 .4- 30,485... 14 8*58 .+ 102,726... 13 0*78 .+ 5,114 ..15 10-41 arranged according to County. Total quantity. England— From mines: Chester..... Cumberland.... Derby....... Durham..... Tons. 314,004 .. 2,279,295 .. 16,747,857 .. 33,742,979 .. Gloucester .......... 1,712,258 ...- 25,207...16 3’01 Kent ................ 208,623 .. + 50,234...16 0*11 Lancaster............ 21,419,494...+ 14,413...15 0 25 Leicester ............ 3,485,591 ...4. 156,210... 12 11 02 Monmouth .......... 14,822,659...+ 597,864...18 11*60 Northumberland .... 11,244,895 ...+ 201,394...17 8’66 Nottingham.......... 12,347,150 .. + 546,578...13 4*97 Salop ................ 783,971 ...+ 982...13 1*59 Somerset ............ 1,310,727...+ 16,363...15 9*43 Stafford.............. 13,379,257 ...+ 27,886...13 11‘53 Warwick ............ 4,914,105 ...— 40,376...13 4’68 Westmorland......... 941 ...— 190...13 4 0 ) Worcester............ 804,813 + 111,782... 10 5’22 York, North Riding ... 2,014 ■) (9 6’40 Do. WestT ........ 14,696,777 S - 135,241] 13 9*86 Do. Souths ........ 25,509,662 J (.14 1'49 ______________ Total from mines ... 179,727,072 ...+ 1,697,846... 14 11*71 X Both these divisions are in the West Riding.________________ * From Part III. of the General Report on Mines and Quarries for 1916. Edited by Mr. W. Walker, Acting Chief Inspector of Mines. + This figure represents the coal used and the ‘equivalent in coal of coke used. as such, 38,351,553 tons; coal, equivalent of 1,481,498 tons of coke exported, 2,469,163 tons; coal contained in 1,324,695 tons of manufactured fuel exported, 1,192,225 tons; coal shipped for use of steamers engaged in foreign trade, .12,988,172 tons — total, 55,001,113 tons; leaving 201,374,253 tons of coal avail- able for home consumption, or 4-525 tons per head of the population of the United Kingdom. This figure is based on the estimated civil, military, and naval popu- lation for the year 1916. Returns of production of coke were received from 133 colliery owners, comprising 171 separate works, 1,465 gas companies, and 28 other owners of coke ovens comprising 29 works. The counties of Durham and York furnished 63 per cent, of the total quantity of coke made at coking ovens, and 62 per cent, of the total number of ovens were being worked in those counties. Of the 200 works* (other than gas works) where coking plant is in use, by-products were recovered in 1916 at 115. The principal by-products were sulphate of ammonia and tar. The following table shows the quantity and value of coke obtained, and the amount of coal used in the manufacture thereof, at gas works and coke ovens in the United Kingdom during the year 1916: — Country. Total quantity of coal used in the manufacture of coke. Quantity