The Colliery Guardian and Journal of the I Coal and Iron Trades, July 12, 1918. J CONTENTS OF VOLUME CXV. ____ PAGE Murray, A. B. v. Commissioners of Inland Revenue (Excess Mineral Rights Duty) 947 Myers, Rose and Co. Ltd. v. Simpson Brothers (Coal Contract Action) . 799 Naylor, Benzon and Co. Ltd. v. Kramische •Industrie Gesellschaft (Iron Ore Contract) ........................ 186 Oakbank Oil Co. Ltd. v. Love and Stewart Ltd. (Pit Prop Contract)............ 186 Oconera Iron Ore Co. v. Krupp's (Iron Ore .............................. Societe Generale de Chemin de Fer Econ- omiques (Societe Anonyme) v. The Cleeves Western Valleys Anthracite Collieries Ltd. (Alleged Breach of Contract) _____.......................... 393 Steamship “Alwina," Re Dutch (Contra- ..... band Coal)....................... 186 Steamship “ Leonora" (Ship and Cargo) (German Coal for Swedish Ore)...... 799 Trustees of Cwmaman Public Hall v. Pow- ell Duffryn Coal Co. Ltd. (Cwmaman Mining Dispute)................... 601 Letters to the Editor. Coal Control: Assessment for C.M.E.P. 1302 Deputies, The Yorkshire Colliery.....331, 389 Education Bill, The .................. 848 Electricity Supply, National... .........1010 Gas Coal Complaints, Remedy for ....... 848 Improvement in the Head-Dress of Breathing Apparatus .............. 494 Inventions out of the Pits, Bringing..... 953 Magnetic Declination ............1155, 1197 Rescue Apparatus_______.................... 600 PA«E Bede Metal and Chemical Co. Limited... 810 Bedwas Navigation Colliery Co. Limited ... 708 Bell's United Asbestos Co. Limited...908, 956 Bengal Coal (Calcutta) Limited .........1060 Bengal Iron and Steel Co. Limited...654, 1060 Bentinck (A.) and Co. Limited.......... 86 Bessemer (Henry) and Co. Limited....... 344 Beyer, Peacock and Co. Limited .....36, 1080 Birmingham Railway Carriage and Wagon Co. Limited ....................... 344 Blake Boiler, Wagon and Engineering Co. Limited .........................1060 Bloxham and Whiston Ironstone Co. Limited ___________________________ 36 Blyth Shipbuilding and Iron Co. Limited 1158 Bolckow. Vaughan and Co. Limited ..... 498 Boying Engineering Works Limited..... 550 Brightside Foundry and Engineering Co. Limited ..........................1314 British Coalite Co, Limited .................. 36 British Electric Traction Co. Limited ...1108 British Engineering Co. (London) Limited 1210 British Engineering Standards Association 1108 British Expert Engineers and Precision Tool Manufacturers Limited......... 86 British Hydraulic Foundry Co. Limited ... 394 British Insulated and Helsby Cables PAGE International Investment Trust......... 394 Iron Trade Employers' Insurance Associa- ..... tion ...............................1158 Jackson Brothers (Hyde) Limited ....... 190 Jacob and Partners (Port Talbot) Limited 908 T _______________ ' • ’ .602 James, Llewellyn and Merrett Limited ... James, Llewellyn and Merrett (London) Limited ................................. Jessop (Wm.) and Sons Limited ......... Johnson and Phillips Limited ........... Johnson (T. H.) Limited................. King’s Norton Metal Co. Limited ....... Kinneil Cannel and Coking Coal Co. Limited 810 Knowles (Andrew; and Sons Limited...242,1262 T' " n ' ‘ ~ ’ 344 908 394 654 . 758 . 498 810 . 908 1314 ................... British Westinghouse Electric and Manu- ........... Brown, Bayleys Steel Works Limited ... 548 Brown (John) and Co. Limited___________1210 Brunner, Mond and Co. Limited ...1158, 1262 Brush Electrical Engineering Co. Limited 1108, 1210 Bryngrugos Colliery Co. Limited......... 498 Bryngwyn Colliery Co. Limited ......... 602 Bullcroft Main Collieries, Limited ...36, 956 Burrow Hill Silica Co. Limited _________ 242 Callender’s Cable and Construction Co. Limited ......................... 548 Camerton Coal and Fire Brick Co. Limited 1108 Cammell, Laird and Co. Limited___....... 708 Canadian Explosives Limited.........86, 758 Canonbury Engineering Co. Limited_____ 396 Cardiff Collieries Limited .............. 548 Carlton Main Colliery Co. Limited...908, 1108 Carn forth Haematite Iron Co. Limited... 758 Cassel Coal ...........................1314 Celtic Collieries Limited __........... 548 Central Colliery (Bucknall) Limited..... 550 Centrifugal Air Blast Co. Limited.......1314 Child «nd Hewitt Limited .............. 708 Chinese Engineering and Mining Company, Limited ........................... 858 City Tube Co. Limited..................1108 Cleveland and Durham Electric Power Co. 654 Clydesdale (Transvaal) Collieries Limited 1262 Clyde Valley Electrical Power Co. Limited 654 Coalite Limited ....................... 858 Coal and Shipping Exchange Co. (Cardiff) 394 Cocksheds Colliery Co. Limited ........1314 Collis (J.) and Sons Limited............ 810 Coltness Iron Co. Limited .............. 654 Consett Iron Co. Limited................ 242 Consolidated Cambrian Limited......... 394 Cooke and Hopkins Limited ............ 498 Cooke (William) and Co. Limited .......1210 Coombs Wood Collieries Limited ....... 86 Cory (William) and Sons Limited...1010, 1210 Coventry Chain Co. Limited............1210 Craiglyn Colliery Co. Limited........... 36 Crompton and Hauman Engineering Co. Limited .........................________1010 Curtis's and Harvey Limited............ 810 Davis (D.) and Sons Limited ............ 394 Dickson and Mann Limited ............1108 Dinnington Main Coal Co. Limited ...1210, 1314 Dixon (William) Limited .............. 908 Dominion Steel Corporation Limited 498, 1158, 1314 Knox Manufacturing Co. Limited ....... Lancashire Wagon Co Limited ......... Leeds Forge Co. Limited............... Leverson's Wallsend Collieries Limited ... Lewis Speed-Up Tool and Engineering ........... Works Limited.................... 1108 Lightning Fuel Marketing Co. Limited... 396 Lincoln Wagon and Engine Co. Limited ... 498 Lloyd (Richard) and Co. Limited........ 498 London Foundry ('o. Limited ........... 956 London Iron and Steel Exchange Limited 956 Lothian Coal Co. Limited ...............1060 Lowmoor Co. Limited .................. 548 Low Temperature Distillation Limited ... 344 Maclellan (P. and W.) Limited.......654, 708 Madeley Wood Co. Limited ............. 396 Main Colliery Co. Limited .............. 708 Maltby Main Colliery Co. Limited ...1010, 1314 Manor-Powis Coal Co. Limited .......36, 1314 Manvers Main Collieries Limited ....... 498 Marbella Iron Ore Co. Limited...... 654, 708 Marracuene Collieries (Mozambique) Ltd. 758 ™ 1 ™ ‘T ‘ ’ .344, 396 ... 86 ... 344 PAGE Smith (Thomas) and Sons (Rodley) Ltd. .. 1262 So.-iete Americaine de Machines-Outils Limited... ................... 550 South Durham Steel and Iron Co. Ltd. ... 654 South Hetton Coal Co. Limited ........1210 South Wales Electrical Power Distribu- tion Co Limited ______________1060, 1210 South-Western Mining Syndicate Ltd. ... 858 Spencer (J. E. and S.) Limited............... 956 Stanton Iron Works Co. Limited...1108, 1314 Star Engineering Co. Limited..........1010 Starrett Co. (L. S ) (Great Britain) Limited 654 Staveley Coal and Iron Co. Limited... Steel Developments Limited......... Steel and Products Limited....... Stephenson (Robert) and Co. Limited Stewarts and Lloyds Limited......... Svedberg (C. and J.) (London) Limited. Swannington Pumping Co. Limited .... Tar Burners Limited................ Tees Power Station Co. Limited........ Time-Charterers' Mutual Protection Asso- ciation Limited....................... Tipton Foundry Co. Limited ........... Tonglan and District Coal Supply Co. Ltd. Tredegar Iron and Coal ................ Tubes (Equipment) Limited............ Tweefontein Colliery Limited.......... Twin Colliery Co. Limited.............. Underfeed Stoker Co. Limited.......... United British Mineral Oil Co. Limited ... United Collieries Limited ............ United National Collieries Co. Limited ... United States Steel Corporation......... Vickers Limited....................... .242, 956 .... 708 ...; 810 .... 908 .548, 708 .... 36 ...1158 .... 858 ........................ .... 396 1 ............. 908 344 396 .1262 . 344 . 602 1108 . 86 . 498 , 602 . 602 242 ..................................... 810 Victoria Metal Engineering Co. Limited... 1158 Vryheid (Natal) Railway Coal and Iron Co. Ltd......................_______1314 Vulcan Boiler and General Insurance Co. Limited_____ ......................396, 1210 Vulcan Foundry Co. Limited ......... 602 Vulcan Iron and Metal Works (1918) Ltd. 344 Vulcan Motor and Engineering Co. Ltd. 86, 550, 1262 ... 758 .1210 ....... .344, 1262 .... 956 .... 396 .................... Mather and Platt Limited ........... McLean (William) Limited Mechanics Limited .....................___ Metallurgical Plant Construction Co. Ltd. 956 Metropolitan Associated Engineers Limited 858 Metropolitan Carriage, Wagon and Finance Co. Limited .......................1010 Metropolitan Wagon and Finance Co. Limited ...........................1108 Middleburg Steam Coal and Coke Co. Ltd. 654 Midland Laboratory Guild Limited .....1108 Millom and Askam Hsematite Iron Co. Ltd. 1158 Mineral Residues Limited ......... Mining Corporation of Canada...... Mirrlees Bickerton and Day Limited Mirrlees Watson Co. Limited....... Mitchell's Mines Ltd.............. Muntz's Metal Co. Limited ............. Nantyglo and Blaina Ironworks Co. Ltd.... Natal Navigation Collieries and Estate Co. Limited .................................... National Bituminous Subscribers’ Assets Limited...........................1010 National Explosives < o. Limited......... 908 National Metal and Chemical Bank Ltd. 708 New Cransley Iron and Steel Co. Limited 138 Newport-Aber earn (Black Vein) Steam Coal Co. Limited...................1158 New Sharlston Collieries Co. Limited...396, 654 Newton Chambers and Co. Limited ..... 810 Niddrie and Benhar Coal Co. Limited ...1108 Nobel’s Explosives Co. Limited.....1010,1158 North British Locomotive Co. Limited 498, 548 North Kent Coal Field Limited ......... 956 North Lonsdale Iron and Steel Co. Lted. ...1158 Northumbria Motors Limited.......... Nostell Colliery Limited....... ............. Nova Scotia Steel and Coal Co. Limited .. Oakbank Oil Co. Limited ...:........... Ocean Coal and Wilsons Limited ....... ............ Offord and Co. Limited ................ Oil Fuels Economizer Development Syndi- cate Limited......... Ormerod's Tool Co. Limited Otis Steel Co. Limited...........___,__,___ Oughtibridge Silica Firebrick Co. Limited 654 Owen Davies Engineering Co. Limited___1108 Parkgate Iron and Steel Co. Limited...908, 1060 Pearson and Knowles Coal and Iron Co. Limited ........................... 498 Pease and Partners Ltd............1108, 1210 Penrikyber Navigation Colliery Co. Ltd.... 498 Phillips Engineering Co. Limited ....... 758 Plaskynaston Foundry Co. Limited .....1210 Pollard and Ashby (France) Limited.... 396 Powdered Fuel Plant Co. Limited..... 602 Powell Duffryn Steam Coal Co. Ltd. ...396, 6 >2 Pumpherston Oil Co. Limited__________1060 Rand Collieries Co. Limited............1060 Reddaway (F.) and Co. Limited ......... 858 Redheugh Iron and Steel Oo. Limited... 602 Redpath, Brown and Co. Limited ....... 602 Reece (J. Graham) Limited ............ 36 Rhyinney Iron Co. Limited..............1210 Richard Jones (Rolling Mills) Limited...1314 Richardsons, Westgarth and Co. Limited 810 Richford and Co. Limited.............. 654 Rickett, Cockerell and Co. Limited .....1262 Rivet, Bolt and Nut Co. Limited......... 602 " ' ___________ 758 1210 602 Parliamentary Intelligence. Afforestation (Exotic Trees) ............1309 Animals in Mines, The Care of...........1154 Aliens and Coal Stocks................1199 Arigna Coal Mines...................... 383 Basic Slag............................. 234 By-Products.............................1951 Calling-up Notices.....................1253 Canals (Scotland), Ship ................1309 ..... ... Canal Traffic........................... 437 ..... Coal, Coke and Gas .................. 953 Coal Controller's Accounts..............1253 Coal Miners........................... 9<’2 Coal Mines Control ..................23, 953 Coal Mines Control Agreement (Confirma- tion) Bill......................... 134 Coal in Private Cellars................1253 Coal, Select Committee for............ 594 Colliery Returns.......................1006 Dirt in Coal...........................1199 Dublin, Coal in............................... 282 Employment of German Prisoners.......1253 Enlistment of Miners ..................1006 Export Licences, Coal..................1199 France, Coal Prices in.................. 282 Freights_________............................. 234 Fuel Supply (Ireland), The............. 848 German Baron's Coal Store ............1154 German Coal Exports_______.................1199 German Prisoners in English Mines.....1154 Irish Coal Fields....................... 493 Irish Coal Mines___ - __..............185, 234 Military Service and Miners............ 749 Miners and Man Power ................ 134 Nitrogen from the Air.................. 902 _____ Non-Ferrous Metal IndustryBill.....134, 185 Oil, Home Produced.................. 953 Oil, Mineral........................................ 493 Oil Production (Great Britain).........13 9 Output of Coal, 1917....................1154 ..... Output of Mines ....................... 383 Patents and Designs Bill, 1917........... 953 Petroleum ................................................594 Petroleum Bill ....................... 134 ..... Petroleum Boring __.................... 594 Petroleum in Britain_____................ 542 Phthisis, Miners’______‘...................1253 Porters, Coal _________......................1309 Railway Wagons, Pooling_____.............. 818 _____..... Reconstruction (Timber Supplies).......1309 Recruiting from the Mines..............10C6 Releasing Miner Soldiers..............1199 Royalties ............................. 134 Russians in Colliery.................... 594 Trade Boards Bill......................1253 Trade in War Time __ __.................1006 Transport, Economising................ 902 Welsh Coal ......................_________...1006 Workmen's Compensation‘(Silicosis) Bill 1309 Dovey Valley Silica Syndicate Limited ...1262 Dundee Coal Co. Limited ........’.......... 138 Dunlop Rubber Co. Limited............ 602 East Barnsley Colliery Co. Limited ..... 602 East Indian Coal Co. Limited .......... 314 Eaves (Thomas) Limited __.............1010 Ebbw Vale Iron and Steel Co. Limited 1158, 1210 Coal, Iron, and Engineering Companies. Acre Steel Co. Limited.................. 654 ... Adjustable Tools Limited .............. 758 Alabama Coal, Iron, Land and Colonisation Co. Limited .......................1060 Albion Steam Coal Co. Limited ......... 810 Allied By-Products and Chemical Indus- tries Limited... ................... 396 American International Steel Corporation Limited ........................... 86 Anderston Foundry Co. Limited.........1108 Anglo-French Navigation Coal Co. Limitedl262 Anglo-Spanish Coaling Co. Limited ..... 758 Appleby (E. G.) and Co. Limited......... 138 Argonite Limited ...................... 242 Armstrong (Sir W. G.), Whitworth and Co. Limited __...................... 810 Arniston Coal Co. Limited..............1262 Arrol (Sir William) and Co. Limited..... 602 Ashby (H. R.) and Co. Limited........... 86 Associated Tar Distillers Limited ....... 344 Attercliffe Engineering and Tool Co. Limited ........................... 654 Avery (W. and T.) Limited..............1314 Babcock and Wilcox Limited............1010 Baldwins Limited....................602, 908 Ballard (F. J.) and Co. Limited ......... 498 Barber, Walker and Co. Limited......... 758 Barrow Haematite Steel Co. Limited..... 858 Electrical Distribution of Yorkshire Limited.......................... 394 English Oilfields Limited .............. 550 Express Engineering Works Limited ... 498 Farlums Limited .....................1210 Fife Coal Co......._.................. 344 Fletcher, Russell and Co. Limited....... 602 Fortulinium Limited ................. 241 Fox (Samuel) and Co. Limited.......... 810 Fraser and Chalmers Limited .......... 602 French .Iron Ore Co. Limited .......... 956 Frodingham Ironstone Mines Limited...1210 Gas Light and Coke Co. Limited........ 242 General Engineering Co. (Salford) Limited 36 Glencoe (Natal) Collieries Limited ...36, 1262 Glover (W. T ) and Co. Limited ........ 548 Gold (W. H.) Limited ................. 190 Graham's Navigation Collieries Limited ... 602 Great Western Colliery Co. Limited 498, 548, 1210 Greenwood and Batley Limited ........ 242 Guest, Keen and Nettlefolds Limited ... 344 Guiseley and Yeadon Coal Co. Limited... 36 Gulf States Steel Co. Limited ______908, 1010 Gwaun-cae-Gurwen Colliery Co. Limited ...1262 Hadfields Limited..................... 548 Haggie (R. Hood) and Son Limited....... 36 Haigh (Joseph) Limited ............... 810 Hardy Patent Pick Co. Limited ........ 548 Harvey (E. W.) Gas Furnace Co. Limited... 498 Harvey and Mutlow Limited ............... 908 Hatfield Main Colliery Co. Limited ..... 708 Hayes Iron and Steel Co. Limited __.. 138 Head, Wrightson and Co. Limited...138, 1210 ........ Henley’s (W. T.) Telegraph Works Co. ............ Higginson (C. S.) Limited .............. 344 High-Speed Tool Manufacturing Co. Ltd. 498 Hills Estate Limited ................. 86 Horden Collieries Limited .............. 908 Hydraulic Power and Smelting Co. Limited 708 Imperial Navigation Coal Co. Limited...1262 Inman (T.) and Co. Limited ............ 758 International Coal Co. Limited.............. 394 ... 1108 .... 498 ....1108 654, 708 .... 36 .... 602 .................. 708 498 Wagon Repairs Limited.............. Walker, Matheson and Co. Limited ... Wankie Colliery Co. Limited Ward and Smith Limited .... Wardwilts Limited ..................... Waste Heat and Gas Electrical Generating Stations Limited....................... Watson (John) and Co. Limited .....498, 956 Weldon Engineering Co. Limited ....... 396 Wellington and Mackenzie Limited..... 36 Wells (J. and G.) Limited .............. 654 West Butterknowle Collery Co. Ltd......344 Western Wagon and Property Co. Limited 602 Whitehaven Haematite Iron and Steel Co. Limited.......................956, 1108 White Mountain Silica Syndicate Limited 1262 Wicks and Dale Limited .............. 858 Wigan Electro - Metallurgical Works Limited........................... 956 Wilkins (Henry) Limited .............. .............. Wilsons and Clyde Coal Co. Limited 1010,1108 Witchell and < o. Limited ............. 86 Witton (Wm.) Gilbert Collery Co. Limited 1108 Wood (Edward) and Co. Limited_________ 36 Woodward Brothers and Copelin Ltd____ 654 Workington Iron and Steel Co. Limited 498, 810 W. T. Glover and Co. Limited.......... 758 Yorkshire Electric Power Co. (Incorporated) 344 - .602 .1108 . 344 36 Yorkshire Electric Power Co. (Ii .1010 Yorkshire Engine Co. Limited .......... .1201 Yorkshire Iron and Coal Co. L: 1010 708 810 .......... 498 ..........1158 .344, 956, 1108 Robert Addie and Sons ................. Roberts (Wm ) (Tipton) ....... ....... Robey and Co. Limited ___ __....................___ Robin Hood Oxide and Iron Co. Limited... 758 Robinson (B.) (Gresley) Limited......... 396 Rollant Engineering Co. Limited .......1314 Rose, Smith and Co. Limited ...........1010 Rossington Main Colliery Co. Limited... 242 Rowell, Longhurst and Co. Limited ..... 498 Rush Engineering Company.............1158 Ruston, Proctor and Co. Limited.........1262 St. Helens Colliery and Brick Works Company Limited____,............. 956 Scott (Thomas) and Co. (Liverpool) Ltd.... 810 Scottish Iron and Steel Co. Limited ...498, 602 Scottish Tube Co. Limited...... Scottish Wagon Co. Limited..... Sedgley Hall Colliery Co. Limited ....... Self-Centring Expanded Metal Works Ltd. 654 Sentinal Wagon Works Limited.........1108 708 242 498 Sheepbridge Coal and Iron Co. Limited... 138 Sheffield Forge and Rolling Mills Co. Ltd. 908 Shelton Iron, Steel and Coal Co. Ltd. ...498,548 Shotts Iron Co. Limited............... 858 Siemens Brothers Limited..........858,1210 Skurray (Clement) Limited ............ 36 Slater (John) Limited..................... 908 Smelters (Birmingham) Limited........ 242 Smith and Ewen (Aeroparts) Limited ... 36 Smith and McLean Limited........858, 1210 602 Yorkshire Iron and Coal Co. Limited ... Yorkshire Railway Wagon Co. Limited ... Continental Notes. Germany. Coal Syndicate and Settling Price ...... ...................... Iron Market in Rhenish-Westphalia, The Krupp Profits ..................... Maximum Prices for Iron and Steel, Additional...................... South Germany, Coal Market in......... Saarbriicken Settling Prices for.Coal. Siegerland Iron Market, The.......... Steel Union, German ...............1 74 644 74 . 647 . 74 . 285 76 1144 Indian and Colonial Notes. Africa. Transvaal Coal Mining ............. Australia. Coal for Essential Industries ....... New South Wales Coal, Output of.... Output ........................... Phthisis in Queensland, Miners'...... Strike, Losses through __________ .... “ Surprise" by Government, Possible ... Western Australia in 1914, Coal Produc- tion in...................... Canada. Alberta Output .............. Briquetting Scheme............ Coal Shortage................. Coal Substitutes.............. Explosion, Enquiry Regarding . Fuel Resources ............... Fuel Shortage... ............. Mine Explosion ............... No via Scotia, Coal Production in Output Statistics ............ Peat. Experiments with........ Peat, Utilising ..................... Rationing Domestic Supplies .... India. Coal Consumption, Census of .. South Africa. Coal Trade in 1917............. PAGE .. 390 390 701 390 852 390 701 390 390, 701 ...1006 ....1006 ... 753 .... 753 .... 852 .... 390 .... 390 .... 701 .... 753 .... 852 ...1006 ...1006 . 701 1006 _____ Miscellaneous. Alexandria, Coal for................... 194 Algeria, Coal in ...................434, 1047 Ambulances, <£10,000 for........:............ 70 American Shortage, Warning of........1053 American Coal Output... ............1058 Arbitration, Whitley Committee and ...1212