The Colliery Guardian and Journal of the Coal and Iron Trades, July 12, 1918. CONTENTS OF VOLUME CXV. Editorial. PAGE Alcohol and Work..................... 489 Board of Trade, The Work of the........1053 Canals and Government Control......... 490 China, Mineral Enterprise in..........1053 Coal nd Iron ........................ 749 Cdal, Constitution of ................1305 Coal Control Directions, The New...647, 698 Coal Export Trade in 1917, The........ 129 Coal Trade after the War, The......... 949 Coal Trade in 1917, The ............... 25 Coking Practice, Modern............... 385 Combustion, Economy in Coal...........1149 Conciliation and Arbitration..........1255 Disaster in North Staffordshire, The.. 130 Education Bill, The .................. 801 Education Bill in Committee, The...... 949 Education, The Place of Science in..... 851 Electricity Supply, National: A Criticism 901 Electric Supply and Coal Conservation 333 Examinations, Certificate.............1101 Excess Profits, Coal Mines and ...1002, 1306 Extraction of Coal Seams, Percentage of ...801 Franchise. The New.................... 541 Fuel Orders, The New.................1201 * Fuel Problem in the United States, The ...1001 Index, Our Half-yearly ................. 130 India, Coal Control in................ 697 Industrial Organisation and the Labour Problem........................... 541 Industry, Problems of Modern......... 281 Labour Programme, The Fabian Society and the........................... 851 Land, Compulsory Acquisition of........ 593 “ Leonora,” The Case of the......:....1149 Magnetic Meridian, The................1255 Man Power and Protected Occupations ... 233 Ministry of Commerce, A Step towards a... 181 Oil Industry, A New British........... 385 Pit Timber, British Forestry and....... 333 •Ratcliffe-Ellis, Pesentation to Sir T. R. ... 593 Reconstruction, Machinery of......... 233 Reconstruction, Pillars of............. 77 Rescue Apparatus...................... 439 Schools, Compulsory Continuation......1201 Taxation and Rating of Mines.......... 439 Taxation, Local ...................... 697 Thin Seams, Mining.................... 181 Trade after the War ..................1305 Trade, Development of Overseas......... 78 Trade Organisation and Development..... 749 Trade Parliaments..................... 281 Trade Policy, Post-War................ 901 War Cabinet, Report of the............ 647 Works Committees..................594,1101 Articles, &c. Accidents, Fatal, in Mines During 1917 ... 231 Accidents, Mine Labour and............1054 Air, Flow of, Through Small Coal and. Other Broken Material ............1198 Air-Lift, Air Required to Operate ..... 31 Air Receiver Explosions...............1150 A.mmonia at Tar-Distilling Plants, Reco vering ............................1049 Ammonia Liquor and Benzol, Improve- ments in Apparatus for the Manufac- ture of Concentrated................444 Anthracite Culm, Utilising ............ 855 Armstrong, Sir W. G., Whitworth and Company Limited .................... 433 Austria, Coal Production in............1106 Benzol Rectification................... 893 Benzol, Simple Method of Manufacturing Crude Blackdamp, The Origin of.............1245 Boiler, Notes on the Performance of the Egg-Ended .......................1048 Boilers, Gas-Firing ................1097 Book Notices .............702, 858, 899, 1155 Breakers, New American ............. 993 Brickwork, Safe Compressive Stresses of Colliery ........................ 135 Briquetting of Anthracite, The ..... 692 Brown Coal, Method for the Combustion of ..............................1194 By-Product Problem, The Power........ 747 Calorific Values of Coals............ 652 Canadian Coal and Coke Output in 1917 ... 694 Capital Charges Considered along with Current Expenses ..............,. 328 “Carbocoal”: A New American Fuel .... 691 China, Coal Deposits of .............1145 Coal Barge Towing Test, Mechanical..... 433 Coal Cargoes, Rapid Discharge of .... 643 Coal Conservation.................... 545 Coal Conservation and Electrical Develop- ment ............?................ 808 Coal, Conservation of..............793, 845 Coal Control Directions, New ........ 586 Coal Controller and Absenteeism .....1247 Coal Economy ........................ 437 Coal Economy from a National Standpoint 338 Coal, Heating of, in Piles .......... 494 Coal, Micro-Chemical Examination of .1195 Coaling Plant at a South African Cement Works............................ 486 Coal Mines Control Agreement (Confirma- tion) Act, 1918.................. 446 Coal Mines, The Future Control of...... 847 Coal Output in 1917 ................. 797 Coal Production and Labour during the War............................... 849 Coal Production, Miners and.......... 998 Coal in Pulverised Form, The Use of... 945 Coal Researches in France and Algeria. 701 Coal Saving at Collieries by Economical Steam Raising.................... 431 Coal and Shipping:— XXV. Coal Bunkering Craft..:.... 119 XXVI. Patent Fuel .............. 689 Coal Trade After the War.............1303 Coal Trade, Lord Joicey and the...... 756 Coal Trade of 1917, The .............. 15 Coal-Traffic Locomotive, New G.N.R.... 599 Coal Traffic on Railways and Canals in 1916 71 Coastwise Coal Freights.............. 230 Coke as Blast Furnace Fuel........... 174 Coke, Determination of Moisture in .. 590 Coke Hardness, The Importance of .... 905 Coke Oven Bricks, The Texture of...... 640 Coke Oven Crude Benzols, Comparative Values of ....................... 225 Coke Oven Developments in 1917....... 186 Coke Oven Plant at Thornaby Ironworks, New Regenerative................. 794 Coke Oven Practice, Chemists in...... 612 Coke Oven Saturators, Rock Salt in .. 897 Coke Oven, The By-Product, in the United States ........................744, 796 Coke Ov«-n Work, Manometer for ...... 653 Coke Ovens, Hopper Truck for Charging... 135 Coke Ovens, Marley Hill..............1102 Coke Ovens, Preventing Leakage in .... 71 Coke Ramps, Loading Door for......... 944 Coke, Saline Oil .................... 643 Coking Coals in Scotland, The Occurrence of ............................... 326 Comb-Out, Anticipating the........... 703 Comb-Out in Mines ................... 600 Commutators of Direct-Current Machinery, The Care of ....................... 67 Compressed Air for Cleaning Motors .... U 51 Contract Prices During Demobilisation .. 745 Converter, 2,000 kw. Motor ............ 703 Conveyors, Underground ................ 273 Cost Sheets for Mine Managers, Daily... 694 Councils, Industrial and National .....1199 Cutter Parts, Care and Maintenance of ... 31 Denmark, Fuel Exports to............... 641 Diaries and Calendars . ........... 40, 142 Drainage by Air Lift, Mine ............ 701 Drills, Testing and Maintaining the Effi- ciency of........................ 73 Dust Inhalation, The Effects of .......1207 Dust in Mine Air, Estimating Injurious, by the Kotze Konimeter.............1248 Education, The Future of Mining........1007 Education, Mining and, in Scotland..... 743 Education, The Mining Association and ... 954 Electrical and Allied Manufacturers’ , Association, British ............. 600 Electrical Engineering, Some Practical Considerations on .................1094 Electrical Osmosis and Colliery Cables. 641 Electricity v. Steam Power at Collieries ... 546 Electric Power Supply ............. 1145 Employment Statistics, Mining 134, 382, 587, 799, 1048 Engineering Research................... 7-> Examinations, Mine Managers’.......1096, 1146 Examinations, Mining................... 84 Examinations, Mining: Successful Candi- dates ............................. 279 Excavator, Electric Control of a Dragline 702 Explosion, Minnie Pit ................. 383 Explosion, Firedamp, Springhill........1298 Explosion in Staffordshire Mine........ 134 Explosions, Steam Pipe ............... 1297 Explosive, Permitted ..................1147 Explosives in Coal Mines ..............1248 Export Trade, The Coal.................1302 Forestry Scheme, National ............. 73 French Ports, Coal Freights to.....329, 998 Fuel Economy in Engineering............ 337 Fuel in 1916, Output and Value of ...... 32 Fuels, Power from Waste and Inferior... 585 Furnace Gases and Steam, The Utilisa- tion of... ........................ 701 Ganister Working, Regulation for....... 906 Gas Analyses on Boiler Plants.......... 494 Gas, Instantaneous Outburst of Coal and 997 Gas Engines, Power and Consumption of 1253 Honours, Military...................... 391 Honours, King’s Birthday, The .....1143, 1196 Induction Motors, and their Application, Starters for Squirrel-Cage......... 325 Lamp Order, Safety..................... 586 Lamps, Approved Safety ................ 894 Lighting Systems, The Design of Low- Voltage Underground................ 173 Locomotive, Electric » attery, for Stafford- shire Copper Works ................ 328 Locomotives for Scottish Railways, Power- ful Tank.......................... 177 Magnesia, The Refractory Properties of ... 71 Magnesite and Magnesite Bricks......... 534 Magnetic Compass, The Variation of the, from the True North .............. 702 Magnetic Declination ................. 1098 Magnetic Declination at Kew Observatory, Mean, 702, 756, 806, 857, 907, 956, 1008, 1058, 1106, 1155, 1206, 1260, 1311 PAGE PAGE Malleable Cast Iron ................ 124 Mavor and Coulson Ltd., Glasgow, The Manufactures of ................. 588 Methane in Surface Strata, The Estima- tion of......................... 1093 Military Service Bill, 1918.......... 138 Miners for the Army.................. 799 Miners’ Ballot, Government and ...... 598 Miners and Man Power ..............231, 440 Miners and Military Service........... 73 Miners’ Proposed Six Hours Day ......1247 Miners’ Wages in 1^17.............. 187 Monthly List of Recent Coal Literature 189, 394, 656, 860, 1156, 1312 Naphthalene as a Pest Destroyer ..... 701 Obituary, 33, 134, 184, 242, 287, 342, 391, 446, 494, 539, 602, 704, 746, 810, 858, 956, 1008, 1051, 1099, 1206, 1262, 1809 Official Visits to Coal Fields........ 32 Oil Industry, A New British.....377, 432, 483 Order of the British Empire............ 72 Oxidation of Coal, Effects of Low Tem- perature......................... 380 Pen-Hsi-Hu Collieries, Manchuria, The ... 485 Petroleum and Bitumen Prospects in South Africa ................... 178 Pit Props from Scandinavia, Importation of 23 Pit Props, The Strength of ........... 327 Pit Props, Tests of Concrete.......... 954 Pit Rails, Choosing and Laying ....... 228 Pit Timber Dispute.................... 379 Pitwood, The Decay of ................1058 Pit wood and Other Mining Limber ...... 75 Pit wood, The Supply of............... 804 Power from Coal........................ 82 Power Plant, An Up-to-Date Coal Mine ... 378 Power Plant Economy................... 440 Power Plants, Useful Instruments for Colliery ....................... 583 Prices, Alteration in London Delivery..1144 Prices, New Maximum for French Coals, 179, 591, 753, 943, 996 Prices (Pit’s Mouth) Order, Coal........1392 Producer Gas, Improving ................ 36 Pumping Installation at a Durham Col- liery, Electrical ................... 846 Ratcliffe-Ellis, Presentation to Sir Thos. R. 594 Reafforestation, Government and ........1158 Recruiting of Coal Miners............... 535 Refractory and Abrasive, Corindite : A New.................................1057 Refractory Materials ................... 997 Refractory Materials in Gas Works ...... 999 Rescue Brigades, Signals for........... 645 Rescue Stations, Equipment and Organi- sation of Mine...................... 487 Rescue Work, Mines......................1047 Royalties, Imaginary Income Tax on Imaginary........................... 944 Safety Work in Mines, Organising......... 68 Sale <>f Coal, Directions as to 230, 276, 484, 1309 Sampling Coal for Shipment or Delivery... 651 Scrap, Steel and Wrought Iron ....... .. 23 Separating Materials of Different Specific Gravities .......................... 694 Shaft at Cowdenbeath, Fife, Stripping and Re-Lining a .................. 331 Shaft, Repairing a Small Circular.....1196 Shaft, Fireproofing Mine ............. 644 Shaft Signal Device, A “ Responsive ”. 538 Shaft Sinking, Modern Methods of....639, 843 Short Time Working in Welsh Collieries... 290 Silica Bricks........................ 1153 Silica Bricks, Manufacture of ..379, 483, 600 Spontaneous Heating of Slack Heaps.....693 Stokers for Coke, Mechanical .........1007 Stone Dusting in Mines................ 996 Storage of Coal, The Safe ............U'49 Storing Small Coal and Preventing Spon- taneous Combustion ................. 329 Submarine Mining in Eastern Canada.... 381 Supports, The Use of Concrete for Mine ... 481 Surveying, Terrestrial Magnetism in Relation to Mine ................ 1193 Surveys in New Zealand, Coal Field...... 72 Switchboards, Requirements, Operation and Maintenance of Colliery Power Station .......................... 941 Tallis. Mr. J. Fox.................... 228 Tar, Coal, and Chemicals ........... 285 Taxation, Incidence of, upon Metalliferous Mining ........................... 123 Taxation, Rating & Valuation of Mines, 434, 591 Thawing Plants, Coal ................. 227 Thin Coals, Mining ................... 122 Timbers in Coal Mines, Preservation of ... 234 Timber, Pit...........................1098 Timber Trade, South Wales Mining, 29, 81, 133, 185, 238, 285, 337, 386, 443, 496, 545, 601, 650, 700, 753, 804, 855, 905, 1005, 1057, 1105, 1153, 1205, 1259, 1 08 Tipplers, Railway Truck ............... 484 Toluol from Solvent Naphtha............ 390 Trade Policy, Post War................. 898 Tram, The “Bold” Timber................ 797 Transport Reorganisation Scheme, Coal ...1005 Turbo Alternators, Notes on the Mainten- ance of ............................ 741 Turbo Plant, Notes on Colliery ...... 535 United States Regulations for New Coal Mines............................... 70 page Unloading Coal from Car and Barge, American Methods of ...................1045 Un worked Seams, Order Concerning..... 794 Ventilation, Canvas Tubing for Mine 1050 Wages and Coal Prices, Miners’.........1194 Wages, English Miners’ ..........1146, 1299 Wages of Underground Day wagemen, The 1246 Wagon, 120-ton Steel Coal ............. 179 Washing, Coal......................... 125 Wigan Mining and Technical College .... 238 Winding Men, Lift for .................. 82 Winding Plant at Plenmeller Colliery, Haltwhistle, Overhead Koepe.........1141 Wire Ropes and Factors of Safety...... 176 Workmen’s Compensation Act, Some Recent Decisions under ...389, 645, 849, 999 Workmen’s Compensation (Silicosis) Bill... 1302 Works Committees.................1143, 1205 Meetings. Coke Oven Managers’ Association, Midland Section.....................229, 444, 640,896 Coke Oven Managers’ Association,Northern Section ........................... 897 Institution of Mining Engineers 1206, 1249, 1299 Manchester Geological and Mining Society 121, 337, 587, 797, 845, 995, 1195 Midland Counties Institution of Engineers 1098 Midland Institute of Mining, Civil and Mechanical Engineers........... 286, 537 Mining Association of Great Britain, The 851 Mining Institute of Scotland 328,381, 746, 795, 1208, 1247 North of England Institute of Mining and Mechanical Engineers........330, 390, 805,1144 South Wales Institute of Engineers 226, 691, 1099 Current Science and Technology. Adiabatic Jackets for Calorimeters .. 231 Antarctic Coal....................... 231 Calorific Values of Russian Coal....... 74 Coal Ash, Effect of, on the Yield of Cement Mill Potash ..................... 695 Coal Dust, Firing with...............1199 Coal Washing Apparatus, Laboratory ... 539 Commutators, Iron ................... 178 Condensers, Purifying Water for Steam ...1051 Corrosion, Protecting Iron from...... 946 Deterioration of Coal in Store....... 231 Fuel Economy, Hydro-Electric Power and 1199 Fuel, Powdered..................... 1199 Gaseous Mixtures, Ignition Temperature of 74 Gas from Iron Furnaces, The Waste..... 74 Gas, Light Oils from Coke Oven........ 74 Gas Used in Soaking Pits, Measuring Coke Oven ............................1199 Grate, New Universal Travelling........ 1051 Haulage in Mines, Electric........... 998 Mine Waters,etc., Acidity Determination in 539 Nitrogen in Oxidised Coal, Percentage of 74 Petroleum, Fats and Fatty Acids from. 946 Petroleum Residues, Utilising......... 74 Pitch ............................. 695 Retorts, Steaming Horizontal......... 998 Salt, The Dissociation of .......... .. 1051 Spontaneous Heating of Coal ......... 178 Steam from Natural Springs........... 998 Stoker, New Automatic Underfeed ..... 539 Sulphur in Spent Oxide, Estimating... 178 Temperature Determination by Eutectic Alloys.......................... 946 Toluol from Spruce Turpentine .......1051 Toluol from Sulphite Wood Pulp ......1051 Unloading Bulk Cargoes............... 695 Law Cases. Batt, J., and Co. (London) Ltd. v. Coghlan Iron and Steel Works Ltd., Hunslet (Iron Bar Contract) ............. 393 Brown, D., Junr. v. Compton’s National d’Escompte de Paris (Coal Tar Ship- ments) ............................... 947 Dominion Coal Co. Ltd. v. Maskinonge Steamship Co. Ltd. (Vessels in “War Region”) ........................:.... 238 Edwards v. Ton Phillip Rhondda Colliery (Wages of Colliery Youths)............ 917 Egyptian State Railways and Telegraphs v. Watts, Watts and Co. Ltd. (A Ton- nage Difficulty) ......................1153 t Enemy Coal Cargo (Re Certain Dutch and Swedish Ships).....................: 440 English Coal Company Ltd. (London) v. W. J. Ta'em and Co. Ltd. (Cardiff) (Charter Party Dispute) ........... 799 Ferguson, J. R. v. Botterell, Roche and Temperley, and Botterell and Roche (Hugo Stinnes’ Business).............. 947 Hadjipateras and others v. S. Weigall and Another (Claim for Demurrage) ... 856 Harris v. Ocean Coal Co. Ltd. (A Strike Clause) ......................••;••• 238 Lindsay, Gracie and Co. Ltd. v. Russian Bank for Foreign Trade (Petrograd and London) (Russian Currency Ques- tion) ................................1006