June 22, 1917. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 1153 T WLEWIS&SON o AIR PIPE MANV j LX B\tSTON, STAFFORDSHIRE. \ . O Telephone No. 72 Bileton. SCATOSCALO Pneumatic Tools for CLEANING ALL TYPES of Water Tube and Lancashire Boilers, Evaporators, Economisers, &c. Catalogues free on application to— FRANK GILMAN, ------- SOLE MAKER, - Lightwoods Hill, BIRMINGHAM. MEDALS. MEDALS. Paris. Cornwall. Glasgow. London. Newcastle. Chicago. Paris. Cornwall. Glasgow. London. Newcastle. Chicago. Diploma of Honour, Brussels, 1887. STEPHEN HUMBLE’S PATENT IMPROVED “KING’S” HOOK. WITH AUTOMATIC LOWERING ARRANGEMENT, SOLID FORGED THICKENED INNER PLATES and FULL BEARING on SHACKLE PINS. For High-speed Winding and Heavy Loads. SOLE MAKER— STEPHEN HUMBLE. Westminster Chambers, 9, Victoria St., London, S.W. 1. SPECIAL QUALITY. COKE OVEN BRICKS. THE WITTON FIRE BRICK Co. Ltd. WITTON JUNCTION, nr. DARLINGTON First-class Medals— Paris, 1885; London, 1862. “SHELTON” IRON. SHELTON” STEEL (..=.) “GRANVILLE” PIG IRON (7=) STEEL PIT GIRDERS & COLLIERY RAILS a Speciality; also High-class BAR IRON for Couplings, &c. IRON & STEEL BARS, ANGLES, TEES, CHANNELS, GIRDERS, PLATES & SHEETS, STEEL BILLETS, BLOOMS & SLABS. Enquiries to— ———————————— THE SHELTON IRON, STEEL & COAL CO. LTD., Or 122, Cannon Street, London, E.C. Telegraphic Address: “ Shelton, Stoke-on-Trent.” Tel. Nos. 11 and 253. | Telegraphic Address: “ Sheltonian, London.” Tel. No. 886 Bank. SAVES ONE WAGON OF COAL IN EVERY FIVE. NAPIER STREET, Telephone Nos,: 1114 & 1115 Central, Telegrams: “ Shemerco,” Sheffield, AGENCY AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT, 63, NORFOLK STREET, Telephone No, : 2031 Central, Specialities: CASE HARDENING STEELS, ALLOY STEELS, And STEELS for all purposes. Telegrams: “Midcrete, Birmingham.” Telephone: Central €107. The Midland Counties Reinforced Concrete Co., 39, NEWHALL ST., BIRMINGHAM, For FOUNDATIONS, HEAPSTEADS, BUNKERS, FLOORS, GANTRIES, AIR LOCK CHAMBERS, HEAD GEAR FRAMING, &c. Turn your Refuse into Revenue Mix your Coal Dust with a small proportion of Cement and turn it into first-class Briquettes by means of a BIJOU PRESS. Slag and Clinker can be made into splendid building blocks in the same way. SHIRTLIFF BROS. Hampton Hill, Middx. Telegrams : “ Shjrtliff, Hampton Hill.” ’Phone : No. 175 Post Molesey. WANTED. finnin IRON & STEEL, of every description. SI . K fj W COLLECTED WROT. & STEEL, separated or mixed, UWIIH! TURNINGS & BORINGS, heavy, medium & light, BOILERS, for pressure, tanking or scrap. Very highest prices free on rail any district. HALL, LEWIS & CO. - CARDIFF. ’Phone—3245 (Private Branch Exchange). Telegrams—“ Halcyon, Cardiff.” Gold Medals— Paris, 1878; Melbourne, 1881. Telegrams—’* Waggon, Heywood.” Telephone No. 54. T ancashire & Yorkshire Wagon Company JLJ LIMITED, (Established 1862). RAILWAY WAGON WORKS, HEYWOOD, NEAR MANCHESTER. MANUFACTURERS of RAILWAY WAGONS of every description, for cash and on deferred payments extending over three, five, or seven years. Railway Wheels and Axles, Axle Boxes, Cast and Wrought Ironwork of every sort made to pattern or drawings; Wagons repaired; Wheels turned up or re-tyred. Second-hand WAGONS Let out on simple hire. _______________________GEO. H. ROBINSON, Secretary. THE BRISTOL AND SOUTH WALES ~ RAILWAY WAGON CO. LTD. NEW OR SECOND-HAND WAGONS PURCHASED AND RE-SOLD FOR PAYMENT OVER THREE, FIVE, OR SEVEN YEARS. JOHN BICKNELL, BRISTOL. , Managing Director and Secretary. THOMAS MOY Limited, RAILWAY WORKS, PETERBORO’, BUILDERS OF RAILWAY WAGONS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS NOR CASH, PURCHASE LN ASH, OR ON SINPLH HIRN. Makers of Wagon Ironwork, Wheels, Forgings, Iron and Brass Castings. CONTRACTORS FOB THE MAINTENANCE OF WAGONS. THE ROLLING STOCK COMPANY, DARLINGTON, WAGON OWNERS. Railway Wagons of all descriptions Let on Simple or Purchase Hire. Wagons bought and sold. THE LINCOLN WAGON AND ENGINE COMPANY LIMITED, NEW WAGONS supplied for CASH or on PURCHASE LEASE. If desired, old Wagons taken in part exchange. New and Second-Hand Wagons Financed. GOOD EIGHT- and TEN-TON WAGONS let on Simple Hire tenancy, REPAIRS CONTRACTED FOR IN ALL PARTS. John Lodge, Managing Director and Secretary, Lincoln. WILLIAM BIGLEY, Forest Wagon Works, Bulwell, NOTTINGHAM, BUILDER of RAILWAY WAGONS for Cash or on Hire Purchase. Repairs by Contract. Reconstruction and Conversion of Old Stock a Speciality. Wigan Wagon Co. lad., SPRINGS BRANCH, WIGAN. Manufacturers of RAILWAY WAGONS of every description for cash and on deferred payments. Dead buffer wagons converted into self-contained Spring Buffer wagons. Colliery Pit Tubs, Wagon Ironwork Cast and Wrought, Brass Bearings, Springs, Wheels and Axles, Bolts and Nuts, &c., &c Loco and Wagon Wheels turned up and re-tyred WAGONS REPAIRED, PAINTED AND LETTERED. Telegrams—“Wagon, Chorley.” Telephone—Nos. 265 & 286, THE Private 127. CHORLEY RAILWAY WAGON CO. LTD, Chorley* LANCASHIRE, Builders of Railway Wagons, & Rolling Stoofa of every description for Cash, Purchase Lease, or on Simple Hire. Wagon Wheels, Ironwork, Forgings, Stampings, Iron and Brass Foundry Work. Wagons maintained in Repair by Contract or otherwise. H. W. HITOHBN, Managing Director. Telegrams—” Axle, Cardiff.” Telephone No. 628 Cardiff. The Cambrian Wagon Co. Ld. /X DIAMOND RAILWAY WAGON WORKS, EAST MOORS, CARDIFF. RAILWAY WAGON BUILDERS, REPAIRERS & CONTRACTORS. Second-hand Wagons, all types, for Hire or Sale. Smiths’ Work. Light Railway Sleepers in Pressed Steel. Wheel and Spring Repairers. OSWALD BOND, Secretary. Telegrams—" Lockers, Chesterfield.” Telephone—437 Chesterfield. LOCKER’S WAGON Co. Ld., New Whittington, CHESTERFIELD. BUILDERS OF RAILWAY WAGONS, Cash or Hire Purchase. Colliery and Quarry Tubs. Wagons let out on Simple Hire. Wagons bought and sold. Wagons, Tank Cars Ac. Repaired, Painted and Lettered. Repairs taken by contract or otherwise, and attended to at any station. Reduces the Coal Consumption 15 to 20 per cent. Every Ton of Coal saved by the Econo- miser at a Colliery is another Ton for Sale at Market Price. Writefor Pamphlet “BQ” to E. GREEN & SON LTD, WAKEFIELD, England.