June 15, 1917. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN 1139 Commercial History in the Making. A HEW BRITISH INDUSTRY. FELBER, JUCKER & CO. LTD ■ (Engineers and General Merchants, established in Manchester a.d. 1860) in conjunction with the Societe Suisse des Usines Eternit, were the introducers of Asbestos-Cement Corrugated Roofing Sheets into Europe. This new building material rapidly won its way by sheer and obvious superiority over the old-fashioned Corrugated Iron. German and other Foreign competitors were quick to invade the British market. CORRUGATED Asbestos-Cement SHEETING, being made solely for the British market, had the distinct advantage that it conformed to British Standard 3 in. pitch, so that for adaptability in working (not less than superiority in quality) it easily held first place. With the War came of course the elimination of the German article, and the proprietors of “ Everite ” determined that never again should the building trades have need to use anything but a British article. A HewFAGTORY equipped with our own exclusive machinery, which produces the only perfect Asbestos-Cement Corrugated Sheeting, is now oonip]e^e(j jq is worti]j of I10te that this new Factory' is the only one built in Britain solely for the production of an Laniefi&rsiiKit CORRUGATED Asbestos Cement, and without our special plant it is impossible to manufacture a satisfactory material. WAR GONTRAGTS ( Millions of square feet of “ Ev rite''’ have been supplied, for ELM. Munition Works} have taken up the bulk of supplies available, but 11 ____we are making every effort to cope with our private trade orders as well. The output of the New Works will enable us to engage aggressively in the Trade War; also to fulfil all demands for general Home and Colonial business, and to maintain our official engagements with the Governments of Great Britain and our Allies. The unprecedented success and rapid expansion of this naw industry has made desirable the formation of a separate Company, which is entitled BRITISH EVERITE & ASBESTILITE WORKS LTD. Trade Mark (FELBER, JUCKER & Co. Ltd. retaining the sole rights for the sale of the new Company’s productions}. is the only Asbestos-Cement Corrugated Sheeting that has had its WEARING QUALITIES actually proved, whilst its enormous tensile strength is demon strated by the following scientific test made by an independent authority. THE TEST A 42 in. wide “Everite’’ Sheet laid on purlins spaced 2 ft. 6 in. apart, with the weight concentrated on an area of 5| in. by 51 in. in the centre, supported a weight of 800 lb. without showing any indication of cracking or strain. With the weight distributed over the whole sheet, THE BREAKING LOAD WAS OVER 15 CWT. Weatherproof ? Imperishable I Impervious ! Fireproof I Samples and full particulars of “EVERITE” and also of the Company’s “Asbestilite” Slates and Flat Building Sheets will be gladly supplied by Messrs. Felber, Jucker & Co Ltd. Please address enquiries— _______ __ NEWTON, CHAMBERS $ & Co. Ltd., THORNCLIFFE IRONWORKS , near SHEFFIELD. ESTABLISHED 1793. Telegrams—“ NEWTON, SHEFFIELD.” Telephone—No. 2200 (Two Lines}.____ British Everite & Asbestilite Works Ltd., Peter Manchester. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ MANUFACTURERS OF «l OS® ■ PIPES & FITTINGS For Gas, Water & Steam. STRUCTURAL STEELWORK Girders, Roofs, Bridges. TANKS In Iron or Steel. HIGH-CLASS CASTINGS For Machinery and Engine Cylinders. WHEELS BAR WEIGHTS PUMPS