1082 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. June 8/ 1917. CONTENTS. Editorial Articles :— page The Coal Mining Situation in France............. 1083 An Industrial Commission....................... 1083 Articles:— Coal and Shipping .......................________ 1075 Industrial Inspection in 1916_________..........___ 1076 Wigan Mining and Technical College __........ 1077 The Coal Question in France.............._______ 1077 Subsidence Resulting from Mining....___....... 1077 The Davis-Briggs Oxymeter Lamp _____........... 1080 Grade Revision for Underground Haulage....... 1081 Book Notices...____________........................... 1087 South Wales Mining Timber Trade ............ 1087 Coal Controller and Gas Industry .............. 1088 Mining Industry and Military Service .......... 1088 The German Coal and Iron Trades • ___....... .. . 1088 Labour and Wages_______...........................1091 Coal Development in Alaska ..........______”... 1091 Open Contracts ...........................__ - 1092 Obituary____________................................ 1092 The Freight Market____________.....................__ 1094 Government Publications ..................... 1094 _____________________________________________________ Publications Received.................................... 1094 Abstracts . of Patent Specifications Recently Accepted________________.............................. 1094 New Patents Connected with the Coal and Iron Trades___________________________________ 1096 Reports of Meetings :— British Engineers5 Association _______.......... 1081 The Coal and Iron Trades________.................1084—1087 The By-Products Trade __....................__ 1087 The Tin-plate Trade.......................__ 1087 The London Coal Trade _______.................... 1087 Current Science and Technology.......i................. 1080 Law Intelligence ______________.......................... 1087 Indian and Colonial Notes ...................._____ 1088 Parliamentary Intelligence ______.................. 1088 Notes from the Coal Fields .................______________ 1089 Coal, Iron and Engineering Companies _____........ 1092 Miscellanea:— Coal Output in the Pas-de-Calais___.............1076 Briquettes from Ashes or Dusts ................ 1077 Surveyors5 Institution and Mining Engineers ... 1079 Economy in Gas Making __..................... 1081 Coal in Argentina—Munitions of War Bill—The British Trade Corporation................... 1091 National Gas Council of Great Britain and Ireland —Recovering Coal from the Sea—Imperial Mineral Resources Bureau................... 1092 Erratum—Coal in New South Wales—Coal Supplies _____________________________________________________ for Our Allies __ __........................ 1094 French Bauxite .............................. 1096 Royal Statistical Society....______............/... 1087 War Workers5 Committee and Coal Supplies..... 1088 _______________________________________________ Offices for ADVERTISEMENTS and PUBLICATION— 30 & 31, Furnival Street, Holborn, London, E.C> 4. Telegraphic Address—“ Colliery Guardian, Fleet, London?* Telephone-1354 Holborn CONTRACT ADVERTISEMENTS : Prices for SPECIAL POSITIONS on application. Prices for ORDINARY POSITIONS :— Single Column (3 inches wide) : For 52 insertions 2s. 9d. ) per iMertion for each „ 13 „ 3s. lOd. J inoh in d«Pth- Double Column (6 inches wide), double the above rates. Three Columns (9 inches wide), three times the above rates. _______________________________________________ SUBSCRIPTIONS The Colliery Guardian, published at 2.30 p.m. on Friday, can be supplied direct from the Publishing Offices, post free for twelve months, at the following rates United Kingdom _____ 26/- (23/6 in advance). Canada ___________ ... 28/- (25/- do. ). Foreign and Colonial ... 30/6 (27/6 do. ). When foreign subscriptions are sent by Money Orders, payable through the Post Office, advice should be sent to the Publishers. ________ Offices for Advertisements and Publication :—30 and 31, Furnival Street, Holborn, London, E.C.4 Telegraphic Address, “Colliery Guardian, Fleet, London.’’ Telephone—1354 Holborn. ______________________________________________________ Established 1866. PATENTS, DESIGNS, and TRADE MARKS. TT ARRIS AND MILLS, • Chartered Patent Agents, 34 and 35, HIGH HOLBORN, LONDON, W.O. Telegraphic Address—"Privilege, London.’* Tel. N©.—Holborn 2763. PATENTS. Advice Free. New Inventions, Designs, Trade Marks, carefully and promptly protected at low INCLUSIVE FEES. THE CONSULTING PATENT AGENCY (1880), 253, Gray’s Inn Road, London, W.C. TOTTENHAM AND WOOD GREEN JOINT DRAINAGE COMMITTEE. TO COLLIERY OWNERS AND COAL MERCHANTS. STEAM COAL. rPhe Joint Drainage Committee invite 1 Tenders for the supply of STEAM COAL for six or twelve months from the 25th June, 1917. Particulars may be obtained on application to Major W. H. Prescott, R.E , Engineer of the Committee, at the Town Hall, Tottenham. Sealed tenders, endorsed " Coal Contract,” must be delivered to me on the Official Form by noon on June 19th, 1917. Town Hall. REGINALD O. GRAVES, Tottenham, N. 15. Clerk and Solicitor of the Committee. WAGONS. New and Converted 8 and 10 Ton Railway Wagons tor Sale. Apply, Box 6722, Colliery Guardian Office, 30 & 31, Furnival-street, Holborn, London, E.C. 4. VENTILATING FANS AND ENGINES. See Advertisement appearing on front Cover of alternate weeks. THE WADDLE PATENT FAN AND ENGINEERING CO. LTD., Llanmore Works Llanelly VIVIANS BORING COMPANY /mwizww ikOvySSMiles of Borings CoojpkMJg WORK GUARANTEED BORING fob MINERALS, &o. Solid Specimens of. the Strata obtained. Established 1888. Work guaranteed. J. S. DAVIDSON & SON, , St. Bees, CUMBERLAND. “CROWN” BOILER COVERINGS of Outstanding Superiority. 96°/0 SAYING Intensest Heat cannot Impair. SUTCLIFFE BROS. "PEEBLES Bruce Peebles & Co. Ltd. ELECTRICAL MACHINERY Engineers, Edinburgh. STEEL Rails Roof Rars Pit Props Arches See our Illustrated Advt. next week. For COLLIERIES V V and WORKS. TUG* W. WARD Ltd., Albion Works, SHEFFIELD. TRY US. — _____________________________ To GGLLBERY MANAGERS. YOU MUST HAVE IN CONSTANT USE .... __________________ COLLIERY Report Books & Forms WE CAN SUPPLY THEM FROM STOCK at the OFFICIAL PUBLISHED PRICES. ____________________ ______ ______ List sent Post Free on application to - THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN CO. LTD., 30 & 31, Furnival Street, Holborn, London, E.C. 4. RAILS. RAILS. ALL SECTIONS AND ACCESSORIES. Also quantity F.B. suitable for bearers. Sleepers. Timbers. Switches and Crossings. Buffer Stops. Locomotives. Cranes. Wagons. ARMYTAGE & JONES Ltd., Sheaf Street, Sheffield. _________________________________________________________________ Telephone 1005. _____________________ Prices on application delivered any Station, ANTHRAGBTE GOAL for Malting, Hop Drying, Household, Lime Burning, Horticultural purposes, and Gas Producing Plants. Apply, J. S. TAYLOR, 44, Corporation St., Preston, Lancs. Tplectrician Wanted for Staffordshire FJ Colliery, for 250 kw. turbine plant. State experience, wages required. —Box 6749, Colliery Guardian Office, 30 & 31, Furnival-street, Holborn, London, E.C. 4. Wanager Wanted for Ganister Mine. Iv 1 Must hold Mine Manager’s Certificate.—Apply, with copies of two recent testimonials, and state salary expected, to Box 6753, Colliery Guardian Office, 30 & 31, Furnival-street, Holborn, London. E.C. 4. First-class Certified Colliery Manager at liberty; wide experience with coal-cutting machines, haulage, etc. 1 Authority on spontaneous combustion. Good disciplinarian.—Box 6751, J Colliery Guardian Office, 30 & 31. Furnival-street, Holborn, London, E.C. 4. Qeo. N. Dixon & Co., 43, Castle Street, Liverpool, Auctioneers and Valuers, COLLIERIES, Brickworks & Mining Plant Auctioneers & Valuers to the Engineering Trades. KNIGHT & PARTRIEKS Ltd. 27, Old Queen Street, Westminster, S.W. . CORRESPONDENCE INVITED. SALES conducted in all parts of the Kingdom. ____________________________________________ T>ailway Rolling Stock requisitioned by JLLl the Government promptly and efficiently valued by experienced builder.—FITZ H. SEVERN, Parliament-chambers, Nottingham. TXT anted, for Colliery in Lancashire, V y ASSISTANT SURVEYOR; must be competent and accurate. Applicants must be ineligible for military service, or hold an exemption certificate.—Apply, stating age, experience, wages required, and enclosing copies of testimonials, to Box 6750, Colliery Guardian Office, 30 & 31, Furnival-street, Holborn, London, E.C. 4. PRELIMINARY NOTICE OF SALE OF PLANT AND MACHINERY AT CLOSUCHA COLLIERY, PONTYBEREM S.O., NEAR LLANELLY, CARMARTHENSHIRE. John Francis & Son are instructed to SELL by AUCTION, at the Colliery, the following PLANT and MACHINERY, comprising self-contained HAULING ENGINES, by Uskside Engineering Co.; BOILERS, by Sir William Armstrong and Co.; horizontal tandem steam-driven air-compressor and receiver, TRAMS and large quantity of tram rails, stall partings, SCREENS, trucks, 20-ton truck WEIGHBRIDGE, sidings, etc., tram weighbridge, wagon ditto, STEAM PUMPS, by Joseph Evans, Lea Howl, etc.; wrought iron pipes, from | in. to 4i in. ;large quantity stores, tools,.&c. Further particulars may be obtained from JOHN FRANCIS A SON, Auctioneers, Carmarthen; or RODERICK & RICHARDS, Solicitors, Llanelly.. For Sale.—Cornish Boiler, 26 ft. by 6 ft. dia , by Lord, cross tubes, Hopkinson’s fittings, 110 lb. pressure. WILLIAMS & SONS, 231, Rotherhithe New-road, London, S.E. 16. Tip Wagons, 3 ft' gauge, No. 50, for Sale. Apply, HAROLD ARNOLD & SON LTD., Contractors, Doncaster. For Sale.—Manning Wardle 6-wheel LOCO.—Box 6755, Colliery Guardian Office, 30 & 31, Furnival- street, Holborn, London, E.C. 4: For Sale.—A quantity of Creosoted and Uncreosoted Maili Line SLEEPERS, Main Line WAGONS and LOCOS., Siding WAGONS and LOGOS.,Jubilee TRACK and WAGONS.— Apply, Box 6756, ColHery Guardian Office, 30 & 31, Furnival-street, Holborn, London, E.C. 4. For Sale, Second-hand Pumps :— 7 in. DOUBLE RAM, by Pearn, 10 in. cyls. ,■ 4 in. Ditto, 7 in. cyls. ' v 3g in. Ditto, 6 in. cyls. 2 Sets 6 in. Double G.M. Plunger, *’ A ” frames, 6 in. suction, belt-drive. Hori. TANGYE, 21 in. by 12 in. by 36 in. stroke. Large stock of others. Price, etc.— WILLIAMS & SONS, 231, Rotherhithe New-road, London, S.E. 16. AVTanted.—100 Coal Wagons on Hire; W also 3.000 tons MIDLAND COALS. DIRECT COALS LTD., Yeovil. For Sale, Second-hand Tanks :— 4 W.I. open, 12 ft. by 7 ft. 6 in by 8 ft. deep. 1 Mixing Ditto, 12 ft. by 7 ft. 6 in. by 7 ft. 6 in. deep, shaft, blades and pulleys. All g in. plate, well riveted and stayed. 1 Enclosed Ditto, 7 ft. by 4 ft. 6in. by 8ft. deep, i in. plate, with manhole. WILLIAMS & SONS, 231, Rotherhithe New-road, London. S.E. 16.. J. W. BAIRD AND COMPANY. PITWOOD IMPORTERS, WEST HARTLEPOOL, YEARLY CONTRACTS ENTERED INTO WITH COLLIERIES. OSBECK & COMPANY LIMITED, PIT-TIMBER MERCHANTS, NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE. SUPPLY ALL KINDS OF COLLIERY TIMBER, Telegrams—" Osbecks, Newoastde-on-Tyne.” _________________________________________________________ **♦ For other Miscellaneous Advertisements see Last White Page. ________________________________________________________ W (Mimj Quarto AND .S’ Journal of the Coal and Iron Trades. Joint Editors— J. V. ELSDEN, D.Sc. (Loud.), F.G.S. HUBEBT GBEENWELL, F.S.S., Assoc.M.I.M.E. (At present on Active Service). _________ LONDON, FRIDAY, JUNE 8, 1917. ______________________ The London trade is somewhat revived by the steady arrivals of railborne and seaborne house coals. ’ Hard steam coals are exceedingly scarce, and small nuts difficult to obtain. The Controller’s suggestions that more coal is coming into London and the arrangements made with the Coal Merchants’ Com- mittee as to distribution, have given great satisfaction. Slacks are selling freely. The markets are practically unchanged. A feature of the Tyne and Wear market is the improvement in shipments to Scandinavia. Northumberland small sorts are inclined to be weaker. A good demand for prompt parcels prevails in Lancashire and Yorkshire, but supplies are sparingly offered. Midland collieries are working under constant pressure. The tone in South Wales in firmer, but bunkers are slightly easier. A falling tendency is observable in Scotland, where, the market appears to be consistently depressed.