June 8, 1917. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 1069 Dos Spqcxss Tn® A Be®!® “union” brand RED LABEL. Q Q Q Q G O Q |i ‘DELIVERIES’8 ® FROM STOCK o Albert Frost&£° _ HoujzirdSt. SttEFFIELb. Blowing and Exhausting Fans for blowing brazing, rivet-heating, and forge fires, and all kinds of furnaces ; exhausting dust from grinding and polishing machines, and local ventilation of tunnels and mine- drifts, etc. These Fans are strongly built, and run equally well in any position. Il'e have a wide experience in the application of Fans and Blowers, and our expert knowledge is at the disposal of clients. James Keith & Blackman C° Ltu 27, Farringdon Avenue, . LONDON, E.C. 4. And at Manchester, Newcastle, Cardiff, Leeds, Glasgow, Edinburgh, &c. NEW type‘SPECIAL’ PUMP. Reduced Prices. Less Steam Used. No Outside Pipes. Much Simplified. TANG YES LT° BIRMINGHAM. No. 422 D.