966 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. May 18, 1917. Universally acknowledged to be the very best in design, material, workmanship and finish. Our Instruments are as perfect as it is possible to make them. Please send for our “ K. 12” Catalogue, and compare our prices with those of other first-class makers. Stanley’s Plain Hedley Dial. STAN LEY- The Largest Manufacturers of SURVEYING and DRAWING INSTRUMENTS in the World. FUEL OIL for industrial furnaces, Diesel engines & merchant ships. We supply a clean, high-grade fuel oil. Brotherton & Co. Ltd W. F. STANLEY & CO. LTD., 286, HIGH HOLBORN, LONDON, W.C. WORKS— Birmingham Glasgow Leeds Liverpool City Chambers, Leeds WORKS- Middlesbrough Sunderland Wakefield Workington TELEP: 2973 (TWOLINES) TELEG -THON” ELECTRIC PLANT^ACCESSORIES CABLES & SWITCHES. CARBON Er METAL LAMPS. * MARKS. STAMPS. BRANDING IRONS. HASLAM & STRETTON,L, U.W1NDS0R PLACE, . . CARDIFF. . . r*" Brass Labe/s & T/'me C/tec/rs. Sefs of Letters figure Punebes, ttmboss/ag Presses. BrassflaMeP/ates, SPeaa/s, MoMersLetterst figures. pies. E.PRYOR& SON, Seals. »^_II8-II8 ROCKINGHAM ST SHEFFIELD. SAVES ONE WAGON OF COAL IN EVERY FIVE. Reduces the Coal Consumption 15 to 20 per cent. Every Ton of Coal saved by the Econo- miser at a Colliery is another Ton for Sale at Market Price. Write for Pamphlet “BQ” to E. GREEN & SON LTD., WAKEFIELD, England. B“s SUPERHEATERS ir X X-.1 'i X SAVE IO to 20% of COAL. OVER 1,600 WORKING. SlflUCE PIPING INSTALLATIONS. WATER, STEAM, OIL, AIR, GAS, HYDRAULIC. J. W HOUSTON & Co , Partxck Cross, GLASGOW. J. WALKER HOUSTON, Sole Partner. ' Iron, > Steel and # A Me b/ J. S. UNDERWOOD « C“ Cotton Mill Row, SHEFFIELD./ Telephone— Telegrams— / \ 3573. METALLOID. ENQUIRIES / & A Solicited. SUPERHEATER APPLIED TO LANCASHIRE BOILER. •LY,.,r. MAKERS of SUPERHEATERS FOR ALL TYPES OF BOILERS. Experts on Piping Installations, etc. Send your Enquiries to BOLTON’S SUPERHEATERS Ltd. (Late A. BOLTON & Co.) Heatizer Works, Trafford Park, MANCHESTER. Tele. No, 649 Trafford Park, Telegrams: “Heatizer,” Manchester, First-class Medals — Paris, 1885 ; London, 1862. “SHELTON” IRON. “SHELTON” STEEL(-=.) Gold Medals— Paris, 1878 ; Melbourne, 1881, “GRANVILLE” PIG IRON (=.□ STEEL PIT GIRDERS & COLLIERY RAILS a Speciality; also High-class BAR IRON for Couplings, &c. IRON & STEEL BARS, ANGLES, TEES, CHANNELS, GIRDERS, PLATES & SHEETS, STEEL BILLETS, BLOOMS & SLABS. Enquiries to— ------------------------ THE SHELTON IRON, STEEL & COAL CO. LTD., Or 122, Cannon Street, London, E.C. Telegraphic Address : “ Shelton, Stoke-on-Trent.” Tel. Nos. 11 and 253. | Telegraphic Address: “ Sheltonian, London.” Tel. No. 886 Bank. r j.b. TREASURE Er £9, VflUXHfllL R° L LIVERPOOL^ GAUGE GLASS WASHERS LUBRICATORSek L/STS or NPPLNWOr. LASSES PUMPS for all duties. T. SHORE and SONS, Hydraulic Engineers, STOKE-ON-TRENT. ALFRED ALLEN & SON IMIa.lcex'S of UTTJ. • COLLIERY AIR PIPES JSF” and COLLIERY TUBS In IRON, STEEL and WOOD. Lower Gornal, nr. Dudley. Telegrams—“Allen, Lower Gornal.” Telephone—2106 Dudley. WIRE SCREENS ALEX. COUSLflND oSON 3,MITCHELL ST. GLASGOW ALL KINDS OF WIRE ALL I MESHES ■ OF ANY .GAUGE I OF s WIRE