May 18, 1917. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 965 Wood Haley Jacks. Wall Crane. Hydraulic Jack. Heavy Lifting Crab Ask for List No. 28 YOUNGS Ryland Street Works, BIRMINGHAM Strong Wall Crab. Rail Bender. Screw Traverse Jack. Gin Block. Worm'Block. Duplex Punch TUBE MANUFACTURERS EDWIN LEWIS X SONS LTD.. WOlVtRHWTflg. Works: MONMORE GREEN and ETTINGSHALL. LIVERPOOL Warehouse: 58, SOUTH JOHN STREET. Telegrams: “LEWIS. WOLVERHAMPTON." Telephone: No. 1147 WOLVERHAMPTON (Private Branch Exchange). Railway Car- riages, Tram:ars, and Wagons of every description for Hire and Sale by Immediate or Deferred Pay- ments. Ironwork, Wheels and Axles. Wagons for Hire, capable of carrying Six, Eight and Ten Tons, part of which are con- structed specially for Shipping- pur- poses. Wag-on 8 in Working; Order maintained by Contract. Steel Underframe WAGONS. Also Wagons with Oak Underframes Makers of HYDRAULIC PRESSED BOSS and other WHEELS and AXLES. PRESSED STEEL BOGIES. SECOND-HAND BALLAST WAGONS FIT FOR MAIN LINE TRAFFIC. Sole Manufacturers of Dean & Churchward’s “ EITHERSIDE BRAKE,” and Marillier’s Patent “ 1NSTANTER COUPLING.” The Birmingham Railway Carriage & Wagon Co. Ltd., WORKS : SMETHWICK, BIRMINGHAM. Telegrams—“ Carriage, Smethwick.” Telephone—No. 296 Smethwick (4 lines). ANNALS OF COALMINING & THE COAL TRADE By Post, 25s. 9d. BY ROBERT L. GALLOWAY. Price 25s. net. The Colliery Guardian Co. Ltd., 30 & 31, Furnival Street, Holborn, London, E.C. 4 Patent No. 7638, and Patents Nos. 7241 and 17607 applied for. 12 Slower xSTEMILTj s-SMEI SA—. 9\ l8 x JwRAISE, 5 jfrSTEJDIIYj RAISE^H _STOP/^ WINDING SIGNALS “ NON-CUMULATIVE.” DAVIS’S Self-Contained SOLENOID BELL with DIAL INDICATOR. Simple, Efficient, Inexpensive. SEND FOR LIST 41V. JOHN DAVIS & SON (DERBY) LTD., All Saints Works, DERBY; & 17. Victoria St., Westminster, London, S.W. 1 Phone—240 Derby. Telegrams—” Davis, Derby.” ROBURITE No. 3. HELD BEST RECORD To. SAFETY for QO YEARS. ROBURITE N* 4 Is now BEST & SAFEST on the New Permitted List. NEGRO POWDER No. 2 & DREADNOUGHT POWDER Also on New Permitted List. ROBURITE and AMMONAL LTD.. GATHURST, near WIGAN. LONDON OFFICE:—103, CANNON STREET, LONDON, E.C. 4. Telegraphic Addresses: “Roburite, Cannon, London.” “Roburite, Oathurst.” Telephone Nos.: 141 Bank. 9 Upholland.