930 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN May 18, 1917. ______________________________________________________________________________________________ V Tfl M Fl W#<"* O TT< O /Where the Numeral is absent the Advertise- F CF JrB £# IF dEi • ■ F \ment does not appear in the present issue. Owing to the restrictions of paper supply, the “ COLLIERY GUARDIAN PURCHASERS' GUIDE to ADVERTISERS9 SPEC IALTIES ” is temporarily omitted, hut is issued in pamphlet form and will be sent free on application to the offices, 31> Sf 31, Furnlval-street, London, E.C. 4. The Guide contains full particulars of all appliances advertised in the** Colliery Guardian,99 classified under suitable headings for reference. Jkckroyd and BestLd................933 Allen, Alfred, and Son Ld........... 966 Allen, W. G., & Sons (Tipton) Ld.... 929 Anderson, Boyes and Co. Ld........ ......................... Angus, Geo., & Co. Ld............. Appleton and Howard ............ Aqueous Wks & Diamond Bock Boring Coke Oven Construction Co. Ld..... 963 Consulting Patent Agency (1880) ... — Cooke, Wm„ and Co. Ld.............. — Co. Ld......................... 948 Armytage and Jones Ld............ 948 Association of Private Owners of Railway Bolling Stock .............. 948 Auld, David, and Sons Ld. ......... 969 Avery. W. & T„ Ld____,.............. 940 Baird, J. W., and Co............... 948 Baker, John, and Son.............. — Baldwin, James, and Co............ 967 BarimarLd....................... 948 Barns, W.,and Son................ — Barr, M., and Co. Ld............... — Barron Expanding Ferrule Co. Ltd.... — Bayliss, Jones and Bayliss Ld. __.... — Beiliss and Morcom Ld............. — Bennis, Ed., and Co. Ld___________ — Bever, Dotting and Co. Ld......... 969 B’ham By. Car. & Wagon Co. Ld..... 965 Blakeborough, J., and Sons Ld..... — Blakeley (Firth), Sobs & Co. Ld ... — Bonecourt Waste Heat Boiler Co. Ld... — Bolton’s Superheaters Ld......... 966 Boving & Co. Ltd................. — Bradley Pulverizer Co ............ — Bridtre, David, & Co. Ld........... 968 Briquette Machinery Ld........... 948 Bristol & South Wales By. Wag. Co.... 929 4‘British Clay-worker ” .......... — British Electric Transformer Co. Ld... 963 British Explosives Syndicate Ld.... 970 British Insulated&Helsby Cables Ld.. — British Bopeway Engineering Co Ld... 929 Broadbent, J. C., and Co. Ltd...... 938 Broadbent, Thomas, and Sons Ld... 936 Bromell Patents Co. Ld............ 930 ..... Corlett Electrical Engineering Co, Ld. 938 Cotton Powder Co. Ld............. 934 Coulson, M., and Co. Ld............ — Cousland, Alex., and Son.......... 966 Coventry Chain Co. Ld............. — Cradock, George, and Co. Ld....... 963 Cresswells* Ld.................... 948 Curtis’s & Harvey Ld............... — Daglish, B., and Co. Ld...........Cov. i Davenport Engineering Co. Ld...... — Davidson and Co. Ld............... — Davidson, J. S., and Son.......... — Davis, John, and Son (Derby Ld.)... 965 Deane, Ed. & Beal Ltd............. — Denison, S., and Son Ld............ 967 Dexine Ld........................ 936 Diamond Coal-Cutter Co........... 932 Dixon, Geo. N.. and Co____________ 948 Dixon, S., and Son Ld............. — Du Croo and Brauns .............. — Earle, G. and T. (1912) Ld.........Cov i Electric Detonator Co............. — Electric Hose and Rubber Co. Ld. ... — Broom and Wade Ld............... — Brotherton & Co. Ltd.............. 966 Brown, W. B.,and Co. (Bankhall)Ld... 940 Bruce Peebles & Co. Ld.........Cov. iii Bumsted and Chandler Ld.......... — Burnside, George.................. 968 Bute Works Supply Co. Ld......... 972 Butterley Co. Ltd_______................. — Cambrian Mining School........... 948 Cambrian Wagon Co. Ld........... 929 Carbic Ltd........................ 940 “ Ceag” Miners’ Supply Co. Ld. ...Cov.i Ohoney Railway Wagon Co. Ld..... 929 Clarke, Chapman and Co. Ld........ 931 Clemons, Marshall & Carbert....... 930 C.M.A. Correspondence School..... 948 Coal & Ore Dressing Appliances Ld.... Coan, B. W........................ Speirs Ld.......................... 964 Spencer and Co. Ld________________ 940 Standard Piston Ring and Engineering Co. Ld.......................... 931 Staniar, John, and Co.............. 948 Stanley, W. F., and Co. Ld.......... 966 Stead, J., and Co. Ld. __........... — Steel. Alfred, and Sons Ld,......... — Stewarts and Lloyds Ld............ 971 Sullivan Machinery Co................... 937 Summerson, Thos., and Sons Ld.... — Superheat Furnace Co, Ld............ — Sutcliffe Bros..................... 931 Sutcliffe, Richard ................ — Tangyes Ld........................ — Tattersall, A. A., and Co........... 964 Taylor, J. S....................... 948 Taylor, S. T., and Sons............. 967 Teale, W. E., and Co. Ld............ 963 Theedam, E. C., Ld................. — Thomas, E., and Williams Ld....... — Thompson and Co__________________ — Thompson, John.................. 931 Thornton, A. G., Ld............... — Tipton Tub and Tube Co............ — Treasure, J. B., and Co.......... 966 “ Trefor ” Boring & Sinking Co.....930 Trier Bros. Ld.................... — Trussed Concrete Steel Co. Ld...... — Turbon Patent Fan Co. Ld......... — Turner. E. W. & Co. Ld............ 963 Underwood, J. S., and Co.......... 966 U.S. Metallic Packing Co. Ld. ...Cov. iv Universal Mining School___________ 948 Vivian’s Boring Co................. — Waddle Patent Fan & Engineering Co. Ld______............................Cov. i Miners’ Safety Explosive Co. Ld.,..Cov. i Mining Engineering Co. Ld.....Cov. i Moy, Thomas, Ld............... 929 Nalder Bros, and Thompson Ltd.... 938 National Time Recorder Co....... — t ti —.................... Hanley, A......................... 969 Hardy Patent Pick Co. Ld.......... 961 Harling, W. H..................... — Harris and Mills .................. 948 Harvey, G. A., and Co.'London) Ld ... — Haslam and Stretton Ld.......... 966 Hathorn, Davey and Co. Ld........ — Hawthorn, Leslie and Co. Ld....... 972 Hay, H. E........................ 931 Head, Wrightson and Co. Ld.....Cov. i Henderson and Glass............... — Henley’s (W. T.) Tele. Works Co. Ld. — Heyde (John Bennett) & Co......... — Higgin Ltd...................... 931 Hill, W. W., Son, and Wallace Ld. ... 948 Hirst, A., and Son Ld.............. — Hodgson, E. W., and Co............ — Holmes, J. H., and Co............ 967 Hopkinson, J., and Co. Ld......... 939 Horsfield, J. and J., Ld........... — Houston, J. W., and Co____________ 966 Howell and Co. Ld______________Cov. iv Hudson, T., Ld.................... — Humble, Stephen.................. 929 Hurd Coalcutter & Engng. Co. Ld... — Ingersoll-Rmd Co. (Inc. U.S.A.) ___ — Isca Foundry Co. Ld.............. 938 Jeffrey Manufacturing Co.......935, 972 ....... Jenkins, W. J., and Co. Ld......... — Jennings and Co. Ld.............. 967 Johnson and Phillips Ld........Cov. iv Johnson, Wm., & Sons (Leeds) Ld.... — Keith, James, & Blackman Co. Ld. ... — Kennicott Water Softener Co_____Cov. i Kenyon, William, and Sons Ld...... 938 Knight & Partners Ld............. 948 Koppers Coke Oven& Bye-Product Co. 930 Lancashire and York. Wagon Co. Ld. 929 Lancaster and Tonge Ld........... — Latch and Batchelor Ld............ 940 Lawrence Pat. WaterSterilizerCo.Ld. — Lawson. John, and Sons .......... — Lea Recorder Co. Ld............... — Lewellyn Machine Co.............. 948 Lewis, Edwin, and Sons Ld........ 965 Lewis, William, and Son ........... 929 Lincoln Wagon and Engine,Co. Ld.... — Locker’s Wagon Co. Ld............ — London Simplet Engineering Co. Ld. 930 Longbotham, B. H., and Co. Ld..... 972 Lowmoor Co. Ld................... 929 Mann’s Steam Cart & Wagon Co. Ld... 962 Maritime Coaling Administration... — Marple and Gillott Ld............ 972 Matthews & Yates Ld............. 967 Mavor & Coulson Ltd.............. — Maxa Ld.......................... — Middleton, Robert, and Co......... — Midland Counties Reinforced Con- crete Co......................... 929 Neil, J. & J., and Co................ — New Explosives Co. Ltd. __........... — Newton, Chambers and Co. Ld...... 934 Nobel’s Explosives Co. Ld.......... 969 North Central Wagon Co. Ltd...... — Nortons (Tividale) Ltd............ 968 Ormerod, Edward ................ 969 Osbeck and Co. Ld................. 948 Oxley, Thos., Ld................... 972 Patent Lightning Crusher Co. Ld. ... — Patent Stone-dressing Tool Co. Ld.... 948 Pearn, Frank, and Co. Ld.........Cor. i Pearson, S., and Son Ld............ — Pearson’s Elec. Miners’ Lamp Co. Ld.. 931 Peckett and Sons Ld............ 929,972 Peebles (Bruce) & Co. Ld_________Cov. iii “ Perfecta ” Boiler Circulator Ld. . 939 Perolin Co. (of America) ........... — Phillips, Charles D................. — Plowright Bros. Ld................. 939 Porteus, George .................. 964 Power Plant Co. Ld................ — Princeps and Co.................... — Protector Lamp & Lighting Co. Ld Cov. iv Pryor, Edward, and Son ........... 966 Pulsometer Engineering Co. Ld..... — Reddaway, F., and Co. Ld........... — Beavell and Co. Ld.................. — Renton, B. M., and Co______________ — Benton, Holdsworth & Co. Ld....... 970 Riddel and Co______________________ 972 Bigley, William................929, 930 Boburite and Ammonal Ltd.......... 965 Bolling Stock Company............. 929 Boyles Ld.......................... — Russell, John G.................... 931 Russell, John, and Co. Ld........... 968 Sankey, Joseph, and Sons Ld....... — “ Scandinavia ” Belting Ld.......... — Scholefield, Richard ............... — Scott, Walter, Ld.................. 968 Scottish Tube Co. Ltd.............. — Sectional & Plastic Boiler CoveringCo. — Shefii’d A Rotherham Waste PaperCo. — Sheffield Mercantile Steel Co. Ld... 938 Shelton, Iron, Steel and Coal Co. Ld.... 966 Sheppard and Sons Ld.............. 964 Shore, T., and Sons............... 966 Siebe, Gorman and Co. Ld.......... — Simon-Carves Ld. .................. 940 Simplex Conduits Ld. ............. 939 Smallman, J. W.................... 969 Southern, T. A., & H. W. Halbaum ... 948 South Wales Institute of Engineers... — Elliot, George, and Co. Ld.......... — Evans and Dodd .................."9&I Evans, D. Liewellin................ 948 Evans, Joseph, & Sons (Whton. Ld.)... 933 Fairbanks, Morse and Co. Ld....... — Fairclough and Sons .............. 948 Fastnut Ld________________________ — Fell, C. A......................... — Fletcher, George, and Co. Ld....... 968 Foot, Bowland G., and Co.......... — Frangois, Albert .................. 967 Frood, Herbert, Co. Ld............. 938 Frost, Albert, and Co.............. 929 Galloways Ld...................... 967 Gardam, Harry H., and Co. Ld...... 972 Gas Distribution Ltd............... — Gillott, John, and Son ............. 972 Gilman, Frank .................... — Glen, James, and Co,.............. 939 ............. Glover, Wm. Jas., and Co........... — Goodall, Clayton and Co. Ld........ — Goodwin and Co................... 972 Goodwin, Barsby and Co........Cov. iv Green, E., and Son Ld.............. 966 Greenwood and Batley Ld.......... 936 Guilbert-Martin .................. 930 Haden and Co..................... 972 Hadfields Ltd....................Cov. i Haggie Brothers Ld................ 964 Haggie, R. Hood, & Son Ld......... 929 Hale, Thomas L., Ld................ — Hall and Hall...................... — Hamon Brothers.................. — Wake, John F.................... 972 Walker Brothers (Wigan) Ld....... — Ward, Thos. W., Ld.......... 948,972 Watkinson, F., and Co...........Cov. iv Wellington Tube Works Ld......Cov. iv Westminster Tool and Electric Co.... — _________________________ i—“TREFOR”—] BORING AND SINKING CO., Contractors for Deep Borings and Pit Sinkings all over the World. ______ Bank Chambers, 329, High Holborn, LONDON, W.C. GUILBERT-MARTIN, 9, Edmund Place, ALDERSGATE, LONDON, E.C.l Telephone—2799 Central. Telegrams—“ Photophore, London.” “Bep cop” Gfll/CE QL6SSES Showing through the water a broad, rich, red line, thus ren- dering the level very distinct. A large stock always on hand. I ^Trape4* Titan” Mark I GqUce Glasses For high pressure, and to withstand extreme variations of temperature. Are not affected by draughts or sea-spray. All glasses have fire-polished ends ,of a deep claret tint. LANCASHIRE BOILER fitted with SIMPLET CIRCULATOR. For further particulars of the above, apply . 10%to15% MORE STEAM ' OR 5%to8%SAVINGinFUEL Rs THE LONDON SIMPLET ENGINEERING CO. LTD., ______ _________ - 20, CULLUM STREET, ---- FENCHURCH STREET, LONDON, E.C. Whitecross Co. Ld. ............Cov. iv Whittaker, C., and Co. Ld........Cov. i Wholesale Electrical Co. Ld...... 948 Wigan Wagon Co. Ld............. 929 Wild, M. B., and Co. Ld........... 937 Wildsmith, Jonas................. 972 Willcox, W. H., and Co. Ld........ 964 Witton Fire Brick Co. Ld.......... — Wood, Hugh, and Co. Ld........935,972 Wood, John, and Sons Ld.......... 970 Woodite Co...................... — Wootton Brothers Ld............. 963 Worsley Mesnes Ironworks Ld...... 931 Wright, J. & E , Ltd.............. 938 Wright’s Forge & Engineering Co. Ld. — Yeadon, Son and Co............... 948 Youngs.......................... 965 THE KOPPERS’ PATENT BYE-PRODUCT COKE OVENS AND NEW SYSTEM OF RECOVERING THE BYE-PRODUCTS GIVE RESULTS WHICH HAVE NEVER BEEN EQUALLED BY ANY OTHER SYSTEM. See large advertisement appearing in alternate issues of this Journal. All communications to be addressed to— THE KOPPERS’ COKE OVEN & BY-PRODUCT CO., 301, Glossop Road, Sheffield. Tel. No. 1935. Tel. Address—“ Koclis, Sheffield." ______________________________________________ PROTAN For BOILERS. 55 ■ A Commercial form of TANNIC ACID (Containing 48—50 °/o TANNIN). BRITISH MANUFACTURE. In conjunction with Soda Ash Enables the Boiler User to compound the most efficient _____ ____ ---- SCALE REMOVER ------------- at only a fraction of the cost of Proprietary Compositions. Composition can toe based on analysis of water. Samples and further particulars from CLEMONS, MARSHALL & CARBERT, Branch of The Yorkshire Dyeware and Chemical Co. Ltd., Leeds. __________ I c aqr .. CURE Leaking Valves by using the SIMPLEX PATENT VALVE- RESEATER. SIMPLE. RELIABLE. CHEAP. FOR ALL VALVES UP TO IS INCHES. Write for List. BROMELL PATENTS C° LP 62, Robertson St., Glasgow; 12, Bath St., Liverpool. ^gley I ,N ^RAILWAY WAGONS) OF AIL DESCRIPTIONS FOR CASH OR PURCHASE LEASE FOR 3,5,7or IO YEARS. CONTRACTOR FOR MAINTENANCE&-REPAIRS OF RAILWAY ROLLING STOCK . WAGONS LET ON SIMPLE HIRE./