702 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN April 13, 1917. _______________________________________________ INDEX TO ADVERTISERS (Where the Numeral is absent the Advertise- ment does not appear in the present issue. Owing to the restrictions of paper supply, the “ COLLIERY GUARDIAN PURCHASERS' GUIDE to ADVERTISERS' SPECIALTIES" is temporarily omitted, but is issued In pamphlet form and will be sent free on application to the offices, 30 & 31, Furnival-street, London, E.C. 4. Thz Guide contains full particulars of all appliances advertised in the *• Colliery Guardian," classified under suitable headings for reference. Ackroyd and Best Ld............... 705 Allen, Alfred, and Son Ld.......... 744 Allen, W. G., & Sons (Tipton) Ld.... 710 Anderson, Boyes and Co. Ld.....Cov. iii Angus, Geo., & Co. Ld___/.......... 745 Appleton and Howard ............. 712 Aqueous Wks & Diamond Kock Boring Co. Ld.......................... — Armytage and Jones Ld............ 722 Auld. David, and Sons Ld........... — Avery. W. &T., Ld................. — Baird, J. W.. and Co................ 722 Baker, John, and Son.............. 704 Baldwin, James, and Co............ — Barimar Ld........................ — Barns, W., and Son .............Cov. iv Barr, M.. and Co. Ld............... 746 Barron Expanding Ferrule Co. Ltd.... 737 Bayliss, Jones and Bayliss Ld....... 702 Beiliss and Morcom Ld............. 710 Bennis, Ed., and Co. Ld............ 707 Bever, Dorling and Co. Ld.......... — B’ham Ky. Car. & Wagon Co. Ld..... — Blakeborough, J., and Sons Ld...... 745 Blakeley (Firth), Sons & Co. Ld..... — Bonecourt Waste Heat Boiler Co. Ld .. .714 Bolton’s Superheatei s Ld.......... 747 Boving & Co. Ltd.................. 735 Bradley Pulverizer Co ............. 707 Bridge, David, &Co. ihd............ 747 Briquette Machinery Ld............ — Bristol & South Wales By. Wag. Co.... 701 British Electric Transformer Co. Ld... — British Explosives Syndicate Ld..... 744 British Insulated & Helshy Cables Ld.. — British Ropeway Engineering Co Ld... 703 Broadbent, Thomas, and Sons Ld... — Bromell Patents Co. Ld..........Cov. iv Broom and Wade Ld............... 739 Brotherton & Co. Ltd.............. 713 Brown, W. B.,and Co.(Bankhall)Ld... 702 Bruce Peebles & Co. Ld............. 722 Bumsted and Chandler Ld__________ - Burnside, George______................ 747 Bute Works Supply Co. Ld.......... 748 Butterley Co. Ltd.................. — Cambrian Mining School........... — Cambrian Wagon Co. Ld............ 701 Carbic Ltd........................ — uoppee uo. ivrreat joriuam; uu...... ..... Corlett Electrical Engineering Co, Ld. — Cotton Powder Co. Ld.............. — Coulson, M., and Co. Ld............ 743 Cousland, Alex., and Son........... — Coventry Chain Co. Ld.............. — Cradock, George, and Co. Ld........ 746 Cresswells’ Ld...................... 738 Curtis’s & Harvey Ld................ — Daglish, B., and Co. Ld............. — Davenport Engineering Co. Ld...... 706 Davidson and Co. Ld............... 713 Davidson, J. S., and Son........... 722 Davis, John, and Son (Derby Ld.)... 741 Deane, Ed. & Beal Ltd.............. 738 Denison, S., and Son Ld............ — Dexina Ld......................... 709 Diamond Coal-Cutter Co............ 704 Dixon, Geo. N., and Co............. 722 Dixon, S., and Son Ld.............. — Du Croo and Brauns ............... 703 Earle, G. and T. (1912) Ld........... — Electric Hose and Rubber Co. Ld. ... 739 Elliot, George, and Co. Ld......Cov. ii Evans and Dodd ................ 710 Evans, D. Llewellin.............. 744 Evans, Joseph, ASons(Whton. Ld.)... — Fairbanks, Morse and Co. Ld....... 701 Fairclough and Sons ............. 748 Fastnut Ld..................... 739 Fell, C. A............................. 714 Fletcher, George, and Co. Ld......Cov. i Foot, Bowland G„ and Co............ 745 Frangois. Albert ............. Frood, Herbert, Co. Ld....... Frost, Albert, and Co......... Galloways Ld................. Gardam, Harry H., and Co. Ld. Gas Distribution Ltd.......... Gillott, John, and Son ....... Gilman, Frank ............... .... 743 .... 707 .... 707 .... 702 .... 748 .... 714 .708, 748 .... 701 “ Ceag” Miners’ Supply Co. Ld. ...Cov.ii Chapman, Wm., & Co.............. 722 Ghorley Railway Wagon Co. Ld..... 701 Clarke, Chapman and Co. Ld....... — Clemons, Marshall & Carbert....... — C.M. A. Correspondence School..... — Coan, B. W....................... 704 Coates and Co. (Sheffield) Ltd...... — Coke Oven Construction Co. Ld..... 737 Consulting Patent Agency (1880) ... 722 Cooke, Wm., and Co. Ld........... 703 Glover, Wm. Jas., and Co........... 714 Goodall, Clayton and Co. Ld. ...Cov. i, 747 Goodwin ana. Co.................... 748 Goodwin, Barsby and Co........... 704 Gosforth Foundry Co. Ld........... 704 Green, E., and Son Ld.............. 746 Greenwood and Batley Ld.......... — Guilbert-Martin .................. — Haden and Co...................... 748 Hadfields Ltd...................... - Haggie Brothers Ld................ — Haggie, B. Hood, A Son Ld......... — Hale, Thomas L., Ld............... — Hall and Hall ................._ Cov. ii Hamon Brothers.................. ...................... Hanley, A......................... 746 Hardy Patent Pick Co. Ld.....Cov. i, 740 Harling, W. H..................... 737 Harris and Mills .................. 722 Harvey, G. A., and Co. London) Ld Cov i. Haslam and Stretton Ld............ - Hathorn, Davey and Co. Ld.......Cov. i Hawthorn, Leslie and Co. Ld........ 748 Hay, H. E......................... — Head, Wrightaon and Co. Ld....... 711 Henderson and Glass ...........Cov. ii Henley’s (W. T.) Tele, Works Co. Ld. — Heyde (John Bennett) A Co......... 746 Higgin Ltd........................ — Hill, W. W., Son, and Watkce Ld. ... 746 Hirst, A., and Son Ld.............. — Hodgson, E. W., and Co............ 744 Holmes, J. H., and Co.............. — Hopkinson, J., and Co. Ld......... 713 Horsfield, J. and J., Ld............ 703 Hcust n, J. W., and Co. ___________702 Howell and Co. Ld...............Cov. ii Hudson, T„ Ld.................... 701 Humble, Stephen.................. 701 Hurd Coalcutter A Engng. Co. Ld... — lugersoll-Rind Co. (Inc. U.S.A.) ___ — Isca Foundry Co. Ld............... 710 Jeffrey Manufacturing Co ...748. Cov. iii Jenkins, W. J., and Co. Ld........Cov. i Jennings and Co. Ld............... 704 Johnson and Phillips Ld.........Cor. iv Johnson, Wm., A Sons (Leeds) Ld.... 745 Keith, James, A Blackman Co. Ld. ... 709 Kennicott Water Softener Co....... — Kenyon, William, and Sons Ld...... — Knight & Partners Ld______________ 722 Koppers Coke Oven A Bye-Product Co. 743 Lancashire and York. Wagon Co.Ld. 701 Lancaster and Tonge Ld..........Cov. i Latch and Batchelor Ld............ — Lawrence Pat. WaterSterilizer Co.Ld. 722 Lawson, John, and Sons ........... 712 Lea Becorder Co. Ld.................... 745 Lewellyn Machine Co.............. 710 Lewis, Edwin, and Sons ........... 738 Lewis, William, and Son ........... 701 Lincoln Wagon and Engine Co. Ld.... 701 Locker’s Wagon Co. Ld............ 701 Longbotham, B. H., and Co. Ld..... 748 Lowmoor Co. Ld................... — Luhrig Coal A Ore Dress. App. Ld. ... 704 Mann's Steam Cart A Wagon Co. Ld... Maritime Coaling Administration___722 Marple and Gillott Ld.......... 714,748 Matthews A Yates Ld............... — Mavor A Coulson Ltd....................Cov. i Maxa Ld.......................... — Middleton, Eobert, and Co.......... — Midland Counties Beinforced Con- ......... crete Co......................... 701 Miners’ Safety Explosive Co. Ld.___ — Mining Engineering Co. Ld......... 733 Moy, Thomas, Ld.................. 701 Nalder Bros, and Thompson Ltd.... — National Time Becorder Co............... 703 Naylor, J. H...................................... 744 Neil, J. A J., and Co.......................... 737 N ew Explosives Co. Ltd.................... — Newton, Chambers and Co. Ld.......... 744 Nobel’s Explosives Co. Ld................. 742 North Central Wagon Co. Ltd........... 742 Nortons (Tividale) Ltd...................... 738 Ormerod, Eaward ........................... — Osbeck and Co. Ld............................. 722 Oxley, Thos., Ld_________________________ 739.748 Patent Lightning Crusher Co. Ld. Cor.iv Patent Stone-dressing Tool Co. Ld,... 702 Pearn, Frank, and Co. Ld.................. — Pearson, S.» and Son Ld.................... 74S Pearson’s Elec. Miners’ Lamp Co. Ld.. — Peckett and Sons Ld................... 702,748 Peebles (Bruce) A Co. Ld................... 722 “ Perfects ” Boiler Circulator Ld. . 713 Perolin Co. (of America) .................. — Phillips, Charles D............................ — Plowright Bros. Ld........................... 713 Porteus, George ____________................ — Power Plant Co. Ld........................... 703 Pratchitt Brothers........................... — Princeps and Co................................. 712 Protector Lamp A Lighting Co. Ld Cov. iv Pryor, Edward, and Son .................. — Pulsometer Engineering Co. Ld. ...Cov.i Pyrene Co. Ld.................................. — Beddaway, F., and Co. Ld................. 739 Reavell and Co. Ld............................ 714 Benton, B. M., and Co....................... — Beaton, Holdsworth A Co. Ld........... — Biddel and Co.................................... 748 Bigley, William .............................. 701 Boburite and Ammonal Ltd............... — Bolling Stock Company..................... 701 Boyles Ld.......................................... — Bussell, John G................................. — Bussell, John, and Co. Ld................. — Sankey, Joseph, and Sons Ld............746 “ Scandinavia ” Belting Ld................ 702 Scholefield. Richard ........................ 743 Scott, Walter, Ld.............................. 741 Scottish Tube Co. Ltd...................Cov. iv Sectional A Plastic Boiler CoveringCo. 703 Stieth’d A Rotherham Waste PaperCo. 722 Shelton, Iron, Steel and Coal Co. Ld,... 746 Sheppard and Sons Ld....................... 712 Shore, T., and Sons........................... — Siebe, Gorman and Co. Ld................. 714 Simon-Carves Ld................................ — Simplex Conduits Ld, ..................... — Smallman, J. W................................. 747 Southern,T. A., A H. W.Halbaum ... 748 South Wales Institute of Engineers .. — Speirs Ld........................................... — Spencer and Co. Ld........................... — Spencer, James, and Co..................... — Standard Piston Bing and Engineering Co. Ld........................Cov. iv Staniar, John, and Co.............. 701 Stanley, W. F., and Co. Ld.......... — Stead, J., and Co. Ld............... 744 Steel. Alfred, and Sons Ld,.........'701 Stewarts and Lloyds Ld...........Cov. i Sullivan Machinery Co..........___ — Summerson, Thos., and Sons Ld..... 744 Superheat Furnace Co, Ld__________ 706 Sutcliffe Bros...................... 722 Sutcliffe, Richard ................. 707 Tangyes Ld........................ 709 Tatteisall, A. A , and Co............ — Taylor, S. T., and Sons............. — Teale, W. E., and Co. Ld..........Cov, i Theedam, E. C., Ld................. 739 Thomas, E., and Williams Ld....... 746 Thompson and Co.................. 746 Thompson, John.................. 703 Thornton, A. G., Ld................ — Tipton Tub and Tube Co............ — Treasure, J. B., and Co............. 744 “ Trefor ” Boring A Sinking Co..... — Tribe and Astin....................___ — Trier Bros. Ld..................... 704 Trussed Concrete Steel Co. Ld...... 705 Turbon Patent Fan Co. Ld.......... 744 'J urner, E. W, A Co. Ld............ 737 Underwood, J. S., and Co........... 701 U.S. Metallic Packing Co. Ld...... — Universal Mining School........... 748 Vivian’s Boring Co................. 722 Waddle Patent Fan A Engineering Co. Ld.................. ............................ 722 Wako, John F...................... — Walker Brothers (Wigan) Ld....... 747 Ward, Thos. W., Ld............ 722,748 Watkinson, F., and Co............Cov. ii Watson, Jas. B.. and Sons ......... — Welle, A. C,, and Co................ — Wellington Tube Works Ld. ....... — Westm nster Tool and Electric (. o.... 737 Whitecross Co. Ld. .............Cov. iv Whittaker, C., and Co. Ld__________ — Wholesale Electrical Co. Ld......Cov.ii Wigan Wagon Co. Ld............... 701 Wild, M. B., and Co. Ld............ - Wildemith, Jonas.................. — Willcox, W. H., and Co. Ld......... 737 Witton Fire Brick Co. Ld........... 701 Wood, Hugh, and Co. Ld.....748, Cov. iii Wood, John, and Sons Ld........... 712 Woodite Co........................ 737 Wootton Brothers Ld. ............. — Worsley Mesnes Ironworks Ld...... — Wright, J. A E , Ltd............... — Wright’s Forge A Engineering Co. Ld. 707 Yeadon, Son and Co.............. 745 Youngs............................ — ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Let us quote you for WIRE ROPES For all kinds of Machines. W. B. BROWN & CO. (BANKHALL) LTD Globe Works, Liverpool. Telephones—213 Sf 445 Bootle, Telegram,—" TIRES, LIVERPO9E.” ACENTS FOR YORKS, NOTTS, DERBY and LEICESTER- Telephone—Central 285. YEADON, SON & CO., ALBION PLACE, LEEDS. ENGINEERS’ HAMMERS & CHISELS, Small Forgings, Castings in — Lead, Copper & Brass. — _______________________ PECKETT & SONS Ltd., Bristol Speciallty-TANK LOCOMOTIVES. Locos, of various sizes specially designed for Collieries, Ironworks, Contractors, Ac. always in progress for Early Delivery. _____ Photographs, Prices and Specifi- cations on application. _______ Telegraphic Address—° Peckett, Bristol.” Telephone—No. 6 Fishponds. _____ ESTABLISHED 1864. The Patent Stone-dressing Tool Cold. Wicker Lane, SHEFFIELD. _____________________________ PIPING INSTALLATIONS, WATER, STEAM, OIL, AIR, GAS, HYDRAULIC. J. W. HOUSTON Vfc Co , Partick Cross, GLASGOW J. WALKER HOUSTON, Sole Partner. _____________________________ RAVI ICQ JONES & BAYLISS On 1 LIOOj MFHS-0F ltd. iron FENCING, GATES, &c. GALLOWAYS LIMITED, MANCHESTER. PATENT DROP-PISTON VALVE ENGINE. ENGINES; BOILERS FOR COLLIERIES, STEELWORKS, FACTORIES, PUMPING, &C. Write for Particulars. ___________________ PATENT REINFORCED CABLE SLINGS 5MALLWARE DE±T ‘SCANDINAVIA- BELTING LTD 59. SOUTHWARK ST LONDON. 5.E.1, o PHONE- 0 979. Central. GRAMS - Scandinavia.Boroh LpNDON. RAILWAY AND TRAMWAY FASTENINGS. BLACK BRIGHT Unclimloable RAILINGS. AND BOLTS CHILLED & CRAIN ROLLS & IRON CASTINGS up to 20 TONS. Also IRON and STEEL BARS (Numerous Sections). CATALOGUES FREE. WOLVERHAMPTON, and 139 & 141 Cannon Street, LONDON1 E.C. Pleasj mention this Journal,