556 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. March 16, 1917. Telegraphic Address. “YEADON, LEEDS." Telephone : 28S LEEDS. YEADONS’ Briquette Machinery for utilising small coal, coke, lignite, SAWDUST, IRON, COPPER & OTHER ORES, &c. WHY have we received MORE ORDERS for BRIQUETTE MACHINERY in the last 18 MONTHS than ALL OTHER BRITISH MAKERS COMBINED? FOR THE FOLLOWING REASONS 1. Because we use our own Original Designs throughout. 2. Because we have had 40 Years’ Practical Experience in Construction, Erection, and Working Briquette Machinery in all parts of the World. 3. Because our Briquette Machinery is acknowledged to be the Best for Satisfactory Efficiency and Durability. 4. Because we have Supplied our Briquette Machinery to customers in England, Scotland, Ireland, Wales, France, Belgium, Holland, Russia, Norway, Serbia, Sardinia, Italy, Spain, Turkestan, India, Assam, China, Japan, Canada, United States, Brazil, Bolivia, Argentine, S. Africa, New S. Wales, Queensland, & New Zealand. For Specifications, Prices, and Full Particulars, apply to — YEADON, SON & 00., Albion Place, LEEDS, England. Automntio Detachment. The 1911 lever has large lateral stops and s wedge-shaped head. Drop-forged shells (two sizes), levers (foui sizes), catches and couplings. SMALLMAN patent HAULAGE CLIPS. New Models Nine Sizes. Patented 1902, 1906 and 1910. "WIRE ROPES YOU SHOULD GO TO GEO. CRADOCK The Home of Wire Ropes, WAKEFIELD. Illustrated Catalogue. Clips can be had without catches Patentee and Sole Manufacturer:— JAMES W. SMALLMAN, Nuneaton, England THE “LEA” RECORDER IS NEVER TIRED of giving yon valuable information concerning the running of your Boilers, Engines or Turbines. Enlist the services of this trust- worthy servant on your behalf. THE LEA RECORDER Co. Ltd. DEANSGATE, MANCHESTER. t™, AN LEY- Please send for our “ K. 12 ” Catalogue, and compare our prices with those of other first-class makers. Universally acknowledged to be the very best in design, material, workmanship and finish. Our Instruments are as perfect as it is possible to make them. Stanley’s Plain Hedley Dial. The Largest Manufacturers of SURVEYING and DRAWING INSTRUMENTS in the World. W. F. STANLEY & CO. LTD., 286, HIGH HOLBORN, LONDON, W.C. PRINCEPS PATENT “DEFLECTOR” OIL SEPARATOR. •j Capacity, 300,000 lbs. of steam per hour, 60" diameter main. ONE OF THE LARGEST EXTRACTORS MADE IN THIS COUNTRY. PRINCEPS & CO., Engineers, SHEFFIELD. The Strongest & Most Reliable Briquette Machinery for Blocks, Ovoids or Eggettes. a / n \/ A'Oi .. •“SS; ■ V WHY have SO MANY GOVERNMENT CONTRACTS during recent years been placed with us? THERE’S A REASON. Write for particulars— IV/17. JOHNSON & SONS (Leeds) LTD Eggette ” or Ovoid Briquette Making Machine. Outputs 1 to 20 tons per hour. Armley, LEEDS.