March 16, 1917. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 551 BELTING SOLE MAKERS E REDDAWAY & c^. PENDLETON, MANCHESTER. LON DO N OFFICE 5O/l LIME ST.,E.C. Solid woven unseparable plies. Unlike other Rubber Belts. RUBBER-FILLED AND RUBBER-COVERED. The only Rubber Belt that cannot open in the plies or split in the seams. THE MOST PLIABLE BELT MADE. Stronger than leather or any other kind of Belt. FULLEST POWER TRANSMISSION. Less Slippage. Less Stretch. Less Trouble. Longer Life. MOST ECONOMICAL AND EFFICIENT. We fully guarantee this Belting. BEST for transmission of power. BEST for elevating all kinds of material. BEST for conveyor work. BEST for hot conditions in cement plants, steel mills, mines, rock crushers, etc., etc. Full particulars from The ELECTRIC HOSE & RUBBER C° LD 55, CAXTON HOUSE, WESTMINSTER, S.W. Tel.: Vic. 4341. THEEDAM’S IMPROVED OVER 500 IN USE. A common rope well lubricated will last longer than the best rope not lubricated, is admitted by the most competent authorities. To Save Oil, Time, and Prolong the LIFE of Your ROPES, USE . . PIT ROPE OILER Illustration of Haulage Rope Oilers on application. There is no need to emphasize the necessity of keeping Wire Ropes WELL LUBRICATED. DON’T WASTE TIME Fitting spin Pins. use Makers : E. C. THEEDAM Ltd., DUDLEY, No TROUBLE to FIT or REMOVE. No damage to bolt. Specified and used by the War Office ABD Admiralty. SAMPLES, and SAVE TIME & MONEY. One firm use over 200,000 monthly. IN USE on over 60 Collieries. Calendar and Matchcase, FREE. We develop and purchase good mechanical patents. “ FASTNUT ” Ltd., 115, Newgate St., London, E.C. MECHANICAL ENGINEERING OF COLLIERIES. T. c. FBuyTERS. Vol. I.. Price ais. net (By post 21s. 8cU. Vol. II., Price 10a. 6d. net (By post Ila.). SUPPLEMENTARY VOL.—Price 10s. 6d. net (By post Ila.). THE COLLIEBY GUABDIAN CO. LTD., 30 * 31, Fin-nival Street, Holborn, London, E.C. Rr@m 6 Wade AIR.. COMPRESSORS ------ f f--— Works: HIGH WYCOMBE. Iron, Steel & Machinery Merchants, SHILOH WORKS, SHEFFIELD. BUYERS OF SCRAP IRON, STEEL, METALS AND OBSOLETE PLANTS. A continual Stock of Second-hand Machinery thoroughly overhauled.^ — Light and Heavy Section Rails. — Telegrams—“IRONICAL, SHEFFIELD.” Telephone-4630 (6 Lines). Totally Enclosed and Perfectly Dustproof. Need the minimum of attention. THEY ARE Particularly suit- able for working in Dusty situations. MICHELL PATENT THRUST BEARINGS. BRO0" HIGH v EFFICIENT DURABLE s> ACCESSIBLE SIZES: 5 to 1,000 c. ft. ANY DRIVE, Fixed or Portable. HYATT ROLLER BEARINGS.