548 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN March 16, 1917. 1915. 13886. Heys (Neuland Patents Limited). Dynamo electric power transmission apparatus. 1916. [Note.—The number following the application is that which the specification will finally bear.] 2618. Kermode, J. J. Water tube boilers. (104356) 2909, 2912. Jackson, W. J. Mellersh- (Koppers Company, H.). Processes for controlling combustion in coking plants. (104368, 104369) 3087. Hirst, J. A., and Brook, P. S. Electric motor con- trollers. (104381) 3116. Akt.-Ges. Brown, Boveri et Cie., and Christlein, P. Manufacture of blades for steam and gas tur- bines. (100134) 3224. Ford, E. A. Hydraulic power transmitters. (104389) 3230. British Thomson-Houston Company (General Elec- tric Company). Electric motor driving mechanism for machines. (104390) 3255. Gillmor, R. E. (Sperry Gyroscope Company). Voltage regulating systems for electrical circuits. (104391) 4274. British Thomson-Houston Company (General Elec- tric Company). Electric transformers. (104404) 4399. British Thom son-Houston Company, and Wise, W. L. Controlling mechanism for electric motors operating cranes, lifts, and the like. (104407) 7178. Armstrong, Whitworth and Company, Sir W. G., Waddingham, W. H., and Thain, J. H. Elec- trical rotary switches. (104426) 8160. Llewelyn, G. E., and Carter, F. 8. Creepers for raising trams or tubs carrying coal or other material from a lower to a higher level. (104437.) 8360. British Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing- - Company (Westinghouse Electric and Manufac- turing Company). Control systems for electr'c motors. . (104439) 9260. Hinz, J. C. Burners for liquid hvdrocarbons and the like. (104446) 10561. Igranic Electric Company (Cutler-Hammer Manufac- turing Company). Electric circuit controllers. (104457) 11453. Parry, A. Clips or gripping appliances used in con- nection with moving traction cables, endless rope systems, or the like. (104460) 11964. Davis, G. K. Construction of gas washers and like apparatus. (104465) 13635. Aktiebolaget Ingeniorsfirma ’F. Egnell. Gas analy- sing plant. (103107) Complete Specifications Open to Public Inspection Before Acceptance. 1917. [Note.—The number following the application is that which the specification will finally bear.] 2622. Mondolfo, G. Process for the treatment of peat in its natural state, with the object of its ready and economical transformation into a combustible pro- duct having properties resembling those of coal. (104507) 2815. Robutti, A. P. Water tube steam generators. (104508) 3139. Aktiebolaget Svenska Kullagerfabriken. Bevel gears. (104515) Application to Avoid or Suspend Patent or Licence. No. and year of patent. Name of grantee. Short title. Name& address of applicant. Date of hearing. 5041/13 Steinmuller, L. and C. (the Firm). Travelling grates f o r furnaces. Edward Bennis and Co. Ltd.. Lit le Hulton, Bolton. Mar. 22. Any person interested who desires to be heard in opposition to the above-mentioned application must give notice in writing to the Comptroller-General of the Patent Office before the date of the hearing. PUBLICATIONS RECEIVED. Department of Mines and Industries, Union of South Africa : Statistics for December 1916 “ Cassier’s Engi- neering Monthly ” (Vol. 51, No. 3), March, price Is. ; “ The Journal of the South African Institution of Engi- neers ” (Vol. 15, No. 7), February, price 2s. Partnership Dissolved.—The London Gazette announces dissolution of the partnership of T. Brain, A. Brain, and J. Brain, carrying on business as J. T. and A. Brain, nut and bolt manufacturers, 44, Woodcock-street, Birmingham. The two first-named partners continue the business. Ministry of Munitions of War. ORDER AS TO PRIORITY. Whitehall Place, S.W., February, 1917. ’ The Minister of Munitions in exorcise of the powers conferred upon him by the Defence of the Realm Regulations and all other powers enabling him HEREBY ORDERS and requires that all persons engaged in any of the trades, businesses, or industries specified in the third schedule hereto shall in all respects comply with the following directions and regulations as to the priority to be given to work carried out in their factories and workshops and elsewhere in or in connection with such trades, businesses, or industries or any of them. (1) Priority shall be given to work in such trades, businesses, and industries in accordance with the classification set out in the first schedule hereto. (2) All work and orders for work or materials undertaken by them shall be divided into the three Classes, Class A, Class B, and Class C mentioned in the first schedule. (3) Work and orders in Class A shall take precedence of work and orders in Class B or Class C, and work and orders in Class B shall take precedence of work and,orders in Class C irrespective of the date when the orders were received and of any contractual obligations to the contrary. (4) Subject to paragraph 7 hereof orders for work shall be treated as belonging to Class A or Class B as the case may be if accompanied by a certificate from the person ordering the same in the form set out in the second schedule hereto, stating that the work belongs to Class A or Class B respectively. (5) In the case of a person whose production either as regards the whole or a particular part thereof is regulated by specific directions or regulations from any department of tliQ. Government, such person shall not in so far as relates to the production so regulated act on a certificate presented to him by another person, but must apply for instructions to the department which regulates such production, forwarding to that department the certificate pre- sented. Any order for work which entails the use of materials which arc for the time being subject to control by a Government Department, and in respect of which Regulations shall have be en issued, must not be carried out until after compliance with the said Regulations. (6) Any order for work not accompanied by a certificate in the form set out in the second schedule hereto to the effect that the work falls within Class A or Class B shall be treated as an order for work in Class C. (7) Any particular or special directions or regulations issued in writing by the Minister of Munitions, or by any Government Department regulating production as mentioned in paragraph ■> hereof, as to the classification of any work or order or as to the relative urgency of different work or orders belonging to the same class, shall oyer-ride these general directions and regulations. As from the date hereof this order shall be substituted for Circular L.33 as to control of output issued by the Minister of Munitions on the 31st March, 1916, and references to this order and the corresponding classes herein mentioned shall be substi- tuted in all orders, directions, notices and permits already made or issued by or on behalf of the Minister of Munitions for any references therein to the said Circular L.33 and the classes therein mentioned but such substitutions shall not affect the previous operation of the said Circular L.33 or any of such orders, direc- tions, regulations, notices or permits, or the validity of any action taken under them or any of them or any penalty or punishment incurred in respect of any contravention or failure to comply with the same or any of them or any proceeding or remedy in respect of such penalty or punishment. And any certificate already issued under the said Circular L.33 shall so far as the same was properly issued thereunder continue to have the same effect as if this order had never been made. THE FIRST SCHEDULE ABOVE REFERRED TO. CLASSIFICATION OF WORK. Definition of Class A. e Class A comprises : Work or material wholly required as a component part of any work or goods to be carried out or supplied under (a) A Government War Contract which signifies : 1. Any Contract placed by the Admiralty, the War Office, or the Minister of Munitions. 2. Any Contract for Naval or Military Equipment* placed by an Allied Government by or with the consent in writing of' the Admiralty, the War Office, or the Minister of Munitions.* (b) Certified War work which signifies : 1. Work on a Contract or Order which the Admiralty, the War Office, or the Minister of Munitions has certified in writing to he War or Munitions work. 2. Work which the Minister of Munitions has directed to be treated on an equality with War work. (c) Merchant shipping work certified in writing by the Board of Trade to be Munitions work. Definition of Class B. Class B comprises : Work or material wholly required for: (a) Repairs to existing industrial machinery (but not the replace- ment of old machinery by new) wherever essential to maintain continuity of operation in the United Kingdom. (b) The maintenance of reasonable stocks of materials or articles necessary as component parts of work or goods to be carried out or supplied under any orders or contracts to be executed under Class A. or Class B. . (c) Export orders, certified in writing by the Board of Trade, the Admiralty, the War Office/or the Minister of Munitions to be of sufficient national importance to be specially approved for export to approved destinations and as to which the Minister of Muni- tions or other Government Department controlling the necessary materials has certified that such materials can be spared. (d) Contracts or orders certified in writing by the Admiralty, the. War Office, or the Minister of Munitions as necessary for the efficient conduct of the war. (e) Contracts or orders certified in writing by the Director- General of National Service to be of sufficient importance in the national interest to be placed in Class B and as to which the Minister of Munitions or other Government Department controlling the necessary materials has certified that such materials can he spared. Definition of Class C. ** Class C comprises all work not comprised in Classes A or B. THE SECOND SCHEDULE ABOVE REFERRED TO. FORM OF CERTIFICATE. This Certificate is issued for the purpose of securing priority for the work referred to herein, in pursuance of directions given by the Minister of Munitions under the Defence of the Realm Regulations. CERTIFICATE. Firm’s Reference No. Date ..................... 1917. To : Messrs. Order No. (of ordering firm or establishment) Quantity and description : I/We hereby certify that the work or materials described herein are required for the following purposes : (Here state clearly particulars of the special War, National or other purposes of the order.) 1. As component of the subject’matter of a Government Contract bearing the following reference number, viz., No. and for the purpose of: 2. (If not a direct component of a Government Contract.) For the purpose of: References :— and for not other purpose; and that such order falls within Class as defined on the back hereof. I/We hereby declare the above to be a true and accurate state- ment. Signed on behalf of (N.B.-L-Read carefully definition in First Schedule.) A FALSE DECLARATION ON THIS CERTIFICATE IS A\ OFFENCE UNDER THE DEFENCE OF THE REALM REGULATIONS. The Certificate must be signed by a Partner, Director, Manager, or other responsible official. To be shown on demand to any Officer appointed by any Govern- ment Department. Copies of this Certificate for use in making applications can be obtained free of charge at any Head Post Office, where supplies will always be available, or by order from any Money Order Office. THE THIRD SCHEDULE ABOVE REFERRED TO. 1. All trades, businesses or industries carried on in any estab- lishment to which directions as to Priority had been issued on or before the date of this order. 2. All trades and manufacture in or of metals, machinery, agri- cultural implements and vehicles. 3. The repairing of plant for use in Industry 4. Woodworking. Pottery and Glass Trades. Building and Works of Construction. Textile Trades and Manufacture. Linoleum, Oil- cloth and Table Baize Manufacture. Rope, Twine, and Line Trades and Manufacture. Coal Tar Products (manufacture of). Dyestuffs (manufacture of). Other Chemical Products (manufacture of) Lubricating Oils, and Other Lubricants (manufacture of). Oil Seed Crushing. Soap and Candles (manufacture of). Fertilisers (manufacture of). Paints, Colours and Varnishes (manufacture of). Baskets and Wicker Work (manufacture of). Letterpress and Lithographic Printing. Papermaking. Leather Trades and Manu- facture. Boot. Shoe and Clog Manufacture. Coke (manufacture of). Rubber Trades and Manufacture. Waterproofing of Fabrics and of Paper. Electricity, Gas and Water Services. Stone, .Marble Granite, and Slate Quarrying. Cutting and Polishing. Book- binding. * The consent of these Departments will usually be given through the Commission Internationale de Ravataillement (the Inter- national Commission), India House. Kingsway, London to whom application should be made for such consent. ** No certificate may be issued for orders in Class C. DISPOSAL AERIAL ROPEWAY Will overcome these difficulties. Send us your enquiries. BRITISH 11250 8212 • 9