March 16, 1917. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 547 BOVING THE MOST RELIABLE AND EFFICIENT BRITISH MADE PUMP. £ LARGE MINING PUMP (6 Repeat Orders). 860 g.p.m. 7SS feet. 1,450 r.p.m. 2 SINKING PUMPS as shown (Repeat Order). 333 g.p.m. 475 feet. k :>OViNS&Cf: LT<>' |W. L .1. I A 1,450 r.p.m. 2 SMALL MINING PUMPS. 220 g.p.m. 328 feet. 2,900 r.p.m. aoviNO STEEL WORK PUMP, Medium Pressure. 800 g.p.m. 125 feet. 1,450 r.p.m. STEEL WORK PUMP, Low Pressure. 3,000 g.p.m. 40 feet. 725 r.p.m. BOVING and CO. Limited, HYDRAULIC ENGINEERS, Telegrams : “JENORTEN, WESTCENT.” Telephones : HOLBORN 6420 (3 lines). 56, Kings way, LONDON, W.C.