524 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. March 16, 1917. SILVER MEDAL at the Mining Exhibition, Glasgow, Sept. 24, 1885. __________ GILLOTT’S IMPROVED “GILLOTT AND COPLEY” ROTARY COAL-CUTTING ■jijbHHHHBBB! Height of Machine, inclusive of Bails Depth of Undercut_______________ Length of Machine_______________ Width with Wheel removed______ Weight __________. ... ... ... 1 ft. 1OJ in. 3 ft. 6 in. 6 ft. 6 in. 3 ft. 3 in. about 15 cwt. JOHN GILLOTT & SON, LANCASTER WORKS, BARNSLEY, Make a Specialite ot COAL-CUTTING MACHINERY; MACHINES FOR COAL HOLING; MACHINES FOR FIRECLAY HOLING, HARD OR SOFT; MACHINES TO TAKE OUT A PRICKING BETWEEN TWO COALS. The only Machines in successful operation, and giving profitable results. ______________________________________________________ Will cut from 20 yards per hour in hardest Coal or Fireclays. Is made almost wholly of Steel. Amount of work guaranteed. Is lighter, more portable, durable and compact, and will do more and better work than any other machine. 20,100 yards holed in 1,726 hours in six months in a 28 in. seam of Coal, including all stoppages, and producing 12,500 tons of Coal. We had 17 of our Machines at work at the Colliery where this was done. ____________________________________ Inspections made with view to Working Machinery and approximate Results given. ASK FOR CIRCULAR “B.”