506 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN March 9, 1917. Purohasers' Guide to Advertisers’ Specialities—(continued). Tools. Fell. C. A. Haden & Co. I Lardy Patent Pick Co. Ld. Howell & Co. Ld. Towers (Cooling). Davenport Engineering Co. Ld. Transformers (Electrical). British Electric Transformer Co. Ld. Davis, John, & Son (Derby) Ld. Transport Plant. British Ropeway Engineering Co. Ld. Haggle, R. Hood, A Son Ld. Tube Fittings. Dixon, S., & Son Ld. Lewis, Edwin, & Sons. Russell, John, & Co. Ld. Scottish Tube Co. Ld. Stewarts & Lloyds Ld. Tubes (Iron and Steel). Allen, W. G., & Sons, (Tipton) Ld Dixon, S., & Son Ld. Howell & Co. Ld. Lewis, Edwin, & Sons. Lewis, Win., A Son. Russell, John, & Co. Ld. Scottish Tube Co. Ld. Stewarts A Lloyds Ld. Wellington Tube Works Ld. Tub Greasers and Controllers. Evans & Dodd. Hadfields Ltd. Neil, J. A J., A Co. Theedam, E. C., Ld. Tubs (.Colliery). Allen, Alfred, A Son Ld. Allen, W. G., & Sons, (Tipton) Ld Buttcrley Co. Ld. Du Croo A Brauns Hadfields Ltd. Tunnel Segments. Head, Wright son A Co. Ld. Turbines. Beiliss A Morcom Ld. Greenwood A Bat ley Ld. Turbo Alternators. Bruce Peebles A Co. Ld. Turntables. Du Croo A Brauns [sea Foundry Co. Ld. Summerson, Thos., A Sons Ld. Wright’s Forge A Engineering Co. Ld. Tuyeres. Royles Ld. Russell, John, A Co. Ld. Scottish Tube Co. Ld. Stewarts A Lloyds Ld. Valve Re-Seating Machines. Bromell Patents Co. Ld. Valves (Safety). Auld, David, A Sons Ld. Baldwin, James, A Co. Blakeborough, J., A Sons. Hopkinson, J.. A Co. Ld. Ingersoll-Rand Co. (Inc. U.S.A.) Lancaster A Tonge Ld. Royles Ld. Vices. Frost, Albert, A Co. Hardy Patent Pick Co. Ld. Theedam, E. C., Ld. Youngs. Washers. Baker, John, A Son. Bayliss, Jones A Bayliss Ld. Fast nut Ld. Waste Heat Boilers and Exhausters. Bonecourt Waste Heat Boiler Co. Ld. Water (Electrical Still for). Simplex Conduits Ld. Water Gauges (Self-Registering). Davis, John, A Son (Derby) Ld. Waterproof Garments. Barr, M., A Co. Ld. Water Reducing Valves. Auld. David, A Sons Ld. Blakeborough, J., A Sons. Royles Ld. Water Filters. Blakeborough. J., A Sons. Lawrence Patent Water Steri- lizer Co. Ld. Pulsometer Engineering Co.Ld. Royles Ld. Water Softening and Purifying. Blakeborough, J., A Sons. Kennicott Water Softener Co. Lawrence Patent Water Steri- lizer Co. Ld. Pulsometer Engineering Co.Ld. Royles Ld. Water Tube Boilers. Clarke, Chapman A Co. Ld. Weighing Machinery. Avery, W. A T., Ld. Denison, S., A Son Ld. Spencer. James, A Co. Thompson A Co. Welding. Barimar Ld. Carbic Ld. Gas Distribution Ld. Matthews A Yrates Ld. Well Tubes. Russell, John, A Co. Ld. Scottish Tube Co. Ld. Spencer, John, Ld. Stewarts A Lloyds Ld. Wellington Tube Works'Ld. Wheelbarrows. Allen, W. G., A Sons (Tipton) Ld Bayliss. Jones A Bayliss Ld. Hardy Patent Pick Co. Ld. Harvey. G. A., A Co. Haslam A Stretton Ld. Lewis, Win., A Son. Theedam, E. C., Ld. Wheels, Axles, and Tyres. Bayliss, Jones A Bayliss Ld. Chorley Railway Wagon Co. Ld Du Croo A Brauns Hadfields Ltd. Hardy Patent Pick Co. Ld. Lancashire A Yorkshire Wagon Co. Ld. Lancaster A Tonge Ld. Moy. Thomas, Ld. Wigan Wagon Co. Ld. Wood, John, A Sons Ld. Winches. Clarke, Chapman A Co. Ld. Diamond Coal Cutter Co. Hardy Patent Pick Co. Ld. Tangyes Ld. Youngs. Winding Engine Indicators. Daglish, R., A Co. Davis, John, A Son (Derby) Ld. Wood, John, A Sons Ld. Wire. British Insulated A Uelsby Cables Ld. Cooke, Wm., A Co. Ld. Elliot, George, A Co. Ld. Wire (cont.)— Glover, Wm. Jas., A Co. Latch A Batchelor Ld. Stead, J., A Co. Ld. Wire Drawing Plates & Wortles. Hodgson, E. W., A Co. Stead, J., A Co. Ld. Wire Mesh and Gauze. Ackroyd A Best Ld. Barns, W., A Son. Cousland, Alex., A Son. Davis, John, A Son (Derby) Ld. Harvey, G. A., A Co. (Lond.) Ld Protector Lamp and Lighting Co. Ld. Staniar, John, A Co. Teale, W. E., A Co. Ld. Theedam, E. C., Ld. Wire Rope Greaser. Evans A Dodd. Mining Engineering Co. Ld. Theedam, E. C., Ld. Wire Rope Pulley Blocks. Hardy Patent Pick Co. Ld. Tangyes Ld. Youngs. Wire Work. Barns, W., A Son. Cousland, Alex., A Son. Harvey, G. A.. A Co. (Lond.) Ld Staniar. John, A Co. M. COULSON & CO. LTD., SPENNYMOOR, Makers of Coal Washers, Screening Plant, . . Conveying, Elevating, and Crushing Machinery, Tipplers, Tub Controllers, . . Storage and Drainage Bunkers. . . Replace part* and Repair* given Special Attention. Estimates and Full Particulars on Application. FUEL OIL for industrial furnaces, Diesel engines & merchant ships. We supply a clean, high-grade fuel oil. Brotherton & Co. Ltd WORKS Birmingham Glasgow Leeds Liverpool City Chambers, Leeds WORKS Middlesborough Sunderland Wakefield Workington QUALITY m SWITCH GEAR LIQUID SWITCH GEAR of HIGH- CLASS MAKE and GOOD DESIGN. WRITE for LIST No. 60 with PRICES and OUTPUTS. • .. J. H. HOLMES & GO., Newcastle-on-Tyne. We have Specialised in this class of Machinery, and have designed and made more than all other firms combined. References to users are invited. Established 50 Years. LTD BRIDGEND, Anthracite coal” BREAKING SIZING AND WASHING PLANT