504 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. Marcm 9, 1917. Purchasers* Guide to Advertisers* Specialities—(continued)• Lamps (Miners’ Safety). Ackroyd & Best Ld. “Cea'g” Miners’ Supply Co. Ld. Davis, John, & Son (Derby) Ld. Naylor, J. H. Pearson’s Elec. Miners’ Lamp Co. Ld. Protector Lamp and Lighting Co. Ld. Teale, W. E„ & Co. Ld. Theedam, E. C., Ld. Thomas, E., & Williams Ld. Lessons by Post. C.M.A. Correspondence School. Southern, T. A., and H. ML Halbaum. Thomas, Wm. Locknut Washers. Fastnut Ld. Lubricators. Baldwin, James, & Co. Lancaster & Tonge Ld. Boyles Ld. Tangyes Ld. Treasure, J. B., & Co. Trier Bros. Ld. Machinery (Second-Hand). Blakeley (Firth), Sons A Co. Ld Bute Works Supply Co. Ld. Foot, Rowland G., A Co. Gardam, Harry II., & Co. Ld. Goodwin A Co. Longbotham, R. IL, A Co. Ld. Marple A Gillott Ld. Pearson, S., & Son Ld. Phillips, Charles D. Pugsley, Joseph. Renton, B. M., A Co. Riddel A Co. Wake, John F. M’ard, Thos. ML, Ld. Watson, Jas. B., A Sons. Wildsmith, Jonas. Mills (Grinding). Bradley Pulverizer Co. Hardy Patent Pick Co. Ld. “ Jeffrey ” (Hugh Wood and Co. Ld.). Johnson, W., A Sons (Leeds) Ld Phillips, Charles D. Scholefield, Richard. Wootton Bros. Ld. Mining Equipments (Electric). Bruce Peebles A Co. Ld. Mining Machinery. Boving A Co. Ld. Daglish, R., A Co. Ld. Hadfields Ltd. Hardy Patent Pick Co. Ld. Ingersoll-Rand Co. (Inc. U.S.A.) “Jeffrey” (Hugh Wood and Co. Ld.). Johnson, ML, A Sons (Leeds) Ld Mining Engineering Co. Ld. Pulsometer Engineering Co.Ld. Sullivan Machinery Co. Sutcliffe, Richard. Mild, M. B., A Co. Ld. Wood, John, A Sons Ld. M’orsley Mesnes Ironworks Ld. Motor Converters. Bruce Peebles A Co. Ld. Motors (Electric) A.C. and D.C. Bruce Peebles A Co. Ld. Motor Generators. Bruce Peebles A Co. Ld. Nails, Spikes, etc. Frost, Albert, A Co. Russell, John G. Oil Feeders. Wells, A. C., A Co. Oil Fuel. Brotherton A Co. Ld. Oil Separators. Princeps and Co. Packing (Engine). Heyde (John Bennett) A Co. Lancaster A Tonge Ld. Reddaway, F., A Co. Ld. Renton, Holdsworth A Co. Ld. United States Metallic Packing Co. Ld. Willcox, W. H., A Co. Ld. Paint. Hall A Hall. Hill, W. ML, Son, A Wallace, Ld Taylor, S. T., A Sons. Paraffin Engines. Beiliss A Morcom Ld. Fairbanks, Morse A Co. Ld. Patent Agents. Consulting Patent Agency (1880) Harris A Mills. Perforated Plates. Barns, W., A Son. Harvey, G. A., A Co. (Lond.) Ld Hudson, T., Ld. Staniar, John, A Co. Teale, W. E., A Co. Ld. Theedam, E. C., Ld. Picks and Shovels. Fell, C. A. Frost, Albert, A Co. Hadfields Ltd. Hardy Patent Pick Co. Ld. Sullivan Machinery Co. Theedam, E. C., Ld. Pipes (Steam and Water). Isca Foundry Co. Ld. Lewis, Edwin, A Sons. Russell, John, A Co. Ld. Scottish Tube Co. Ld. Stewarts A Lloyds Ld. Wellington Tube Works Ld. Piston Rings. Standard Piston Ring A Engi- neering Co. Ld. Pistons. Daglish, R., A Co. Ld. Lancaster A Tonge Ld. Pit Props (Steel). Henderson A Glass. Lewis, Edwin, A Sons. Marple A Gillott Ld. Scottish Tube Co. Ld. Scott, Walter, Ld. Shelton Iron, Steel and Coal Co. Ld. Mrard, Thos. W., Ld. Pit Props (Wood). Baird, J. W., A Co. Osbeck A Co. Ld. Turner, E. W., A Co. Ld. Pit Prop Withdrawers. Hadfields Ltd. Hardy Patent Pick Co. Ld. Points and Crossings. Du Croo A Brauns Goodwin A Co. Hadfields Ltd. Isca Foundry Co. Ld. Marple A Gillott Ld. Ronton, B. M., A Co. Summerson, Thos., A Sons Ld. Ward, Thos. W„ Ld. Pulleys. Bever, Dorling A Co. Ld. Bridge, David, A Co. Ld. Daglish, R., A Co. Ld. Hadfields Ltd. Spencer A Co. Ld. Pumps and Pumping Machinery. Beiliss A Morcom Ld. Bever, Dorling A Co. Ld. Bumsted A Chandler Ld. Boving A Co. Ld. Clarke, Chapman A Co. Ld. Daglish, R., A Co. Ld. Evans, Joseph, A Sons (M'olver- hampton) Ld. Fairbanks, Morse A Co. Ld. Hathorn, Davey A Co. Ld. Pearn, Frank, A Co. Ld. Phillips, Charles D. Power Plant Co. Ld. Pratchitt Brothers. Pulsometer Engineering Co.Ld. Tangyes Ld. Willcox, W. II.. A Co. Ld. M'ood, John, A Sons Ld. Worsley Mesnes Ironworks Ld. Pumps (Turbine). Boving A Co. Ld. Pulsometer Engineering Co.Ld. Rails (Iron and Steel). Armytage A Jones Ld. Bute Works Supply Co. Ld. Goodwin A Co. Hadfields Ltd. Marple A Gillott Ld. Renton, B. M., A Co. Scott, Walter, Ld. Shelton Iron, Steel and Coal Co. Ld. Summerson, Thos.. A Sons Ld. Ward, Thos. W., Ld. Railway Carriages and Wagons. Birmingham Railway Carriage A Wagon Co. Ld. Bristol A South W'ales Railway Wagon Co. Cambrian Wagon Co. Ld. Ghorley Railway M'agon Co. Ld Du Croo A Brauns Riy. Carriages & Wagons (cont.) Lancashire A Y'orkshire Wagon Co. Ld. Lincoln Wagon and Engine Co. Ld. Locker’s Wagon Co. Ld. Marple A Gillott Ld. Moy, Thomas, Ld. North Central Wagon Co. Ld. Rigley, William. Rolling Stock Company. Wigan Wagon Co. Ld. Railway Wagon Repairers. Birmingham Railway Carriage A Wagon Co. Ld. Bute Works Supply Co. Ld. Ghorley Railway Wagon Co. Ld Lancashire A Yorkshire Wagon Co. Ld. Lincoln Wagon and Engine Co. Ld. Locker’s M’agon Co. Ld. Moy, Thomas, Ld. North Central Wagon Co. Ld. Rigley, M'illiam. Reinforced Concrete. Midland Counties Reinforced Concrete Co. Trussed Concrete Steel Co. Ld. Rescue Apparatus. Mining Engineering Co. Ld. Siebe, Gorman A Co. Ld. Respirators. Mining Engineering Co. Ld. Siebe, Gorman A Co. Ld. Rock Drills. Aqueous AVorks and Diamond Rock Boring Co. Ld. Diamond Coal Cutter Co. Hardy Patent Pick Co. Ld. Ingersoll-Rand Co. (Inc. U.S.A.) Mining Engineering Co. Ld. Sullivan Machinery Co. Rolling Mills (Electrical Equip- ment df). Bruce Peebles A Co. Ld. Roofs and Outdoor Buildings. Speirs Ld. Tribe A Astin. Trussed Concrete Steel Co. Ld. Wootton Bros. Ld. Ropes (Cotton Driving). Haggie, R. Hood, A Son Ld. Kenyon, William, A Sons Ld. Ropes (Driving). Haggie, R. Hood, A Son Ld. Kenyon, William, A Sons Ld. Ropes (Wire). Brown, W. B., A Co. (Bank- hall) Ld. Cooke, Wm., A Co. Ld. Cradock, George, A Co. Ld. Elliot, George, A Co. Ld. Glover, Wm. Jas., A Co. Haggie Brothers Ld. Haggie, R. Hood, A Son Ld. Latch A Batchelor Ld. Thompson A Co. Ropeways (Aerial). British Ropeway Engineering Co. Ld. Cradock, George, A Co. Ld. Haggie, R. Hood, A Son Ld. Johnson A Phillips Ld. Safety Belts. Hanley, A. Scrap (All Kinds of). Charkham, J. Scaling Tools. Gilman, Frank. Shaft Sinkers. Francois, Albert. “Trefor” Boring A Sinking Co. Shovels (Sprinkling). Fell, C. A. Signalling Apparatus (Visual). Davis, John, A Son (Derby) Ld. Neil, J. A J.. A Co. Sutcliffe, Richard. Theedam. E. C., Ld. M’ood, John, A Sons Ld. Spanners. Fastnut Ld. Steam Fittings. Baldwin, Janies, A Co. Blakeborough, J., A Sons. Hopkinson, J., A Co. Ld. Roy les Ld. Russell, John, A Co. Ld. Scottish Tube Co. Ld. Stewarts A Lloyds Ld. Steam Traps. Auld, David, A Sons Ld. Baldwin, James, A Co. Hopkinson, J., A Co. Ld. Lancaster A Tonge Ld. Princeps and Co. Roy les Ld. Stewarts A Lloyds Ld. United States Metallic Packing- Go. Ld. Wright’s Forge A Engineering Co. Ld. Steam Wagons. Mann’s Steam Cart and Wagon Co. Ld. Steel. Cooke, Wm., A Co. Ld. Cradock, George, A Co. Ld. Haden A Co. Hadfields Ltd. Hardy Patent Pick Co. Ld. Hodgson, E. M.. A Co. Howell A Co. Ld. Latch A Batchelor Ld. Mining Engineering Co. Ld. Shelton Iron, Steel and Coal Co. Ld. Stead, J., A Co. Ld. Stewarts A Lloyds Ld. Thompson A Co. Stencil Plates, Steel Stamps, etc. Lawson, John, A Sons. Pryor, Edward, A Son. Stockbrokers. Chapman, Wm., A Co. Stokers (Machine). Bennis, Ed., A Co. Ld. Stone Dust Grinding Plant. Bradley Pulverizer*Co. Fletcher, George, A Co. Ld. “ Jeffrey ” (Hugh Wood and Co. Ld.). Johnson, W., A Sons (Leeds) Ld Patent Lightning Crusher Co. Ld. Scholefield, Richard. Structural Steel Work. Goodall. Clayton A Co. Ld. Hardy Patent Pick Co. Ld. Scott, Walter, Ld. Sulphate of Ammonia Plant. CoppSe Co. (Great Britain) Ld. Koppers Coke Oven and Bye- Product Co. Simon-Carves Ld. Superheaters. Clarke, Chapman A Co. Ld. Galloways Ld. Pulsometer Engineering Co.Ld. Surplus Steam Valves (Full-bore). Auld, David, A Sons Ld. Baldwin, James, A Co. Blakeborough, J., A Sons. Hopkinson, J., A Co. Ld. Boyles Ld. Surveying (Books on). Thomas, Wm. Surveying Instrument Makers. Davis, John, A Son (Derby) Ld. Marling, W. H. Hay, II. E. Stanley, W. F., A Co. Ld. Thornton, A. G., Ld. Tanks. Daglish, R., A Co. Ld. Goodall, Clayton A Co. Ld. Harvey, G. A., A Co. (Lond.) Ld Head. Wrightson A Co. Ld. Tar Distilling Plant. Coke Oven Construction Co. Ld Coppee Co. (Great Britain) Ld. Daglish, R., A Co. Ld. Koppers Coke Oven and Bye- Product Co. Simon-Carves Ld. Technical Education. Southern, T. A., and H. W. Halbaum. Thomas, Wm. Tiles (Flat and Corrugated). Tribe A Astin. Timber (Colliery). Baird, J. W., A Co. Jennings A Co. Ld. Osbeck A Co. Ld. Turner, E. W., A Co. Ld. Time Recorders. National Time Recorder Co. EDWIN LEWIS & SONS, Original Makers of “Acme,” “ Williams,” and other Loose Flanged Joint Tubes for Mining Work. TUBES OF ANY SIZE For Compressed Air, Water, or Steam. Joint Acme” p. -A f Patent Iron Tube Works, Monmore Green. (Britannia Tube Works, Ettingshall. Telegrams—** Lewis, Wolverhampton.” Telephone—Nos. 15 <3 180 Wolverhampton. WORKS WOLVERHAMPTON. Buyers will note that the joint illustrated is our original “ Acme ” joint used largely for vertical columns as it is quite rigid, and suitable for sinking or per- manent work. LONDON ADDRESS—143, Cannon Street, E.C. LIVERPOOL WAREHOUSE-58, South John St. The PREMIER Screen in the WORLD is Norton’s Patent Horizontal Main Screen REQUIRES NO SPECIAL FOUNDATION. Will work continuously WITHOUT BOLTING DOWN. Will Screen more efficiently than any other screen. Over 150 Screens now at work. For PERFECT sizing & loading USE PULSATING CONVEYORS AND PULSATING LOADING JIBS (NORTON’S PATENTS) NORTON’S PATENT HORIZONTAL MAIN SCREEN AND COMBINED PICKING CONVEYOR, fitted with our Patent Air Cushioning Cylinders. The Screen illustrated is 5 ft. 6 in. wide, having four decks, and will deal with 125 tons of coal per hour separated into four sizes, and passing the large coal without any fall to the Picking Conveyor. NORTONS (TIVIDALE) Ltd., HECLA Works, Tipton, England.