460 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN March 2, 1917. Purchasers’ Guide to Advertisers’ Specialities—(continued). Valve Re-seatinc Machines Bromell Patents Co. Ltd., 62, Bobertson-street, Glasgow Brooke, George, Lloyd’s Bank Chambers, Cardiff Valves (Safety)—soupape* <. surety Auld, D., and Sons, Whitevale Foundry, Glasge* Baldwin, James, and Co., Keighley, Yorks Blakeborough, J., and Sone, Brighouee, Yorks. Daglish, Robert, and Co. Ld., St. Helens, Lancs Haslam and Stretton Ld., Cardiff Hopkinson, J., and Co. Ld., Huddersfield Ingersoll-Band Co.. 165. Queen Victoria-st., E.C. Lancaster and Tonge Ld., Pendleton, Manchester Boyles Ld., Iriam, Manchester Bussell, John, and Co. Ld., Walsall VlOES—Etaux Frost, Albert, and Co., Sheffield Hardy Patent Pick Co. Ld., Sheffield Theeaam, E. C., Ld., Dudley Youngs, Byland-street Works, Birmingham Washers—BmMiw Baker, John, and Son, Bilston, Staffs Bayliss, Jones & Bayliss Ld., Wolverhampton Ghorley Bail way Wagon Co. Ld., Chorley, Lancs Copp6e Co. (Gt. Britain) Ld., Kingsway, London Fastnut Ld., 115, Newgate-street, London Simon-Carves Ld., 20, Mount-street, Manchester Theedam, E. C., Ld., Dudley Wright’s Forge and Engineering Co. Ld., Tiptoi Waste Heat Boilers and Exhausters Bonecourt Waste Heat Boiler Co. Ld., Parlia- ment-mansions, S.W. Water (Electric Still for) Simplex Conduits Ld., Garrison-st., Birmingham Waterproof Garments—vfoments impermeable* Barr, M., & Co. Ld., 83, Hutcheson-st., Glasgow Water Reduoinc Valves—Soupapes de reduction d eau Auld, D„ and Sons, Whitevale Foundry, Glasgov B akeborough, J., and So is, Brighouse, Yorks. Boyles La., iriam, Manchester Water Filters—Entree d’eau olakeborouga, J., and Sons, Brighouse. Y rks. Lawrence Patent Water Softener, Ac., Co. Ld , 7, Parliament Mansions, Victoria street, S.W. Pulsometer Engineering Co. Ld., Beading Boyles Ld., Iriam, Manchester Wright’s Forge and Engineering Co., Tipton Water Cauces (Self-Recisterinc)—Indian.™-, auto-enregistreurs d’eau Davis, John, and Son (Derby) Ld., Derby Water Softening and Purifying — Spur, teurs dttartreurs Blakeb"rough, J , and Sons. Brighouse, Yorks Kennicott Water Softener Co., Wolverhampton Lawrence Patent Water Softener, Ac., Co. Ld., 7, Parliament Mansions. Victori a-street, S.W. Pulsometer Engineering Co. Ld., Beading Boyles Ld., Iriam, Manchester Wright’s Forge and Engineering Co. Ld., Tipto* Water Tube Boilers—Chai dieres aquitubulairet Clarke, Chapman and Co. Ld., Gateshead-on-Tyat WELL Tubes—Cuvelages a puw d’eau Bussell, John, and Co. Ld., Alma Works. Walsall Scottish Tube Co.Ld., 34, Bobertson-st., Glasgow Spencer, John, Ld., Tube Works, Wednesbury Stewarts and Lloyds Ld., Birmingham A Glasg*’ Wellington Tube Works Ld., Great Bridge, Staffs Weighing Machinery-Appareiis depesage Av^ry, W. & T., Ld., Soho Foundry, Birmingham Denison, S., and Son Ld., Furlea, Leeds Spencer. Jas., and Co. Ld., Hollinwood, Lancs Thompson and Co., Wigan Welding Barimar Ld., 10. Poland-street, London, W. Carbic Ld., 51, Hjlborn Viaduct, London Gas Distribution Ld , Queen’s-bldings, Nuneaton Matthews A Yates Ld., Sw'.nton, nr. Manchester Wheelbarrows—BrouettM Allen, W. G.. and Sons (Tipton) Ld., Tipton Bayliss, Jones A Bayliss Ld., Wolverhampton Hardy Patent Pick Co., Sheffield Harvey, G. A., A Co., Woolwich-rd., London, S.l Haslam and Stretton Ld., Cardiff Lewis, Wm., and Son, Bilston, Staffs Theedam, E.C.f Ld., Dudley Wheels, Axles and Tyres-Essieux et bandage* Bayliss, Jones A Bayliss Ld., Wolverhampton Chorley Bail way Wagon Co. Ld., Chorley Du Croo A Brauns, 53, Victoria st., London, S.W Hadfields Ltd., Hecla & East flecla W’ks, Sheffield Hardy Patent Pick Co. Ld., Sheffield Lancashire A Yorkshire Wagon Co. Ld., Heywood Lancaster and Tonge Ld., Pendleton, Manchester Moy, Thomas, Ld., Bail way Works, Peterborough Thompson and Southwick Ld. Tamworth Wigan Wagon Co. Ld., Springs Branch, Wigan Wood, John, A Sons Ld., Brook Foundry, Wigan Winches—Treuiu Clarke, Chapman and Co. Ld., Gateshead-on-Tyne Hardy Patent Pick Co. Ld., Sheffield Tangyes Ld., Cornwall Works, Birmingham Young’s, Byland-street Works, Birmingham Winding Engine Indicators—indicateurs de profondeu* pour les machines d’extraction Daglish, B., and Co., St. Helens, Lancashire Davis, John, and Son (Derby) Ld., Derby Wood, John, and Sons Ld., Wigan Wire—Ki British Insulated and Helsby Cables Ld., Preocot Cooke, Wm., and Co. Ld., Tinsley, Sheffield Elliot, George, A Co. Ld., Westminster, S.W. Glover, Wm. Jas., and Co., St. Helens, Lancs. Latch and Batchelor Ld., Hay Mills, Birmingham Stead, J., and Co. Ld., Manor Works, Sheffield Wire Drawing Plates and Wortles—Eiiieres Hodgson, E. W., A Co., 24, Nor£olk-row, Sheth ♦’J o Stead, J., and Co. Ld., Manor Works, Sheffield Wire Mesh and Gauze—mitaiUques Ackroyd and Best Ld., Morley, near Leeds Barns, W., and Son, Holloway, London, N. Cousland, Alex., and Son, 3, Mitchell-st., Glasgo Davis, John, and Son (Derby) Ld., Derby Harvey, G. A.,A Co. (Lndn) Ld., Woolwich-rd., S.E Protector Lamp and Lighting Co. Ld., Eccles Staniar, John, A Co., Manchester Teale, W. E., and Co. Ld., Swinton, Lancs. Theedam, E. C., Ld., Dudley Wire Rope, Greaser—Appareils de graissage pour cdbles rndtallzquee Evans and Dodd, Cannock, Staffs. Mining Engineering Co Id. Sheffield Theedam, E. C., Ld., Dudley Wire Rope Pulley Blocks—Paians pour cdbies en acier Hardy Patent Pick Co. Ld., Sheffield Tangyes Ld., Cornwall Works, Birmingham Youngs, Byland-street Works, Birmingham Wire Work—Trniui Barns, W., and Son, Globe Works, Holloway, N Cousland, Alex., and Son, 3, Mitchell-st., Glasgo* Harvey, G. A., A Co. (Lndn) Ld., Woolwich-rd.,S.E Staniar, John, and Co., Manchester The CONSUMMATE EVAPORATIVE CONDENSER for Steam Engines. Saving in coal effected —60 tons per week. Si* CENTRAL CONDENSING PLANT dealing with the exhaust steam from Winding Engines, Fan Engine, 600 K.W. Power Plant, and Screen Engine. 7&S Water Consumption reduced 50; Coal Consumption reduced 30 Z - Water Consumption reduced 50 Z - Increased Power Output 30 Z Estimates and C.C. Booklet. EDWP DEARIE & BEAL Ltd., Engineers, 676, Old Kent Road, London, S.E. Save Money - Save Coal - Save Steam By adopting FORREST’S PATENT AUTOMATIC Cylinder DRAIN COCKS on your Compound, Winding, Hauling, and all your Stationary Engines, Steam Winches, &c. (Thousands in use), now fixed on most new Engines turned out by leading Engineers. The Safest Automati 3 Drain Cock ever fixed on Com- pound Condensing Engines, most positive in action. Makers of High-class Gunmetal Gland Taps. Wheel Valves, &c, Class B For Prices, Particulars and Testimonials, apply Sole Makers, APPLETON & HOWARD, ST. HELENS, LANCS. Contractors to the War Office. Established 1800. — Telephone No. 577 BRASS TIME CHECKS EWk JOHN LAWSON * SONS, Manufacturers of every kind of STEEL STAMPS, LETTERS, FIGURES, BRANDS, STENCIL PLATES, Ac. Roebuck Letter Works, 26, Carver Lane, SHEFFIELD. MANOR WORKS r.FcViMXMSOStXI II. HALIFAX Pactum Belt Works, HALIFAX, England. Britain’s best Leather or Balata BELTING. OUR SALES ARE OUR PROOF. SANKEY Fireproof Steel Storage Bins. MACHINE CUT GEARING. Double Helical Staggered or Chevron. Reducing Gears. Haulage Gears. Time Recorders & Recording Instruments. Watchmen’s Watches. THE LEWELLYN MACHINE CO., Bristol. Illustrated Catalogue. Clips can be had without catches Patentee and Sole Manufacturer:— JAMES W. SMALLMAN, Nuneaton. England GERMAN MADE GOODS. We invite Buy ere of goods, formerly procured from the Continent, not iow obtainable, to favour ue with particulars of their requirements. We have completed arrangements under which we can give early delivery, and would be glad to quote competitive prices. ROWLAND G. FOOT & CO., 11, Queen Victoria St., LONDON, E.C. SMALLMAN patent HAULAGE GUPS. New Model: Nine Sizes. Patented 1902, 1906 and 1910. Automatic Detachment. The 1911 lever has large lateral stops and s wedge-shaped head. Drop-forged shells (two sizes), levers (fow sizes), catches and couplings. Write for details. k 53 i For Workshop and Warehouse and Office. Joseph Sankey & Sons, Ltd., Hadley Castle Works, Wellington, Shropshire. COLLIERY OWNERS MANUFACTURING BRICKS SHOULD BUBBOBIB1 TO THE BRITISH CLAY-WORKER The Organ of the Brick and Tile Trades. Publidied Monthly. Subscription: 8s. per annum, po.t free. Send for Specimen Copy to the Publisher, (lie BRITISH CLAY-WORKER, 43, Essex-St., LONDON, W.C.