448 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. March 2, 1917. COAL, IRON AMD ENGINEERING COMPANIES. REPORTS AND DIVIDENDS. Beyer, Peacock and Company Limited.—The directors recommend a dividend on the ordinary shares of 10 per cent, per annum. Cardiff Collieries Limited. — A meeting was held at Paddington. The proceedings were private, and no report was issued for publication. ' Celtic Collieries Company Limited.—Including £1,233 brought forward, net profits for the past year, after providing for excess profits duty and debenture interest, were £34,531. A final dividend of 5 per cent, is proposed, making 10 per cent, for the 12 months, adding £10,000 to the reserve, and carrying forward £4,981. Deal and Walmer Coal Field Limited.—The report for the year ended December 31, .1915, states that the option to take up a mineral lease of one of the most important properties, comprising over 800 acres, upon which a borehole, known as the Oxney boring, had been put down by the late adminis- tration at considerable expense, has expired, but the directors were unable to take up the lease, as on investigation they found that the different areas making up the owners’ pro- perty were mortgaged and sub-mortgaged, and it was impos- sible to obtain the necessary consents of some of the mort- gagees without payment of considerable sums in reduction of the mortgage and for legal and other expenses. Options to take up mineral leases to the extent of about 1,200 acres have lately been exercised. .Desford Coal Company Limited.—Dividend on the ordi- nary shares of 5s. per share (25 per cent.), free of tax.’ , Great Western Colliery Company Limited.—The directors recommend final dividends of 15s. on the fully-p’aid, and 12s. per share on the: partly-paid “ B ” ordinary shares, making 20 per cent, for the past year. These shares received 15 per cent, for 1915. ‘ Imperial Navigation, Coal Company Limited.—The report for the year ended December 31 states that the result,.,after1 providing for excess profits duty and income-tax^ is. a net profit of £25,636, which, wnth the amount brought forward, ■makes £26,011. An interim dividend of 10 per cent, was paid on July 15 last, amounting to £6,735, and the directors now recommend a final dividend of 10 per cent., which will absorb £9,274, making 20 per cent., less tax, for the year, and to carry forward £10,002. The equipment of the No. 1 pit has been completed, and the new winding engine is working very satisfactorily. New Hucknall Colliery Company Limited.—A final divi- dend of 10s. per share, less tax, has been paid for the year ended December 31. New Monckton Collieries Limited.—The directors announce an interim dividend of Is. per share on the old shares, and 6d. per share on the new shares, payable, free of tax, on March 15. The distribution is at the same rate as a year ago. North’s Navigation Collieries (1889) Limited. — The directors decided to recommend a final dividend of 10 per cent, actual, and a bonus of 5 per cent., making, with the interim dividend of 5 ner cent., a total distribution for the year of 20 per cent., less tax. Powell Duffryn Steam Coal Company Limited.—The net profits for the past year, after providing for excess profits duty, were £495,697, and £114,354 was brought forward. A final dividend of 11 per cent, is proposed on the ordinary shares, making 20 per cent., free of income-tax, for the 12 months, adding £96,954 to the income-tax fund, and £50,000 to the reserve (making that fund £500,000), and carrying forward £119,798. The net profits were £438,800 for 1915. From Total cargo. Total bunker. Bristol Channel ports North-western ports North-eastern ports Humber ports Other ports on east coast Other English ports Total from England and Wales Ports on east coast of Scotland Ports on west coast of Scotland Total from Scotland Irish ports Total from United Kingdom 1916. 1917. 1916. 1917. Tons. 127,494 197,738 498,039 73,306 5,423 3,108 Tons. 118,865 207,446 392,567 53,556 1,130 2,914 Tons. 9,470 44,225 53,401 8,430 14,343 3,037 Tons. 10,109 44,021 18,928 7,162 10,495 2,503 / 905,108 776,478 132,906 93,218 38,523 97,724 36,478 115,934 9,796 19,886 9,218 24,858 136,247 152,412 29,682 34,076 — — 3,330 5,201 1,041,355 928,890 165,918 132,495 Shelton Iron, Steel, and Coal Company Limited. — The directors state that, having regard to the fact that no 'adjust- ment of figures has yet been arrived at with the Treasury in regard to the excess profits tax, they are unable to submit a balance-sheet at present. They therefore propose to post- pone convening the ordinary general meeting until later in the year. As, however, they are satisfied that the profits available for dividend will justify the payment of a further dividend of 5 per cent., making 7^ per cent, (less tax) for the year, they propose to make this distribution without waiting for the completion of the accounts; but they would point out that, although for legal reasons this dividend is being described as an interim one, they do not contemplate recommending any further distribution in respect of the year ended December 31. Swan, Hunter and Wigham Richardson Limited. — The directors recommend a final dividend of 10 per cent., free of tax, making 12J per cent, for the past year, on the ordinary shares. NEW COMPANIES. Attwood (F. L.) Limited.—Private company. Registered office, The Rolling Mills, Holt-street, Goston Green, Bir- mingham. Registered February 21. To carry on business of manufacturers of and dealers in the rolling of metals, brass founders, metal workers, wire drawers, mechanical engineers, etc. Nominal capital, £10,000 in 10,000 £1 shares. Directors to be appointed by the subscribers. Subscribers : F. L. Attwood, C. Mowder, and H. Pettit. Booth (C. H.) Limited. — Private company. Registered February. 22. To acquire the goodwill of the business of iron and tin-plate metal workers at 170 and 172, Hackney- street, Birmingham. Nominal capital, £1,000 in 1,000 £1 shares. Directors shall be appointed by subscribers. Sub- scribers : W. Tonks and H. H. Oliver. British Electron Company Limited. — Private company. Registered February 19. To carry on business of importers and exporters of and dealers in metals and metallic sub- stances of all kinds. Nominal capital, £3,000 in 3',000 £1 shares. Directors : H. D. Ashworth, A. Keating, and C. R. Adams. Dressier Tunnel Ovens Limited.—Private company. Regis- tered February 21. To carry on business of builders, engi- neers, oven designers, and manufacturers and dealers in bricks, tubes, etc. Nominal capital, £25,000 in 50,000 10s. shares. Directors shall Le appointed by the subscribers. Qualification, one share. Subscribers : M. H. Blythe and W. Taylor. Eggar, Forester and Parker Limited.—Private company. Registered February 20. To purchase and take over the business of colliery agents, merchants, ship and insurance brokers, and steamship managers, etc. Nominal capital, £55,000 in 54,000 6 per cent. £1 cumulative preference shares and 20,000 Is. management shares. Directors shall be appointed by the subscribers. Qualification, 100 manage- ment shares. Subscribers : E. R. Wicks, D. S. Mary, and G-. W. Dickinson. Evans (A. T.) and Company Limited.—Private company. Registered February 20. To carry on business of manufac- turers, merchants, and dealers in the rolling of metals, brass founders, metal workers, etc. Nominal capital, £5,000 in 5,000 £1 shares. Directors shall be appointed by the sub- scribers. Subscribers : R. F. Painter, N. G. Walker, and P. Norman. Grondal Kjellin Company (1917) Limited.—Private com- pany. Registered office, 20, Abchurch-lane, London. Regis- tered February 22. To carry on business of metallurgists and of working or otherwise deal with or in ores, metals, charcoal, minerals, etc. Nominal capital, £11,001 in 110,010 2s. shares. Directors : W. P. Hay, J. H. Benn, J. Mesnier, and E. A. Hay. Hendon Engineering Company Limited. — Private com- pany. Registered office, 3, Broad-street Buildings, Liver- pool-street, E.C. Registered February 22. Nature of busi- ness indicated by title. Nominal capital, £2,500 in 3,000 10s. preference shares and 4,000 5s. shares. Directors to 1 e appointed by subscribers. Subscribers : C. T. Roe and F. F. Trotman. Lash (Robert H.) Limited.-—Private company. Regis- tered office, 29-31, Portugal-street, W.C. Registered February 22. To carry on business of mechanical engi- neers, tool makers, boiler manufacturers, brass founders, etc. Nominal capital, £5,000 in 5,000 £1 shares. Director, R. H. Lash. Qualification, 100 shares. This list of new companies is taken from the Daily Register specially compiled by Messrs. Jordan and Sons Limited, company registration agents, Chancery-lane, E.C. COASTWISE SHIPMENTS IN JANUARY. According to the returns issued by the Commissioners of H.M. Customs and Excise, the following quantities of coal were shipped coastwise from the United Kingdom during January:— To ports in England and Wales........ Scotland................. Ireland.................. The destination of cargo shipments was as follows :— Dec. 1916. Dec. 1917. Tons. Tons. 673,155 ... 541,998 45,971 ... 36,484 322,229 ... 350,408 A deputation from the South Wales coal owners had an interview on Tuesday with the Coal Controller on the sub- ject of pit prop supplies. The proceedings were private. Dr. A. C. Hinks.has been appointed certifying surgeon under the Factory and Workshop Acts at Wells. Dr. J. O’Dwyer has been appointed to a similar position in Tipperary. It is officially stated that Mr. Stephen Walsh, M.P., for the Ince Division, and chairman of the workmen’s section of the Coal Conciliation Board for England and North Wales, is to be the Parliamentary Under-Secretary to the new Ministry of National Service. The Minister of Munitions has appointed committees to deal with problems connected with the Scottish shah industry. Prof. John Cadman will represent the Ministry of Munitions in connection wT|ith this subject, and act as chairman of the committees on any occasion on which, they meet in joint session. ABSTRACTS OF PATENT SPECIFICATIONS RECENTLY ACCEPTED. 103184. Improvements in Rock Drilling Machines. W. C. Stephens, of the Climax Rock Drill and Engineering Works Limited, Carn Brea, Cornwall. (A communication from Richard Hosken, Post Office Box 668, Johannesburg, Trans- vaal, South Africa.)—Relates to rock drilling machines of the hammer type wherein an anvil block or bolster is inter- posed between the hammer piston and the borer or drill shank, and wherein a water channel surrounds the bolster and communicates wnth one end of a passage formed in the bolster, and serving to convey water to a longitudinal hole in the borer. The figure is a plan of the front portion of a rock drill, a indicates the power cylinder of the drill, and b the cover. The latter forms a chuck, being provided with a socket to receive the shank of the borer c. d is a cylinder which forms an extension of the cylinder a, and is interposed between the working cylinder a and the chuck or cover b. e is the recess formed in the extension cylinder d. A hole to which a water supply pipe can be connected communicates with the recess e through a passage, h is the anvil block or bolster in the extension cylinder d, and adapted to be acted upon by the hammer piston i of the drill. The other end acts against the borer c. The borer c is provided with a passage k for water, and in the bolster*/! is formed a passage I, one end of which communicates with the recess e, whilst the other coincides with the hole k in the borer c so that water will flow through the bolster from the annular recess to the borer, m, m are the grooves formed around the interior of the extension cylinder d on either side of the recess e, and n, n are packing rings of indiarubber or the like, preferably of the U or hydraulic type. (Three claims.) 103320. Improvements in Controllers for the Doors of Railway Wagons and the like. H. R. Carver and F. R. Rand and Company Limited, all of 38, Victoria-street, London, S.W.—Relates to controllers for the dcors of rail- way w^agons and the like, particularly to drop doors. The drawing is a front elevation. To a con- venient portion a of the framework of the wagon is fixed a plate spring b, proportioned to suit the weight of door. The free end of this spring is con- nected to the door a or to a fitting d there- on by a link e, so that the turning moment of the spring b upon the door is reversed when the door reaches a given position, and either locks the door in its open position or renders the d o o r wholly or partially self-closing. The link e is formed in two parts or bifurcated so that one end may embrace and be pinned to the angle bracket d on the door whilst the other end is similarly secured to an eye formed at the free end of the spring. With such an arrangement, the turning moment of the the door when the point f -k spring acts in one direction upon of connection between the door and connecting member (that is, the pin /) is upon one side of a line drawn from the point of contact of the member and its spring (that is, the pin q).and the axis of the door hinge h, and in the reverse direction when the same point passes to the other side of such line. (Four claims.) use with oil burners of 103339. Improvements in Furnace Fronts. James Howden and Company Limited and J. H. Hume, of 195, Scotland-street, Glasgow. — Relates to fronts for forced draught furnaces and suitable for that type to which air. is not required to be supplied from a point or points directly below the same. The drawing is a vertical section. The furnace front con- stitutes a casting 1 formed at the top and each of the sides of the firing entrance with air ports 2 and 3 opening directly into the firing entrance of the furnace—the bottom of the firing entrance being unprovided with any air opening. The air supply through said ports is controlled by valves. For example,’ each of the side ports 3 may be controlled by a simple butterfly valve 4, and the upper port controlled by a slide valve or damper 5, which may be of the usual type supplied for Howden forced draught fittings. The valves 4 may be operated indepen- dently or conjointly. The furnace partitions or the like affording walls of air passages between the valves and the mixing chamber 6. 7 denotes -a support for the brickwork protecting the furnace front; 8 a door giving access to the valve 5 ; 9 the door carrying the burners; and 10 a door giving access to the lower part of the furnace. (Two claims.) front is unprovided with 103330; Improvements in Safety Control Devices for Pit Cages and the like; W. L. Thackray, of 121, Town-street,