March 2, 1917. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 425 WELLS’ WATER OIL FILTERS With Patent “Sight-feed” Syphons. Over 22,000 Sold. Supplied to the Principal Gasworks, Corpora- tions and Leading Industrial Firms. Pay first cost in a short time, as Dirtied Oil, which has hitherto been thrown away, can be filtered and used again and again. No. 1.—For users having only a small quan- £ s. d. tity of oil to treat (no syphon), 17 in. by 9 in................1 IS 0 No. 2.—Capacity about 3 gallons oil, 22in. by lOin. ... ... ... 2 10 0 No. 3.—Capacity about 6 gallons oil, 27 in. by 12 in. ... ... ... 3 10 0 No. 4.—Capacity about 12 gallons oil, 36 in. by 16 n ... ... ... 5 10 0 No 5.—Capacity about 24 gallons oil, 43 in. by 23 in.............. 9 9 0 No. 6.—Settling chambers holding about 50 gallons oil, 60 in. by 30 in. ... 19 10 0 Wells’ “Lightning’’Lime & Colour Washer (Wallwork & Wells’ Patent). A Great Saving of TIME, LABOUR & MONEY. No Outside Power Required. Lime Whiting or Cold Water Paints applied at a speed of from 10 to 20 square yards per minute in a manner superior to One coat with the machine on rough surfaces is equa to two applied with brushes. Will Save First Cost in a Few Days. ENLARGED PATTERNS. REDUCED PRICES. No. 6a, with detachable pail ... £5 5 No. 6, handy size, with tank, and wheels ........................... £6 15 No. 4, with 5 ft. poles, single spray- ing nozzle, and 15 ft. special armoured hose, capacity 8 gallons ... ... ... £8 5 No. 4a, the same ss No. 4 but with strong wheels, and under- frame ... ... ... £9 0 No. 5a, large machine, with wheels, 5 ft pole, double spraying nozzle and 20 ft. hose, capacity 12 gallons ... £11 5 o o 0 0 0 Over 6,000 Sold. PRICES SUBJECT TO CURRENT RATE OF ADVANCE. A. 0. WELLS & Co. London KEITH INDUCED DRAUGHT PLANT MINE FAN PLANT Complete Plants also for DUST EXHAUSTING, FORGE BLOWING, SMOKE REMOVAL, &c., &c. James Keith & Blackman Co. Ld. 27, Farringdon Avenue, LONDON. The NEW EXPLOSIVES COMPANY Ld. ESTABLISHED 1865. Manufacturers of every description of High Explosives for Mining and Blasting Purposes. STOMONAL No. 1. The Ideal “Permitted ” Explbsive for Coal Mines. Particulars and Prices on application to the Company or any of their Agents. Works : Stowmarket, Suffolk. Head Office : 62, London Wall, London, E.C. Its production has aimed at and attained a far higher standard of strength, reliability and economy than that of any other existent brake lining. A unique service We invite your enquiries CLUTCH LININGS. Old-established Spinners and Manufacturers and Patentees of Pure Asbestos Fabrics, etc. Send post card for our Catalogue and Drawings. CRESSWELLS’ Ld., WELLINGTON BRAKE and MILLS, BRADFORD. 11, Bothwell Street, GLASGOW; and 84, Hawthorne Avenue, SWANSEA. Telegrams—“ASBESTOS, BRADFORD.” Contractors to the Admiralty, the India Office and War Office, the Telephone—950 BRADFORD. Crown Agents for the Colonies, & numerous British Railways, etc.