402 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. February 23, 1917. municates with mains, in which the gases from a bench of ovens are collected and carried to the by-product apparatus or other point of delivery. The dome is preferably made up from a series of sections, each having an enlarged longi- tudinal body portion 14, near the centre of which is the throat 15 secured to the corresponding flange 10. Above each of the throats 15 is the upstanding flange 16, forming an extension of the throat. Liquid materials collecting in 27 so- /<5- the bottom of the longitudinal passage are prevented from running down through the throats and into the ports by reason of .the presence of the flanges 16. Above each of the throats and flanges is a charging opening 17, which may be closed by a cover 18. Each cover is connected to a bell crank 19, connected to a link 20, and having a counter- weight 21. (Five claims.) 103327. Improvements in Water Circulation and Steam Drying Apparatus for Boilers. F. Niblock, of 24, Queen’s- road, Crosby, near Liverpool. — Relates to apparatus whereby the dryness factor of steam delivered from a boiler or steam generator may be increased, and the water circu- lation in the lower stagnant water spaces rendered more effective without disturbing the mud or other deposits, thus increasing the economy in coal consumption, while improv- ing the steam-raisincr efficiency of the boiler. The drawing is a side view, in which the return pipe is led to an auxiliary valve. The pipe 1 is led from the steam space 2 of the boiler 3 into the lower water space 4, where the lower bend 2, -----------piI,nTnC’"*in(Ar] "7----------------------J /Oa. la may be formed as a coil with several loops. 'In a three furnace boiler the pipe 1 may be passed down between the central furnace and one of the wing furnaces, round the lower part of the central furnace, so as to pass through the very lowest water space of the boiler and up between the other wing furnace and the central furnace. The steam pipe is led down close to the front or cold end of the boiler and up close to the combustion chamber 5, the whole -of the pipe being thus inside the boiler. The pipe then passes out through the shell of the boiler at <6, where it is con- trolled by a cock or valve 7. The pipe is thence led into the smokebox 8, and coupled to distributor boxes 9 or headers, of any suitable construction. Coupled to the headers .is a series of loops, so that a large tube surface is offered to the heatincr effect of the effluent gases, the final element of the header or distributor being coupled to a pipe 1c, which may be led into the usual internal pipe of the main stop valve, to an auxiliary valve 10, and be controlled by a separate stop valve 11, the usual internal pipe 12 com- municating with the auxiliary valve 10 by way of the pipe 10a, the outlet of the main steam valve 13 being stopped off by a blank flange 14. In this way steam from the steam space 2 of the boiler is caused to traverse by way of the pipe 1 through the lower water space 4 of the boiler, and pass out at 6, being superheated when passing through the coils 15, and finally mixing with the saturated steam from the internal pipe 12 in the auxiliary valve 10. (Five claims.) NEW PATENTS CONNECTED WITH THE COAL AND IRON TRADES. Applications for Patents. [Note.—Applications arranged alphabetically under the names of the applicants (communicators in parentheses). A new number will be given on acceptance, which will replace the application number.] Abrahams, E. G. Portable apparatus for producing gaseous fuel. (2354) Bamford, W. Apparatus for removal of dust and ash from boiler flues, etc. (2380) - Bentley, J. Electrically-driven cranes, etc. (2157) Boin, R. Continuous-current dynamo electric machines. (2214) Bombrim Parodi-Delfino, and Chiaraviglio, D. Explosives. (2117) Bradley, G. F. Explosive compound. (2329) British Thomson-Houston Company. Dynamo electric machines. (2269) Brotherhood Limited, P., Bryant, C. W., Jones, Gf. F., and Welch, J. H. Kemp-. Internal combustion engines. (2346, 2349) Burrell, G. A. Gas analysing apparatus. (2119) Buxton, H. G. I. Internal combustion engines. (2367) Capener, A. W. Visual signalling apparatus. (2212) • Clark, W. (Soc. d’Exploitation des Appareils Rateau). Centrifugal blowers. (2356) Constantinesco, G., and Haddon, W. Storage and utilisa- tion of energy by means of liquids. (2116) Const antinesco, G., and Haddon, W. Means for trans- mitting rotary motion. (2223) Constantinesco, G. Pumps. (2343, 2344) Constantinesco, G. Power transmission. (2345) Davies, W. R., and Thomas, H. and R. B. Machinery for manufacture of tin-plates and sheets, etc. (2188) Drysdale, J. R. Liquid fuel burner. (2315) Hall, I. Means for melting metals, etc. (2314) Harris, H. S. Engines or motors. (2361) Head, Wrightson and Co., Ringquist, J. M., and Wright- son, T. G. Hoists for charging blast furnaces, etc. (2273) Head, Wrightson and Company. Blast furnaces, etc. (2274) Head, Wrightson and Company. Means for manipulating skips or buckets. (2275) Holehouse, W. and W. H. Boiler furnaces, etc. (2090) - Hopkins, C. T. Manufacture of composition fuel. (2233) Howden and Company, J., and Hume, J. FI. Draught installations for boilers. (2202) Kaempfe, H. Anschutz-. Boring tools. (2392) Keller, C. A. Manufacture of steel. (2391) Kirke, P. St. G. Generation of steam and feed water, etc., heating (2258) Morra, R. H. J. Apparatus for production of power from pressure of atmosphere. (2328) Nichols Pump and Engineering Company, and Nichols, W. W. Steam, etc., fluid engines. (2254) Parker, J. W. Portable apparatus for producing gaseous fuel. (2354) Perry, L. I. Means for transporting coal, etc. (2397). Pollock, A. A. Dynamo electric machines. (2269) Produce Mortgage Trust, and Vautin, C. Treatment of scale produced in. hammering and rolling high-speed tool steel, etc. (2234, 2235) Roper,' W. Power transmission mechanism. (2104) Schmidt, A. Method of producing carbon, hydrogen, and ..oxygen compounds from paraffin. (2163) . Scott,. W. H. Electrically-driven cranes, etc.: . (2157) Simplex Conduits Limited. Internal combustion engines. (2077) . Thomas, E. Apparatus for moving ingots, blooms, slabs, . etc., in relation to.rolls of.rolling mills.. (2094) Thomas, J. S. G. Anemometers. (2383) Thompson, J. and R. J. Electrical generating, apparatus. (2092) ' Tilston, E. Two-stroke cycle .internal combustion engines. , (2338).. ' Waterhouse, L. M. Internal combustion engines. (2077) Williams, A. H. Manufacture of iron. (2255) Woodhouse, B. Pumps. (2305) Complete Specifications Accepted. (To be published on March 8.) - - 1915. 17256. Riter-Cohley Manufacturing Company. Control of draught current for gas producers and other com- bustion sustaining apparatus. 1916. • [Note.—The number following the application is that which the specification will finally bear.] 90. Vidal, R. Method, of using heavy hydrocarbons as fuel in internal combustion engines. (103831) 224. Rhodes, W. F. W., and Firth, J. Driving and con- trolling dynamo electric generators. (103835) 2009. Peckham, E. Furnaces. (103854) 2204. Taylor, M. T. Device for use in concentrating ores, minerals, or earths, or for like purposes. (103858) 2286. Halliday, T. E. Distribution valve for multiple expansion fluid pressure engines. (103862) 2329. British Thomson-Houston Company (General Elec- tric Company). Moans for producing alternating currents. (103865) 2356. Rollason, A. Treatment of coal for use in domestic grates or furnaces. (103873) 2914. Clark, G. M. (Keller Mechanical Engraving Com- pany). Process of and apparatus for the gener- ation of motive fluid. (103885) 3196. Rollason, A. Increasing the heating power of coke. (103893) • 3845. Scott’s Shipbuilding and Engineering Company, and Richardson, J. Internal combustion engines. (103896) 4331. Wade, H. (Sturgeon, H. W., and Hartman, L.). Internal combustion engines. (103902) 5120. Wale, A. E. Conveyor driving and other belts. (103907) 5570. Crowdus, W. A. Storage batteries. (100315) 5679. Jackson, W. J. Mellersh- (Metalwood Manufacturing Company). Regulating valves. (103909) 5703. Samuel, W., and Jones, W. A. Means for inject- ing water into the cylinders of internal combus- tion engines. (103910) 6087. Christopher, J. E. Gas cooling apparatus. (103917) 6732. Groves, G. H., and Groves, A. Pedestals for pit tubs. (103922) 11751. Barrett, M., and Leeds Fireclay Company. Process for preventing the disintegration of refractory materials. (103953) 13802. Timmis, G. H., and Jones, W. D. Furnace fire- bars. (103965) 14929. Miller, J., and Fletcher and Company, G. Crush- ing and like mills. (103972) 16150. Cortesi, C., Prassone, E., and Contin, A. Means for supplying feed water or other liquid to steam generators and the like. (102157) 16723. Thornycroft and Company, J. I., Donaldson, T., and Mackie, R. Furnace fronts for liquid fuel fur- naces. (103979) Complete Specifications Open to Public Inspection Before Acceptance. 1917. [Note.—The number following the application is that which the specification will finally bear.] 1261. Soc. Lyonnaise de Mecanique et d’Electricite. Fluid pressure engines. (103988) 1393. Martin, R. B. Ore concentration. (103990) 1502. Hadron, A. Automatic grabs. (103993) 1717. Geuze, I. Manufacture of malleable cast iron or steel. (103996) 1739. Compagnie Generale Electrique. Flexible cable funicular traction system. (103998) 1832. Cardoso, A. Hydraulic motor of the perpetual motion type. (104004) 1965. Ruths, J. K. Heat accumulators. (104006) 1988. Crosby Steam Gauge and Valve Company. Safety valves. (104007) PUBLICATIONS RECEIVED. Mining Manual and Mining Year Book, 1917. By W. R. ’ Skinner. London : Walter R. Skinner and Financial Times. Price, 15s. net. The Economic Geology of the Central Coal Field of Scotland. By C. T. Clough, L. W. Hinxman, W. B. .Wright, E. M. Anderson, and R. G. Carruthers; and contributions from R. Kidston and G. W. Lee. (Memoirs of the Geological Survey of Scotland). London: E. Stanford. Price, 4s. 6d. Business Prospects Year Book, 1917.' By J. Davies and C. P. Hailey. Cardiff ; The Business Statistics Company Limited, Baltic House, Cardiff. Price, 10s. net. “ The Mining Magazine ” (Vol. 16, No. 2), February, price Is.; “The Journal of the Chemical, Metallurgical and Mining Society of South Africa ” (Vol. 17, No. 6), December 1916, price 3s.; “Transactions of the Institu- tion of Engineers and Shipbuilders in Scotland ’’ (Vol. 60, Part 4); “ Transactions of the North-East Coast Institu- tion of Engineers and Shipbuilders ” (Vol. 33, Part 2), February; “ Trade of the Union of .South Africa, Southern and Northern Rhodesia, and British South Africa for November 1916’’; “Transactions of the Institution of Mining Engineers ” (Vol. li., Parts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6). Research in Canada.—The Council for 'Scientific Research, Ottawa, recommends the establishment of Government industrial research bureaus in the large commercial centres and the immediate 'investigation of the question of the pro- vision of an adequate supply of good fuel to the Western Provinces. There are large supplies of lignite in the West, and it is thought that a method might be found of making better use of this. —- SIZES — TO CARRY 3 and 5 TONS. ------ With or Withoot Tipping Bodies. STEAM CART & WAGON Go. Ltd., Hunslet, LEEDS. London Office : 9, Fenchurch Avenue, E.C.