370 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. February 23, 1917. A Fair Example of Results 1 in 12 Perfectly noiseless in operation. Write for Latest Illustrated Catalogue on Conveyors. Most economical in power consumption. Electric or air-driven. SHEFFIELD Telegrams—“Meco,” Sheffield. Telephone—4530 Central (2 lines). The Silent Conveyor (Spence’s Patent). Length of Face - - Height of Seam - - Average Gradient against load Average discharge (5 men) - 60 tons per shift Average load (input) - 4 B.H.P. 80 yards 2 ft. 9 in. Positive in action, will convey equally well uphill or down. Will take the place of your enlisted men and will increase tremendously your output of coal. ■ '-<2 ■ s in the boiler fire is an assurance to the power user that the maxi- mum of heat is being obtained from the fuel. And it is only by making use of the whole of the heat energy that he can hope for economical working. The boiler fire is the solution of the economy problem. But the degree of combustion is dependent upon either an unreasonably high chimney or a system of mechanical draught. Abolish Black Smoke. There is no surer indication of wasted fuel than that pre- sented by the volumes of black smoke which pour from factory chimneys. This waste can be prevented and the harmful “smoke effects” abolished by the “ Cyclone ” Induced Draught Plant. Meco Belt Conveyor Head, Spiro-turbine Drive. The Mining Engineering Co. MECO WORKS, limited Perfect Combustion THE (yclone “ Coventry ” Noiseless Chain Drive, motor to lineshaft, for the repair shop of a Northern Colliery. • e 530 Induced Draught Plant guarantees perfect combustion—further- more, it works independently of the aid of chimney, and thus makes possible the full recovery of the waste heat. A chimney relies upon hot gases for its drawing power— the “Cyclone” I. D. Plant supplies the drawing power, and thus frees the waste heat for useful service. All the advantages of a good draught—a hot thick fire and increased evaporation with the minimum of smoke, fuel economy and heat recovery, are secured to users of the “ Cyclone ” Induced Draught Plant. Our Booklet, 275F, contains facsimiles of letters from users which prove our claims, Send for it. Over thirty years’ experience in the de- signing and construction of Fans for all Purposes enables us to give expert and reliable advice. We will gladly supply information to prospective clients—free. |tetihew.s 8 YatcsD winton,Manchester Turning movement, even, steady turning movement free from slip and jar is what your lineshafts require if the output of your machines is to be maintained. This result can only be obtained by the use of Chain drives. If you are using Chain drives you are aware of this ; if you are not, instal a Chain drive in competition with a Belt drive and note results. You will be surprised. “ The COVENTRY ” CHAIN co. LTD., Experts in Power Transmission, COVENTRY.