February 16, 1917. THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. 319 f WRIGHTS FORGE & \ ENGINEERING CO. LTD. Maximum Efficiency in your BOILER HOUSE NEPTUNE FORCE, t 57, BISHOPSCATE, TIPTON. & LONDON, E.C. The Danger of Overwinding owing to the brakes failing to act at the critical moment, may be obviated by having your brakes fitted with Ferodo linings. Possessing a very high co efficient of friction, Ferodo fabrics will pull up your engines in less time and with greater certainty than wood blocks or metal brakes. They permit of faster winding without the slightest danger. Clutch and Brake Linings. Contractors to the War Office and Admiralty, London General Omnibus Company, and Underground Electric Railways of London and Paris. List H from THE HERBERT FROOD CO. LTD., Work.-CHAPEL-EN-LE-FRITH. We hold stocks at London, Birmingham, Belfast, Bristol, Car- diff, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Liverpool, Manchester & Newcastle. Agents for India: THE ASBESTOS & BELTING CO., Hl 3 & 4, Waterloo Street, CALCUTTA.® IF you wish to increase your output, if you cannot get the Steam you want when you want it, we would like you to consult us. Steam prob- lems are our great speciality, and our 50 years’ experience in dealing with such is sufficient warranty to justify our claim that we can be of use to you Bennis Automatic Boiler Plant will Save Men, because one man can attend 5 or 6 boilers. Save Coal, because better efficiency can be obtained. Save Boilers, because a cheaper quality of coal can be used. Save Money, because 3 boilers can do the work of 4. We undertake complete equipments of Mechanical Stokers, Automatic Coal Elevators and Conveyors, Pneu- matic Ash Plants, all of which we have already installed in Munition Works, Electricity Stations, Collieries, Iron and Steel Works, Flour, Paper and Textile Mills, and in every kind of Industry at Home and Abroad. Serid for^ our FREE BOOK If you are a Steam user, you will also be interested in our Monthly Magazine, “ Cheap Steam.” Just send us a post- card asking for this also. Ed. Bennis & C°z, LITTLE HULTON, BOLTON, and 28,VICTORIA ST.,LONDON,S.W. THIS LAMP INSURES SAFETY FIRST—AND LAST! The Hailwood Combustion Tube Lamp Is the ideal mine safety lamp, the most efficient gas detector, the choice of the British, French, and American Governments. No matter from what point you judge a mine lamp, the Hailwood will best meet your requirements. You will find it to be safer than any other flame safety lamp obtainable. Sole Makers— ACKROYD & BEST LTD., Lamp Experts, Its l lr to li candle power will convince you that the Hail wood is a safety lamp worthy of the name. Few parts, simple construction, and light weight, 31lbs. 50% to 100% cheaper than an electric lamp, and less trouble: some. 80,000 supplied or on order. Beacon Works, Telephone No.—86 Morley. MORLEY, nr. Leeds. Telegraphic Address—‘‘Lamps, Morley, Leeds.”