298 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN February 9, 1917. face of the top plates of the. chests b by the conveyor until it arrives at the end of the top chests, upon which it falls through between the scrapers a1 on to the lower steam chests at n, from whence it is carried back over the heated plates of the lower chests, and deposited at the other end on to any suitable cross conveyor p. (Four claims.) NEW PATENTS CONNECTED WITH THE COAL AND IRON TRADES. Applications for Patents. [Note.—Applications arranged alphabetically under the names of the applicants (communicators in parentheses). A new number will be given on acceptance, which will replace the application number.] Aitken, R. Boiler bouse door. (1559) Anderson, S. J. Electrical governors or speed regulators for electric motors, etc. (1412) Anderson, W. Explosive. (1751) Anderson, W. Explosive powder. (1752) Avery, W. and T. Tilting furnaces. (1476) Baldwin, A. Feed water regulators for steam boilers. (1705) Baldwin, J. Automatically lubricating wheel axles of colliery wagons, tubs, corves, etc. (1726) Banister, G. C. Firing explosive charges. (1526) Barker, J. F. Haulage clips for colliery tubs or trams. (1737) Berry, F. E., and British Electric Transformer Company. Polyphase transformers. (1587) Berry, F. E., and British Electric Transformer Company. Electric furnaces, and transformers for use therewith. (1588) Bocrner, A. Interna) combustion engines, gas turbines, etc. (1457) Boerner, A. Internal combustion engines. (1458) Briggs, E. R. Internal combustion engines. (1521) British Thomson-Houston Company. Electric motor con- trol, and apparatus therefor. (1754) British Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Company (Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Company). Vacuum type electric converters. (1581) Bugatti, E. Engine valve. (1720) Cannell, V. L. Tilting furnaces. (1476) Champeney, C. C. Multi-stage centrifugal exhausters, blowers, pumps, and compressors of the turbine type. (1728) Clifton, A. Drew-. Crankless engine. (1486) Compagme Generale Electrique. Flexible cable funicular traction system. (1739) Davis and Son, J., and Davis, W. H. Electric bells. (1748). Dexter, F. Fan blowers. (1700) Drake, W. A., and Drakes Limited. Regenerative retort settings. (1534) Electrical Improvements Limited. Heating working fluids employed in compound engines. (1721) Evans, J. Greasing and coiling wire ropes, etc. (1617) Ferry, J. de. Employing petrol and heavy oils in internal combustion engines. (1573) Frazer, J. K. Skip for carrying coal, coke, etc. (1742) Gardner, J. Internal combustion'ep^jn'es, (1630) Geuze, L. Manufacture of malleable cast iron or steel. (1717) Green, G. Flexible couplings for transmission of power. (1766) Grist, C. J. Treatment of steel and steel alloys. (1574) Haddon, W. Transmission of energy by wave motten. (1504) Hairon, A. Automatic grabs. (1502) Hall, I. Furnaces, etc. (1557) Hall, I. Lining or re-lining furnaces, etc. (1558) Hastings, H. 0. Electric motor control, and apparatus therefor. (1754) ' Hearson, C. E. Electric furnaces. (1661) .' Iki, O. Feed water purifiers. (1571) Kevill, T. Automatically lubricating wheel axles of colliery wagons, tubs, corves, etc. (1726) Leary, J. I. Apparatus for generating and burning hydro- carbon vapours. (1545) Lowcock, P. Internal combustion engines. (1630) Mtiriliier, F. W. Multi-stage centrifugal exhausters, blowers, pumps, and compressors of the turbine type. (1728) Martens, H. T. B. Converting rectilinear reciprocating movement into rotary movement. (1719) Menard, H. C. Transmission mechanism for transforming continuous into rotary motion. (1772) Merz, C. H. Heating working fluids employed in compound engines. (1721) Millar, J. Internal combustion engines. (1606) Moses, R. I. Crankless engine. (I486) Mossay, P. A. H. Dynamo electric machines. (1764) Murgatroyd, T. Furnaces of steam boilers. (1727) Oboukhoff, N. Frequency changers 'and generators of alter- nating electric current. (1515) Ogden, W. J. Furnaces of steam boilers. (1727) Pritchard, D. Automatic stop-block for safe working of trams, etc., in mines, etc. (1463) Roudy, C. Regenerating apparatus for furnaces. (1461) Rowlands, P. O. Liquid fuel internal combustion engines. (1474) Row’edge, A. J. Governors for internal combustion engines. (1569) Skinner, W. C. Fuel burning devices. (1572) Swingler, A. Iron manufacture. (1623) Trefileries et Laminoirs du Havre, Anciens Etablissements Lazare Weiller, Soc. Co-operative de Rugles, et la Canalisation Electrique Reunis. Regenerating appar- atus for furnaces. (1461) Waite, J. N. Fans, blowers, etc. (1755) Wall, A. W. Internal combustion engines. (1682) Wellen, U. A. H. Converting rectilinear reciprocating movement into, rotary movement. (1719) Willans and Robinson; Internal combustion engines. (1521) Complete Specifications Accepted. (To be published on February 22.) 1915. 16602. Ccch’.ovius. Electric furnaces. 1916. [Note.—The number following the application is that which the specification will finally bear.] 856. Riter-Conley Manufacturing Company, Carpenter, H. A., and Warner, A. W. Charging mechanism for use in connection with gas retorts. (103494) 1066. Hudson, T. Upright boiler. (103501) 1106. Turner, I. Rotary internal combustion engines. (103503) 1153. Johnson, H. W., and Trevor, R. E. B. Protective devices for boiler smoke tubes and the like. (103506) 1486. Toussaint, H. Suction draught apparatus for fur- naces and the like. (103525) 1576. Bellamy, A. R., and James, C. Shells of generators and similar parts of plant for the manufacture of suction gas a.nd the like. (103529) 1593. Galloway's Limited, and Pilling, H. Valve gear for reciprocating engines. (103531) 1663. Willans, G. H., and Luard, E. S. Feed water heat- ing apparatus for locomotive and other boilers. (103534) 1682. Musker, A. Methods of and apparatus for trimming and similarly distributing coal and other materials. (103536) 1760. Babcock and Wilcox Limited, and Lennox, A. Rotary feeding devices for feeding coal, sand, and like materials into conveyors, chutes, or like devices. (103540) 2685. Ransomes and Rapier, and Bowtell, W. J. Cranes. .(103546) 4410. Wilson, F. W., and Howard Smith Engineering Company. Tubular air heaters, condensers, and the like. (103559) 4487. Christonher, J. E. Combined gas cooler and washer. (103561) 4970. Barber, F. Apparatus and appliances for filtering and purifying air. (103566) 4996. Talbot, B. Manufacture of steel or ingot iron. (103569) 5126. Forward, C. B. Process of treating crude petroleum. (103572) 5899. Tinsley, W. P., and Nash, J. G. Gas burners for smelting and heating purposes. (103579) 6486. Phelps, C. Internal combustion engines. (103585) 7117. Alldays and Onions Pneumatic Engineering Com- pany, and Allday, P. W. Annealing furnaces heated by gaseous fuel. (103593) 12548. Christiansen, H. Pneumatically operated percussion tools. (103619) 15280. Aktiebolaget Ingeniorsfirma. F. Egnell. Gas analysis apparatus. (101979) Complete Specifications Open to Public Inspection Before Acceptance. [Note.—The number following the application is that which the specification will finally bear.] 1916. 18336. Griseom-Russell Company. High heat level evapor- ator systems. (103644) 18388. Ajax Metal Company. Induction furnaces. (103645) 1917. 438. Bethenod, J., and Girardeau, E. High frequency alternators. (103657) 449. Bethenod, J., and Girardeau, E. Statons of electric generators. (103658) 883. Aylsworth, A. M., and Savings Investment and Trust Company of East Orange. Processes for produc- ing phenol and other substances. (103664) 1163. Ma’ag, M., and Aennli, A. Gear pumps. (103669) PUBLICATIONS RECEIVED. Dominions Year Book, 1917. Edited by E. Salmon. London : British Dominions General Insurance Company Limited. Lockwoods’ Builder’s, Architect’s, Contractor’s, and Engineer's Price Book for 1917. Edited by R. S. Ayling. London : Crosby Lockwood and Son. Price, 4s. Mining Institute of Scotland : Catalogue of Library,” price Is.: “The Ameri'’an Mining Congress Journal" (Vol. 3, No. 1), January; “The Journal of the South African Institution of Engineers ” (Vol. 15, No. 6), January; “ Bulletin No. 149 of the Institution of Mining and Metallurgy"; “Report of the War Refugees Com- mittee” (London: War Refugees Committee); “Com- pressed Air Magazine ” (Vol. 22, No. 1), January. Partnerships Dissolved.—The London Gazette announces dissolution of the partnership of J. Harrison, R. Firth, and S. Rush,forth, trading as the Sunny Bank Colliery Company, Birkenshaw, Yorkshire; also of G. Buxton (who continues the business) and F. Wainwright, trading as Wainwright and Buxton, engineers, 17, Steelhouse-lane, Birmingham. Hull Coal Trade. — The coal imported into Hull from British collieries during January totalled 263,557 tons, which is below the quantity (274,022 tons) in the corresponding month last year. Of the quantity specified, 19,158 tons wer brought by river. Export shipments (coastwise) aggregated 21,897 tons. Coal Difficulty in Germany.—A great scarcity of coal for all civil purposes is reported in the German Press. As regards Munich, it was announced that there is no prospect of obtaining any fresh snnnlies of coal while the cold weather lasts, and the military authorities issued a series, of cur: instructions to the municipal authorities—the instructions to remain in force until further orders. Not only all schools, but all museums, theatres, cinema theatres, concert rooms, and public halls are to be closed. This involves the entire suspension of all public meetings. Ail restaurants, cafes, and clubs are limited to the use of a single room each, and are to close at 10 p.m. All fuel belonging to theatres and other public establishments is confiscated by the. municipality, and restaurants and hotels require a licence for all fresh purchases of fuel. Reports in the Frankfurter Zeitung show that the situation is very serious at Frankfurt and in other parts of South. Germany. The PREMIER Screen in the WORLD is Norton’s Patent Horizontal Main Screen REQUIRES NO SPECIAL FOUNDATION. Will work continuously WITHOUT BOLTING DOWN. Will Screen more efficiently than any other screen. Over 150 Screens now at work. For PERFECT sizing & loading USE PULSATING CONVEYORS AND PULSATING LOADING JIBS (NORTON’S PATENTS) NORTON’S PATENT HORIZONTAL MAIN SCREEN AND COMBINED PICKING CONVEYOR, fitted with our Patent Air Cushioning Cylinders. » The Screen illustrated is 5 ft. 6 in. wide, having four decks, and will deal with 125 tons of coal per hour separated into four sizes, and passing the large coal without any fall to the Picking Conveyor. NORTONS (TIVIDALE) Ltd., HECLA Works, Tipton, England.