260 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. February 2, 1917. MACHINERY. Advertisements can be inserted under a Box number, and replies will'be forwarded on payment of postage. MACHINERY— continued. Gillott’s Improved “ Gillott and Copley ” Rotary COAL-CUTTING MACHINES. See Illustrated Adver- tisemeht fortnightly. Sole Makers: JOHN GILLOTT A 80N, Barnsley. For Sale. One Mile of New 14 lb. Portable RAILWAY, 24 in. gauge cnmplet°; quantity of second-hand Pit Rails, 50/60 lo. Flange Rails; relayable Rail- way Sleepers and Cartroad Sleepers, Crossing Timbers, Pit Props and Pit Lids. . . ■ B. M. BBNTON A OO., Market Place1 Buildings* High-street, Sheffield. Weir Peed Pump, 9|in. by 7 J in. by 18 in. stroke, 4.000 gals. Weir type FEED PUMP, 6|in. by 5 in. by 14in. stroke, 1,400 gals. Tangye Hoz. STEAM PUMP, 16in. steam cyl., 10 in. water cyl. Double Vertical PUM P, 15 in; cyls 7J in rams. Evans SINKING PUMPS, 30,000 and 16,500 gals, per hour. „ WINDING DRUM, 5 ft. dia., 4 ft. 3 in. wide, spur wheel and pinion. ' PNEUMATIC POWER HAMMER, 2J cwt., belt driven. . Enclosed High-speed Hoz. ENGINE,-14J in. cyL, 10 in. stroke, by Robey. HAULING ENGINE, 8 and 10 in. cvlinders. double and single drums. JAMBS B. WATSON & SONS, the City Machinery Stores,: 33, Hunslet-road, Leeds. Tel. 1430. ^he Bute Works Supply Co. Ltd., Cardiff . JL ’Telegrams—*’ Gsthing, Cardiff.” Telephone No. 2645 (4 lines). (Established 1888). WANTED. ^LOCOMOTIVES.—1 or 2, four wheels coupled, cylinders not less than 12 in., good for at least 1201b. pressure* and ready for immediate work. BALLAST WAGONS.—Specification 10 tonners, doors each side falling full length, or 2 short side doors opening through. OLD RAILWAY WAGONS for breaking up. State total number, tares, and price' delivered Cardiff for cash against invoice and delivery. FOR SALE. NEW STEEL BAILS. In stock, ready for immediate delivery. . Section. Bridge Flange ’ Bridge Bridge Situations Vacant & Wanted. anted. — First -class Certificated. - v T Colliery MANAGER, for large developing Midland colliery; with experience of inclined seams, coal-cutting, and extensive haulage.— Apply, stating age, reference and salary required, to Box 6662* Collitry Guardian-’Office, 30 & 31, Furnival-street, Hol born, London, EiC. Brattice Cloth. — Gentleman Wanted with influence amongst colliery managers and proprietors, to sell BRATTICE CLOTH on good commission onlv.—Address, FAIRCLOUGH & SONS, Bank-lane, Clayton, near Manchester. For Sale, Electric Disc Coal-cutting MACHINE by Anderson, Boyes, & Co., 20 in. high, 3^ ft. disc, 500 volts direct current. , RIDDEL & CO., 40, St. Enoch-square, Glasgow. STEEL BARGES FOR SALE. Five Steel Barges, 80 tons capacity, 84 ft. 6in. long, 14ft. 10in. wide, 4ft. 3in. draught.’ JOHN FREDK. WAKE, DARLINGTON ; Boilers.—Tanks Purchased for Cash. Highest prices given. Also discarded Apparatus and Scrap Materials, dismantling specialists. FIRTH BLAKELEY LTD , Church Fenton, Leeds. For Sale.—Two 75-kilowatt Generating SETS, engines by Willans & Robinson, central valve type, two-crank compound, speed 475 r.p.m., brake-h.p. 125, with 150 lx pressure at stop valve; dynamos Johnson & Phillips, 4-pole continuous current, 160 amps., 460 volts. The whole mounted on combination base-olates —Further particulars from JONAS WILDSMITH, Queen’s road. Barnsley. Tons. 27 12 78 . 66 - ___ 100 Bridge. 529 * If necessary these could be cut into shorter lengths One LOCOMOTIVE, four wheels (but not being coupled she will around the sharpest curvO* cylinders 11 in. by 14 in. stroke, new: copper firebox, plates Jin. thick, and set new steel tubes in 1914, tyres ■> ■ 2J in. thick, working pressure 150 lb.; gauge 4 ft. 8J in. ; ready for immediate work. Can be inspected by appointment. One LOCOMOTIVE, four wheels coupled, . cylinders 6 in. bv 9 in., copper firebox, working pressure 120 lb.; gauge 2 ft. 6 in. (full); at Cardiff, readv for immediate work. PORTABLE HAND CHANS.—One 2 ton, 4ft. 8^in. gauge, never used, on oak under-frame, pitch-pine jib, 15 ft. 6 in. high, to give 13ft. lift, with holding-down clips; cheap to clear. TARPAULINS.—"*2 good second-hand, suitable for covering railway , wagons, size 20ft. bv 14ft.; redressed, pa’nted, initialled at Cardiff. BLAST FURNACE SLAG.—Aiiv quantity if taken “as raised.’’ Graded ready for loading: 180 tons 3 in. to 12in., 110 tons 1Jin. to iin., and smaller. . RED ASH CLINKER.—100 tons Jin. to iin., and 2 tons Jin. to 3in., ready for loading. FOR SALE, BEFORE REMOVAL. K Generating Sets, capacity 200-kw., Engines by Willans Robinson, cyls. 20 in. and 11J in. dia. by 9 in. stroke, dynamos by Electrical Co., 2,400 volts, 3-phase, 60 cvcles. R. H. LONGBOTHAM & CO. LTD., Wakefield. No. 633 625 Lbs. per yard. 18/24 14/35 35* 40* 70 Lengths. 15 ft. to 44 ft. 21 ft. to 4 ft. 40 ft. principally. 45ft. ; 30 ft. to 15 ft. EDUCATION. TTniversal Mining’ School. Lessons by vJ post. Thorough preparation for all Mining Exams. Syllabus and advice free;; Stare your requirements. z SOUTHERN and HAL BAUM, 50, Oonnaught-road, Cardiff. go SALES BY TENDER. STEAM NAVVIES. W-Ton Wilson Steam Navvy, crane type, good condition; £900. 10 h.p. Ruston Proctor Steam Navvy, late type, fine machine; £700. 7-ton Crane type Steam Navvv, excellent machine. 100 lb.; £850. JOHN FREDK. WAKE, DARLINGTON. AIR COMPRESSORS FOR SALE. . One “ Ingersoll ” Belt-driven Air-Com-? PRESSOR^ with ■ steel receiver, air pressure .100 ,1b.,; capacity 285 cubic feet. . ' One “Ingersoll” Imperial “X” Belt driven AIR - COMPRESSOR, capacity 2,637 cubic feet, air pressure about 50 lb. RIDDEL & CO;. 40, St; Enoch square* Glasgow; - - 1- SALE OF IMPORTANT COAL RIGHTS, OPTIONS, LEASES AND OTHER PROPERTIES IN. THE COUNTIES OF YORK AND NOTTS (covering approximately 14,000 acres). ‘ Tenders are hereby Invited for the Purchase of the properties mentioned in the schedule to the condi- tions below mentioned b-'longing to the NORTHERN UNION MINING COMPANY LIMITED (herein and in the conditions referred to as the “ company ”) and offered for sale by the Controller appointed by the Board of Trade in the matter of the c impanv and of the Trading with the Enemy Amendment Act; 1916, and authorised under that Act to sell such properties, and who is hereinafter and in the said conditions referred to as “the vendor.” ■ - ; The conditions of such tender with schedule of particulars can be obtained by application from Messrs. W. B\ FEAT & CO., at their offices in London (11, Ironmonger-lane, E.C.), Middlesbrough, Cardiff, Leeds, Barrow-in-Furness. Y^rk, Swansea and Darlington, or from the under- signed. Messrs. NORTON, ROSE, BARRINGTON & CO., 57J, Old Broad-street, London, E C. The vendor does not undertake to accept the highest or any tender. Tenders must be addressed to the Controller, Sir WILLIAM B. PEAT* and delivered atx 11, Ironmonger lane,' London, E.C., not later than six o’clock pm. on Thursday, the 1st day-of March. 1917* in a sealed cover endorsed “ Northern Union Collieries Tender.” Dated this 26th day of January. 1917. NORTON, BOSE. BARRINGTON A CO., . 57J, Old Broad-street, E C., Solicitors to the said Controller. OK/Y-b.h.p. Crossley Gas Engine, twin As ^1V-Z cylinder type, massive flywheel; in stock for early delivery. HARRY H. GARDAM & CO. LTD., Staines. 4OO-XW. TO 65O-KW. POWER PLANT WANTED. . /|,f^f^-kw. to 650-kw. Electric Gene- TAjV-/ \-Z RATING PLANT, with either gas engines and suction plants, steam turbine or engines with boilers, condensers, &c. Generators for any standard pressure and periodicity 3-phase, or,for 440 volts continuous current. ; ! Offers, with particulars, to be ssnt-to— - ■ . JOHN M. HENDERSON * CO.. King’s Works, Aberdeen. Early delivery essential. MACHINERY—continued. TXTanted, 200 Modern Coal Wagons; V v simple hire. Also, for cash in advance, 500 tons each of Midland. BRIGHTS, COBBLKS.and Large NUTS TOIL, and wagon. DIRECT COALS LTD., Yeovil. . For Sale.—Three Second-hand Horizontal ENGINES, Ilin, by 14in., by Marshall & Sons, of Gainsborough. One VERTICAL ENGINE, by Robey, 10Jin. cylinder, 10 in. stroke. Two DYNAMOS, each of 1,000 volts; two series wound d.c. and two main switch boards for same; all in good order. THOMPSON ft CO., Wigan. Two Vertical High-speed Type Engines, by Cole, Marchent & Morley, compound cylinders, 7 in. and Ilin, by 12in. stroke ; seen London; cheap before removal. HARRY H. GARDAM A CO. LTD., Staines. ELECTRIC PLANT FOR SALE. ; One very fine 100-kw. “Balancer” GENERATING SET, Beiliss enclosed engine coupled to two dynamos, 250/300 volts. One very fine UO-B.H.P. Beiliss-Crompton GENERATING SET, 340 amperes, 220 volts d.c. One 45-kw. LIGHTING SET, 220 volts. RIDDEL & CO., 40, St. Enoch-square, Glasgow. Wanted, 150- or 180-h.p., 550/600 volt, 3-phase, 50 period, slip-ring motor, slow speed, also 20-h.p., 550/60J volt, 3-phase, 50 period, squirrel-cage motor, speed 580 r.p.m.—Price and particulars to. Box 6663, Coilisrv Guardian Office, 30 &31, Furnival- street, Holborn, London, E.O. YXT’anted, Scrap Iron, Old Machinery, f V and all classes of SCRAP METAL. Highest market values paid. Terms: Spot cash.—Apply. J. 0HARKHAM, Government Contractor, Aidershot. Telephone—No. 60. Aidershot. Telegraphic Address—“Charkham, Aidershot.” Bankers—Capital and Counties Bank Ltd., Aidershot. SHEARING MACHINE. Very Powerful Open-ended Shearing MACHINE, weighing 12/15 tons, engine-driven, will cut very heavy bars in any length; £250. < • ' JOHN FREDK. WAKE, DARLINGTON. FOR SALE, BEFORE REMOVAL. / t enerating Sets, comprising :— VjT One 225 kw. SET. engine by Beiliss & Morcom, dynamo by J. H. Holmes & Co. Ltd . 220/240 volts, continuous current. Also spare armature. One 125 kw. SET, engine by Beiliss and Morcom, dynamo by the India Rubber & Gutta Percha Co., 220/240 volts, 480 amps. R. H. LONGBOTHAM & CO. LTD., Wakefield. Jpor Sale. COAL TIPPING INSTALLATION. IN EXCELLENT CONDITION. . Consisting of :— TWO HYDRAULIC TIPS, capable of hoisting and tipping trucks weighing 23 tons gross up to a height pf 36 ft. above quay level. FOUR SETS OF ELECTRICALLY-DRIVEN PUMPS, capacity 100 g.p.m. each, at 750lb. pressure, Motors 65-h.p., 440 volts, 3-phase, TWO ACCUMULATORS, 22 in. diameter by 12 ft. 9 in. stroke. Tips and Hydraulic Machinery built by Messrs. TANNETT. WALKEB & CO. LTD., LEEDS, in 1913. S. PEARSON & SON LTD., 10. Victoria Street, Westminster, S.W. For Sale, Very Fine Triple Expansion Condensing Hydraulic PUMPING ENGINES, cylinders 14, 23 and 38 in.dia. by 24 in. stroke, steam pressure 160 lb., pumps 6in. dia. by 24 in. stroke, 335 gals, per min., pumping h.p. l6>. by the eminent makers, the Glenfield Co. Ltd., Kilmarnock; can be seen erected at the Colliery near here, and will be sold at a bargain to an immediate purchaser. RIDDEL fc CO., 40. St. Enoch-square, Glasgow. FOR SALE. 260 tons of splendid second-hand steel D.H. RAILS, with Accessories, also several sets of Points and Crossings to match. 4,000 Good second-hand creosoted relayable RAILWAY SLEEPERS, 9 ft. by 10 in. by 5 in. Also 3,000 similar Sleepers, but only suitable for CART ROAD or FENCING purposes, and 100 tons of similar material, but only suitable for FIREWOOD. 200 tons of Splendid second-hand creosoted CROSSING TIMBERS, 12 in. by 6 in./15 in. by 7 in., and in various lengths. 185 Good second-hand BRICK CARS, suitable for con- verting into FLAT-TOP BOGIES, 24 in. gauge. 1,000 New creosoted RAILWAY SLEEPERS, 9 ft. by 10 in. by 5 in. 50 tons of splendid second-hand 561b. FLANGE RAILS, with Fishplates, and Points and Grossings to match. 2,000 good second-hand Creosoted SLEEPERS, 9 ft. by 9 in. by 4|in. 5,000 yds. of New Steel 14/16 lb. PORTABLE RAILWAY, attached to Steel Sleepers for 24 in, gauge, with Points and Crossings, Turntables, and Tip Wagons to match. 15/20 tons of nearly New/Steel 14/16 lb. FLANGE RAILS, with Fishplates to match. 10 tons of Second-hand Steel FLANGE RAILS, 28 lb. per yard. Inspection invited of all Material offered. Cash Buyers of Machinery, Plant, Old Iron , and Steel Scrap, Metals, Indiarubber, &c., new and second-hand rails, and all Accessories, Sleepers, &c. MARPLE & GILLOTT LTD., SHEFFIELD. FOR SALE. One “Beiliss” HIGH-SPEED ENGINE,.semi-enclosed,50-h.p,. 11Jin cylinder, 7 in. stroke, flywheel 2 ft. 6 in. by 6 in., Pickering governors, bed 3 ft. 9in. by 2 ft. 7 in., height 4 ft. 6 in. One Four-wheeled Coupled TANK LOCOMOTIVE, 12in. cylinders, 18 in. stroke, 1201b. working pressure, 1J in. tubes, copper firebox, standard gauge, wheelbase 5 ft., tank capacity about 300 gallons. . ; Fifty WROUGHT IRON SLEEPERS, 9ft. 6in. long by 9 in. wide by 3in. deep. " ■; One Double-acting “ Cameron ” STEAM PUMP, 5in. rams.. One Single-acting “ Cameron” STEAM PUMP, 5in. ram. For Sale.—Air-compressor, steam-driven, Holman’s, steam cylinder 14Jin., air cylinder 13 in., stroke 24 in.* arranged tandem, perfect condition, all fittings. ROOK DRILLS. Holmans, two 24 in., complete with two 6 ft. screw columns, 4 sets borers. HOISTING ENGINES, cylinders 8 in., stroke 12 in., link-reversing motion, barrel 18 in. diam , geared 5 to 1, mounted on heavy carriage on wheels, ne rly new. VACUUM PLANT, Elmore’s No. 5, to treat 35 to 40 tons of pre per day, by British Ore Concentration Ltd., London; cheap. TANKS, Steel, Cast Iron, and Boiler Tanks; large stock. Liston, application. . ” " ' FIRTH BLAKELEY, SONS ft CO. LTD., Church Fenton, Leeds. For Sale.—-Several Straight-lineDifferen- TIAL and PLUNGER PUMPS, for sinking purposes, by Evans* Wolverhampton; six large No 10 PULSOMETER PUMPS; equal to new.. WINDING ENGINES, BOILERS, CRANES>&c. . THOMPSON & CO., Wigan. THOS. OXLEY LTD. SHILOH WORKS, SHEFFIELD. ’Phones—1630 (3 lines). Telegrams—"Ironical, Sheffield.” Telegrams—“ Haden, Patricroft.” Telephone No.—543 Eccles. HADEN <& CO., Iron, Steel and Metal Merchants, PATRICROFT, MANCHESTER. HIGH-SPEED DRILLS AND TOOLS. MINING STEEL Enquiries Solicited. New and DA I I Q withall Second-hand ■>1 j accessories. Points and Crossings. Sleepers. Crossing Timbers. Portable Railway. Tip Wagons. Turntables. GOOD WIN & CO., No. 2 Dept., Queen Street, SHEFFIELD. FOR SALE. t Triple - geared Boring and Chucking 1 LATHE, by Robertson & Co., swing 5 ft. 4 in., internal-geared chuckplate 4ft. 1 in. dia. •,T.wo Double-geared 24 in, SWING CHUCKING LATHES, by Dean Smith & Grace. Motor-driven BORING MACHINE, by Bement Miles Tool Co., 5in. bar, no motor. 5 ft/6 in. Radial Arm DRILLING MACHINE, tapping motion and balanced action to spindle, by Spencer & Co. Six-spindle DRILLING MACHINE, by Butler & Co., Halifax, 1J in. spindles, independent action to each spindle. SIDE PLANING MACHINE, by Richards, Broadheath, 8 ft. bed. Double geared SCRE WING MACHINE, by Dron & Lawson,3Jm. hollow spindle. 8n.h.p. Comp. ROAD LOCO., on springs, by Aveling & Porter, insure 601b. working pressure. 8 n.hp. TRACTION ENGINE, on springs, by Wallis & Steevens, insure 1401b. working pressure. CATALOGUE of stock MACHINERY, 2-3,000 LOTS, free on application. Inspection invited. qrHOs- W. WARD LIMITED, albion works, 1 Tel.—“ Forward, Sheffield.” SHEFFIELD. Tank Locomotives. Specification & Workmanship equal to Main Line Engines. R. & W. HAWTHORN, LESLIE & CO. LTD., NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE. —• Locomotives always in stock or in progress. Telegrams—“ Locomotive.” . Workmanship and Materials of the Highest Quality- Built to any ■*** Specification or Gauge. PECKETT & SONS LTD., ATLAS LOCOMOTIVE WORKS, BRISTOL. R. H. LONGBOTHAM & CO. LTD., WAKEFIELD. And at MILBURN HOUSE, NEWCASTLE-ON-TYHE. Tel. Address: “ Engineer, Wakefield.” . Tel.: 41 Wakefield; 867 Newcastle; 336 Doncaster, < HAVE FOR SALE; One WADDLE TYPE SINKING FAN, direct coupled to 25-h.p. motor, 550 volts a.c. •“ CAPELL ’’ FAN, single inlet, 15 ft. dia., 100,000 cub. ft. capacity. SIROCCO FAN, capacity about 43,000 cub. ft. at 2 im w.g., 400 r.p.m. COAL-CUTTERS, including Jeffrey Longwall, Sho^t* wall and Heading Machines, also Diamond; Machines; with Spare Parts. Pair WINDING ENGINES, 24in. cyls, 5ft. stroke. Walker’s balanced valve, 2 drums -12 ft. dia. Pair WINDING ENGINES, direct-acting, 20 in. cyls, by 3 ft. 6 in. stroke, drum 9 ft. 6 in. X 2 ft. 10 in. dia. Pair HAULING ENGINES, 20 in. cyls, 36 in. stroke. drum 7 ft. dia, 2 ft. 4 in. wide, by Davy Bros. HORIZONTAL ENGINE, 22 in. cyls, x 48 in. stroke. ' with Corliss valves and flywheel, highly-finished engine. One Pair HORIZONTAL ENGINES, 13J in. cyls. X 18 in; stroke; crankshaft, 4J in. dia.; flywheel, 6 ft.; dia, ; by Robey & Co, Lincoln. MONKEY GUIDE, 6 ft. 6 in. centres for 1J in. rope. . with connecting chains. , . C.L BRICKING SEGMENTS for 16 ft. to 18 ft. pit. Large SINKIN G WATER BARREL, etc. Quantity Old RAILWAY SLEEPERS. Please note R. H. LONGBOTHAM & Co. Ltd. always have in stock, plant of every description for collieries, iron and steel works, contractors, &c, and are pleased to tender for purchase of plant. *#* For later Advertisements and Scale of Charg*^ see Page 232 (Iieader Page). Printed and Published by the Proprietors, The Colliery Guardian Oompant Limsted, 30 & 31, Furnival Street, Holborn, London, E.C. Friday, February 2. 1917.