250 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. February 2, 1917. ? THE ‘«COLLIERY GUARDIAN ” PURCHASERS' GUIDE TO ADVERTISERS’ SPECIALITIES. Further information can be obtained on reference to the Weekly Alphabetical Index to Advertisers. Accumulators Pearson’s Electric Miners’ Lamp Co. Ld., Victoria Works, Stratford, E. ACETYLENE Lamps—Lampes d gaz Acetylene Davis, John, and Son (Derby) Ld., Derby Theedam, E. C., Ld., Dudley. ACID Plant—Installations pour la fabrications des acides Daglish, Robert, and Co. Ld., St. Helens, Lancs. Air Analysis Apparatus—Appareiis d Vanaiyse de I’air Siebe, Gorman and Co. Ld., Westminster, S.E. Air Compressors comprimeurs d’air Beiliss and Morcom Ld., Birmingham. Bever, Dorling and Co. Ld., Bradford, Yorks Daglish, Robert, and Co., St. Helens, Lancashire Hardy Patent Pick Co. Ld., Sheffield Harvey, G. A., & Co. (Ldn.)Ld., Woolwich-rd.,S.E. Mining Engineering Co. Ld., Sheffield Plowright Bros. Ld., Chesterfield Pulsometer Engineering Co. Ld., Beading Reavell and Co. Ld., F. Department, Ipswich Sullivan Machinery Co., 314, Salisbury House, E.O. United States Metallic Packing Co. Ld., Bradford Walker Brothers (Wigan) Ld., Wigan Wood, John, & Sons Ld., Brook Foundry, Wigan Worsley Mesnes Ironworks Ld., Wigan Air Pipes—Tuyaux a aw Allen, A., and Son Ld., Lower Gomal, Staffs. \ Allen, W. G., and Sons (Tipton) Ld., Tipton Baker, John, and Son, Thompson-street, Bilston Lewis, William, and Son, Bilston Mining Engineering Co. Ld., Sheffield Scottish Tube Co. Ld., 34, Robertson-st., Glasgow Stewarts A Lloyds Ld., Birmingham and Glasgow Theedam, E. C., Ld., Dudley Air PUMPS—-Pompes d air Clarke, Chapman and Co. Ld., Gateshead-on-Tyne Daglish, Robert, and Co. Ld., St. Helens, Lancs. Pulsometer Engineering Co. Ld., Reading Wood, John, and Sons Ld., Wigan Worsley Mesnes Ironworks Ld., Wigan Alternators — Aitemateurs Bruce Peebles & Co. Ld„ Edinburgh Holmes, J. H., and Co., Newcastle-on-Tyne Aluminium Castings Coan, B. W., 219, Goswell-road, E.O. Ambulance Carriages Stretchers &o.- Ambulances, cmeres, &c. Theedam, E. 0., Ld., Dudley ANCHORS—Ancres Wright’s Forge and Engineering Co. Ld., Tipton Anemometers—An^mometres Davis, John, and Son (Derby) Ld., Derby Humble, Stephen, 9, Victoria-st., London, S.W. Stanley, W. F., A Co. Ld., 286, High Holborn, W.C. Thornton, A. G., Ld., King-st. West; Manchester Anthracite Breaking, Sizing and Washing PLANT—Appareiis a concasser, trier et laver I anthracite Head, Wrightson and Co. Ld., Stockton-on-Tees Johnson, Wm., A Sons (Leeds) Ld., Armley, Leeds Sheppard and Sons Ld., Bridgend Simon-Carves Ld., 20, Mount-street, Manchester Wood, John, A Sons Ld., Brook Foundry, Wigan Anti - Corrosive Compositions—Enduits contre la rouille C-emons, Marshall and Carbert, Lee s Hill, W. W., Son and Wallace, Broughton Bridge, Manchester Perolin Co. of America, Disraeli-road, Willesden Taylor, S. T., and Sons, Scotswood-on-Tyne ANTI-FRIOTION Metal—M4tal anti/riction Tangyes Ld., Cornwall Works, Birmingham Youngs, Ryland-street Works, Birmingham ASBESTOS—Amiante Cresswell’s Ld.,W ellington Mills, Bradford, Yorks Taylor, S. T., and Sons, Scotswood-on-Tyne . Teale, W. E., and Co. Ld., Swinton, Lancs. Asbestos Steam Pipe Covering—Caiorifuges d I’amiante Taylor, S. T., and Sons, Scotswood-on-Tyne Auctioneers and Valuers Dixon, Gen. N„ and Co., 43, Castle-st., Liverpool Knight A Partners Ld., 31, Old Queen-st, West- minster, S.W. t Automatic Machinery Bennis, Ed., and Co. Ld., Little Hulton, Bolton Axle Boxes—Boltes d’essieu Du Croo A Brauns, 53, Victoria-st., London, S.W. AXLE Greasers—Machines d graisser les essieux Evans and Dodd, Cannock, Staffs. Balancers (Electric Three-Wire) Bruce Peebles and Co. Ld., Edinburgh BARROWS (Ore)—Brouettes pour minerals Bayliss, Jones A Bayliss Ld., Wolverhampton Haslam and Stretton Ld., Cardiff Theedam, E. O., Ld., Dudley Bars (Iron AND Steel)—Barres enfer et en acier Bayliss, Jones A Bayliss Ld., Wolverhampton Chorley Railway Wagon Co. Ld., Chorley, Lancs. Lowmoor Co. Ld., Lowmoor Ironworks, Bradford Mining Engineering Co. Ld., Sheffield Ward, Thos. W., Ld., Sheffield Bearings—Coussinets Chorley Bailway Wagon Co. Ld., Chorley, Lancs* Bellows—Soufiets Hardy Patent Pick Co. Ld., Sheffield Haslam and Stretton Ld., Cardiff Theedam, E. 0., Ld., Dudley Bells (Signal) — Sonneries British Insulated and Helsby Cables Ld., Prescot Davis, John, and Son (Derby) Ld., Derby Haslam and Stretton Ld., Cardiff Humble, Stephen, 9, Victoria-st., London, S.W. Theedam, E. 0., Ld., Dudley BELTS (Chain)—Cowrrdes d chaines Goodall, Clayton A Co. Ld., Hunslet, Leeds Gosforth Foundry Co. Ld., Dronfield, nr. Sheffield •• Jeffrey ”—Hugh Wood A Co. Ld., N’castle-on-T. Belting—Courrotes Electric Rubber and Hose Co. Ld., 55, Caxton House, Westminster, S.W. Frost, Albert, and Co., Sheffield Heyde, J. Bennett, and Co;, 18, New Cannon st,, Manchester Beddaway, F., A Co. Ld., Pendleton, Manchester Renton, Holdsworth A Co. Ld , Sheffield Scandina via.Belting Co. Ld.. 59. Southwark-st. S.E. Sutcliffe, B., Horbury, near Wakefield BELTING Cream—Creme lubrifiante pour courroies Maxa Limited, 43, Cannon-street, E.O. Sutcliffe Bros., Godley, Manchester BENZOL PLANTS—Recuperation du benzol Coke Oven Construction Co. Ld., Sheffield Copp6e Co. (Gt. Britain) Ld., Kingsway, London Rim on-Carves Ld., 20, Mount-street, Manchester Bitromaro Solution ( Anti - Corrosive ) - “ Bitromaro ” contre-romlle Taylor, S. T„ and Sons, Scotswood-on-Tyne Blasting Apparatus—Appareiis d’amorgage British Explosives Syndicate Ld„ Glasgow Curtis’s and Harvey Ld., 110, Cannon-street,E.O. Davis, John, and Son (Derby) Ld., Derby New Explosives Co. La., 62, London-wall, E.O. Nobel’s Explosives Co. Ld., Glasgow Reavell and Co. Ld., Ipswich Theedam, E. C., Ld., Dudley BLOWERS—Ventilateurs British Insulated and Helsby Cables Ld., Prescot Keith, James, A Blackman Co. Ld., 27, Farring- don-avenue, London, E.O. Matthews A Yates Ld.. Swinton, nr. Manchester Boiler (Cleaning Apparatus) — Appareiis a nettoyer les chaudieres Willcox, W. H., A Co. Ld., 38, Southwark-st., S.E. Boiler Scale Solution Clemons, Marshall and Carbert, Leeds ' Perolin Co. of America, Disraeli-road, Willesden Boiler and Steam Pipe Covering—caiorifuges pour chaudieres et tuyauteries Kenyon, W., A Sons Ld., Dukinfield, Manchester Sectional and Plastic Boiler Covering Co., 90, St. Paul’s-road, Bow, E. Sutcliffe Bros., Godley, Manchester Taylor, S. T., and Sons, Scotswood-on-Tyne Boiler Circulators “Peifecta” Boiler Circulator Ld., 39, Victoria- street, S.W. BOILER Feeders — Appareiis d’alimentation pour chaudieres Boyles Ld., Irlam, Manchester Tangyes Ld., Cornwall Works, Birmingham BOILER Mountings—Garnitures pour chaudieres Baldwin, James, and Co., Keighley, Yorks Blakeborough, J., and Sons, Brighouse, Yorks Hopkinson, J., and Co. Ld., Huddersfield Boyles Ld., Irlam, Manchester BOILERS — Fabricants de chaudieres Bonecourt Waste Heat Boiler Co. Ld., Parlia- ment-mansions, S.W. Clarke, Chapman and Co. Ld., Gateshead-on-Tyne Daglish, Robert, and Co. Ld., St. Helens, Lancs. Galloways Ld., Manchester Horsfield, J. and J., Ld., Dewsbury Peckett and Sons Ld., Bristol Tangyes Ld„ Cornwall Works, Birmingham Thompson, John, Ettingshall, Wolverhampton Ward, Thos. W„ Ld., Albion Works, Sheffield Boiler Tube Cleaners Bromell Patents Co. Ld., 62e Bobertson-street, Glasgow ■ Gilman, F., 62, Lightwoods-hill, Birmingham BOILER TUBES—Tubes de chaudieres Howell and Co. Ld., Sheffield Lewis, Edwin, and Sons, Wolverhampton Scottish Tube Co. Ld., 34, Robertson-st., Glasgow Stewarts and Lloyds Ld., Birmingham A Glasgow Wellington Tube Works Ld., Great Bridge, Staffs Bolts, Nuts, &o.—Bouions, ecrous, &c. Bayliss, Jones A Bayliss Ld., Wolverhampton Chorley Bailway Wagon Co. Ld., Ghorley, Lancs. Mining Engineering Co. Ld., Sheffield Summerson, Thomas, and Sons Ld., Darlington Theedam, E. 0., Ld., Dudley Ward, Thos. W., Ld., Albion Works, Sheffield Wigan Wagon Co. Ld., Springs Branch, Wigan Boosters-SHnjoiteurs-(Electric) Bruce Peebles A Co. Ld., Edinburgh BOOKS ON MINING—Outrages sur I*Industrie Miniere Colliery Guardian Co. Ld., Holborn, E.O. South Wales Institute of Engineers, Cardiff Southern, T. A., Universal Mining School, Cardiff BORING CONTRACTORS—Entrepreneurs de sondage Aqueous Works and Diamond Bock Boring Co. Ld., Guildford-st., York-road, Lambeth, S.E. Burnside, George, Shiney-row, Co. Durham Davidson, J. S., and Son, St. Bees, Cumberland Francois, Albert, Whitehouse-cham., Doncaster Lancaster and Tonge Ld., Pendleton, Manchester Tr^for Boring and Sinking Co.. Bank Chambers. 329, High Holborn, London Vivian’s Boring Co. Ld., Cleator Moor, Cumb. BORING Machines—Appareiis de sondage Aqueous Works and Diamond Bock Boring Co. Ld., Guildford-st., York-road, Lambeth, S.E. Bumside, George, Shiney-row, Co. Durham Diamond Coal-Cutter Co., Wakefield Hardy Patent Pick Co. Ld., Sheffield Boring (Prospecting) Plants and Tools- Insiallations et outils pour sondages Aqueous Works and Diamond Bock Boring Co. Ld., Guildford-st., York-road, Lambeth, S.E. Hardy Patent Pick Co. Ld., Sheffield Sullivan Machinery Co., 314, Salisbury House, E.C. BRAKES (Linings for)—Fourrures defrein. Cresswells’ Ld., Wellington Mills, Bradford. Yks. Frood, Herbert, Co. Ld., Chapel-en-le-Frith Scandinavia Belting Co.Ld., 59, Southwark-st.,S.E. Brake (Winding Engine)—Freins pour machines d’extraction Chorley Railway Wagon Co. Ld., Chorley, Lancs, Daglish, Robert, and Co. Ld., St. Helens, Lancs, Wood. John, and Sono Ld.. Wigan Brassfounders—Fonderies de laiton Baldwin, James, and Co., Keighley, Yorks Chorley Bailway Wagon Co. Ld., Chorley, Lancs. Daglish, Robert, and Co. Ld., St. Helens, Lancs. Deane, Ed., A Beal Ld., 676, Old Kent-road, S.E. Lancaster and Tonge Ld., Pendleton, Manchester Peckett and Sons Ld., Bristol Protector Lamp and Lighting Co. Ld., Eccles Boyles Ld., Irlam, Manchester Bussell, John, and Co. Ld., Alma Works, Walsall BRATTICE Cloth—Toiled cloisons d’atrage Evans, D. Liewellin, 120, Bute-street, Cardiff Moritz, George, Ld., Clayton, Manchester Breathing Apparatus — Appareiis de sauvetage Siebe, Gorman and Co. Ld., Westminster, S.E. BRIOKMAKING MACHINERY — Machines dfabriquer lesbriques Johnson, Wm., A Sons (Leeds) Ld.. Armley, Leeds Briquette Machinery Ld.. Charmouth-st., Leeds Scholefield, Bd., Burley Vale, Leeds Whittaker, C., and Co. Ld., Accrington Wootton Bros. Ld. Coalville, near Leicester Bricks—Briques Witton Firebrick Co. Ld., near Darlington Bridges—Ponts Cradock, George, and Co. Ld., Wakefield Daglish, Robert, and Co. Ld., St. Helens, Lancs. Head, Wrightson and Co. Ld., Stockton-on-Tees Neil, J. A J., A Co., 93 Hope-street, Glasgow BRIQUETTE MachINERY-Machines d briquettes Briauette Machinery Ld., Chanmouth-st., Leeds Johnson, Wm., A Sons (Leeds) Ld., Armley, Leeds Middleton, Bobt.,A Co., Sheepscar Foundry, Leeds Scholefield, Bd., Burley Vale, Leeds Whittaker, C., and Co. Ld., Accrington Yeadon, Son and Co., Albion-place, Leeds Brushes (Lamp and Colliery) — Baiais pour Lampes et pour charbonnages Ackroyd and Best Ld., Morley, nr. Leeds Protector Lamp and Lighting Co. Ld., Eccles Theedam, E. 0., Ld., Dudley Buckets and Baskets—<>t corbeiiies Baker, John, and Son, Bilston, Staffs. Frost, Albert, and Co., Sheffield Lewis, Wm., and Son, Bilston, Staffs. Theedam, E. C„ Ld., Dudley By-Product Recovery Plant — Appareiis d recuperation des sous-produits Coke Oven Construction Co. Ld;, Sheffield Copp^e Co. (Great Britain) Ld., Kingsway. W.C. Head, Wrightson and Co. Ld., Stockton-on-Tees Hoppers’ Coke Oven A Bye-Product Co., Sheffield Simon-Carves Ld., 20, Mount-street, Manchester Cable Connectors — Agrafes pour cables Haslam and Stretton Ld., Cardiff CABLE Slings—Porte-cdbles Scandinavia Belting Co. Ld., 59, Southwark-st, S.E. Cables—cables British Insulated and Helsby Cables Ld., Prescot Corlett Electrical Engineering Co. Ld., Wigan Diamond Coal-Cutter Co., Wakefield .Haslam and Stretton Ld., Cardiff Henley’s (W. T.) Telegraph Works Co. Ld., 14, Blom field-street, London Wall, E.C. Higgin Ld., 265, Deansgate, Manchester Johnson and Phillips Ld., Charlton, Kent Cables (Shot-Firing) — cables pour appareiis d’amorgage British Insulated and Helsby Cables Ld., Prescot Curtis’s A Harvey Ld., 110, Cannon-street, E.O. Davis, John, and Son (Derby) Ld., Derby Haslam and Stretton Ld„ Cardiff Henley’s (W. T.) Telegraph Works Co. Ld., 14, B’omfield-street, London Wall, E.C. Higgin Ld., 265, Deansgate, Manchester Johnson and Phillips La., Charlton, Kent New Explosives Co. Ld., 62, London-wall, E.O. Nobel’s Explosives Co. Ld., Glasgow Boburite and Ammonal Ld., 103, Cannon-st., E.O. CAGES (Pit)—Cages de mine Allen, W. G.. and Sons (Tipton) Ld., Tipton Daglish, Robert, and Co. Ld., St. Helens, Lancs. Head, Wrightson and Co. Ld., Stockton-on-Tees Humble, Stephen, 9, Victoria-st., London, S.W. Ormerod, Edward, Atherton, near Manchester Walker Bros. (Wigan) Ld., Wigan Wood, John, A Sons Ld., Brook Foundry, Wigan Worsley Mesnes Ironworks Ld., Wigan Wright’s Forge and Engineering Co. Ld., Tipton “CAMEL Hair” BELTING—Courroies en poil de chameau Beddaway, F., A Co. Ld., Pendleton, Manchester CANVAS Fire Hose—Tuyaux flexibles pour pompes d incendie Beddaway, F., A Co. Ld., Pendleton, Manchester CAPSTANS (Electric)—Cabestans fllectriques . Broadbent, Thomas, and Sons Ld., Huddersfield Wood, John, A Sons Ld., Brook Foundry, Wigan Carrying and Conveying Belts—Transporteurs a courroies Coulson, M., and Co. Ld., Spennymoor Goodall, Clayton A Co. Ld., Hunslet, Leeds. Gosforth Foundry Co. Ld., Dronfield, nr. Sheffield Hardy Patent Pick Co. Ld., Sheffield Harrev. G A.. A Co. (Ln.)Ld., Woolwioh-rd.. S.E, Head, Wrightson and Co. Ld., Stockton-on-Tees “ Jeffrey ’’—Hugh Wood A Co. Ld., N’castle-on-T. Johnson, Wm., A Sons (Leeds) Ld., Armley, Leeds Plowright Bros. Ld., Chesterfield Beddaway, F., A Co. Ld., Pendleton, Manchester Benton, Holdsworth & Co. Ld.. Sheffield Scandinavia Belting Co. Ld., 59, Southwark-st, S.E. Scholefield, Rd., Burley Vale, Leeds Sheppard and Sons Ld., Bridgend, South Wales Spencer and Co. Ld., Melksham, Wilts Sutcliffe, B., Horbury, near Wakefield Walker Bros. ( Wigan) Ld., Wigan Wood, John, A Sons Ld., Brook Foundry. Wigan Castings (Brass or White Metal) — Fontes delation et de metal blano Daglish, Robert, and Co. Ld.. St. Helens, Lancs. Deane, Ed., A Beal Ld., 676, Old Kent-road, S.E. Lowmoor Co. Ld., Lowmoor Ironworks, Bradford Boyles Ld., Irlam, Manchester Castings (Iron and Steel)—Ponts de for et en acier Bayliss, Jones A Bayliss Ld., Wolverhampton Chorley Bailway Wagon Co. Ld., Chorley, Lancs Daglish, Robert, and Co. Ld., St. Helens, Lancs. Hadfields Ld., Hecla Works, Sheffield Hardy Patent Pick Co. Ld., Sheffield Head, Wrightson and Co. Ld., Stockton-on-Tees Isca Foundry Co. Ld., Newport, Mon. Lowmoor Co. Ld., Lowmoor Ironworks, Bradford Stewarts and Lloyds Ld., Birmingham A Glasgow Summerson, Thomas, and Sons Ld., Darlington Walker Bros. (Wigan) Ld., Wigan Wood, John, A Sons Ld., Brook Foundry, Wigan Worsley Mesnes Ironworks Ld., Wigan Cement-Making Machinery—Machines d dment Johnson, Wm., A Sons (Leeds) Ld., Armley, Leede Scholefield, Bd., Burley Vale, Leeds Whittaker, 0., and Co. Ld., Accrington Cement Manufacturers—fabricants du dment Earle, G. and T. (1912) Ld., Wilmington, Hull Centrifugal Fans—Ventilateurs Bumsted and Chandler Ld., Hednesford, Staffs. Davidson and Co. Ld., Belfast “ Jeffrey ’’—Hugh Wood A Co. Ld., N’castle-on-T. Keith, James, and Blackman Co. Ld.,27, Farring- don-avenue, London, E.C. Pow r Plant Co. Ld.. West Drayton, Middlesex Turbon Patent Fan Co. Ld., Llanelly Waddle Patent Fan and Engineering Co., Llanelly Walker Bros. (Wigan) Ld., Wigan Centrifugal Pumps—Pompes centrifuges Bumsted and Chandler Ld., Hednesford, Staffs. Hathorn, Davey A Co. Ld., Sun Foundry, Leeds Pulsometer Engineering Co. Ld., Beading Shore, T., and Sons, Etruria, Stoke-on-Trent Simon-Carves Ld., 20, Mount-street, Manchester Tangyes Ld., Cornwall Works, Birmingham Channels (Steel)—Persd v (ader) Scott, Walter, Ld., Leeds Steel Works, Leeds Chains—chaines Coventry Chain Co. Ld., Coventry Gosforth Foundry Co. Ld., Dronfield, nr. Sheffield Haggie Brothers Ld., Gateshead-on-Tyne “ Jeffrey’’—Hugh Wood A Co. Ld., N’castle-on-T. Theedam, E. C., Ld., Dudley Wright’s Forge and Engineering Co. Ld., Tipton Youngs, Ryland-street Works, Birmingham Checks and Labels (Brass) — Contraies et etiquettes en laiton Lawson, John, A Sons, 26, Carver-lane, Sheffield Pryor, Ed., and Son, 112/116, Eockingham-street, Sheffield CLIPS (Haulage)— Fourohettes (tractionsouterrai) Allen, W. G., and Sons (Tipton) Ld., Tipton Frost, Albert, and Co., Sheffield Hadfields Ld., Hecla Works, Sheffield Hardy Patent Pick Co. Ld., Sheffield Humble, Stephen, 9, Victoria-st., London, S.W. Smallman, J, W., Nuneaton Theedam, E. O., Ld., Dudley Clutches (Facings for) — Fourrures pour embroyages 1 Cresswells’ Ld., Wellington Mills, Bradford, Yks. Frood, Herbert, Co. Ld., Chapel-en-le-Frith COAL Bunkers—Routes d charbon Bennis, Ed., and Co. Ld., Little Hulton, Bolton Coke Oven Construction Co. Ld., Sheffield Goodall, Clayton A Co. Ld., Hunslet, Leeds Hardy Patent Pick Co. Ld., Sheffield Head, Wrightson and Co. Ld., Stockton-on-Tees Konners’ Coke Oven A Bye-Product Co., Sheffield Simon-Carves La., 20, Mount-street, Manchester Spencer and Co. Ld., Melksham, Wilts Wood, John, and Sons Ld., Wigan Coal Carrying Belts — Courroies-transporteurs Bennis, Ed., and Co. Ld., Little Hulton, Belton Goodall, Clayton A Co. Ld., Hunslet, Leeds Gosforth Foundry Co. Ld., Dronfield, nr. Sheffield Hardy Patent Pick Co. Ld., Sheffield Head, Wrightson and Co. Ld., Stockton-on-Tees “Jeffrey ’’—Hugh Wood A Co. Ld., N’castle-on-T. Johnson. Wm., A Sons (Leeds) Ld., Armley, Leeds Beddaway, F„ A Co. Ld., Pendleton, Manchester Benton, Holdsworth & Co. Ld., Sheffield Scandinavia Belting Co. Ld., Southwark, S.E. Spencer and Co. Ld., Melksham, Wilts Sutcliffe, B., Horbury, near Wakefield Wood, John, A Sons Ld„ Brook Foundry, Wigan Coal Compressing Machinery—PHonneuses. Coke Oven Construction Co. Ld., Sheffield Copp^e Co. (Gt. Britain) Ld., Kingsway, London Koppers’ Coke Oven A Bye-Product Co., Sheffield Simon-Carves Ld., 20, Mount-street, Manchester Coal Crushing Machinery—Broyeurs Briquette Machinery Ld., Charmouth-st.,Leeds Coke Oven Construction Co. Ld., Sheffield Oopp^e Co. (Gt. Britain) Ld., Kingsway, London Goodall, Clayton and Co. Ld.t Hunslet, Leeds Hadfields Ld., Hecla Works, Sheffield Hardy Patent Pick Co. Ld., Sheffield “ Jeffrey”—Hugh Wood A Co.Ld., N’castle-on-T, Johnson, Wm., A Sons (Leeds) Ld., Armley, Leeds Patent Lightning Crusher Co. Ld., 14a, Rose- bery-avenue, E.C. Scholefield, Rd., Burley Vale, Leeds Simon-Carves Ld., 20, Mount-street, Manchester Spencer and Co. Ld., Melksham, Wilts Wood, John, and Sons Ld., Wigan Coal Cutting Machinery—Raveuses Anderson, Boyes A Co. Ld., Motherwell, Scotland Diamond Coal-Cutter Co., Wakefield Gillott, John, A Son, Lancaster Works, Barnsley Hardy Patent Pick Co. Ld., Sheffield Hirst, A., A Son Ld., Crescent Works, Dewsbury Hodgson, E. W., A Co., 24, Norfolk-row, Sheffield Hurd Coal-Cutter and Engineering Co. Ld., 35. Pitt-street, Glasgow “ Jeffrey ”—Hugh Wood A Co. Ld., N’castle-on-T. Mavor and Coulson Ld., 47, Broad-street, Mile End, Glasgow Mining Engineering Co. Ld., Sheffield Sullivan Machinery Co., 314, Salisbury House, E.O. Sutcliffe, Richard, Horbury, near Wakefield Wood, John, and Sons Ld., Wigan COAL Brills—Machines perforatrices Hardy Patent Pick Co. Ld., Sheffield Hirst, A., A Son Ld„ Crepcent Works, Dewsbury Hodgson, E. W., A Co., 24, Norfolk-row, Sheffield “ Jeffrey ’’—Hugh Wood A Co. Ld., N’castle-on-T. Mining Engineering Co. Ld., Sheffield Coal Dryers—Appareiis de sechage du charbon Briquette Machinery Ld., 161, Water-lane, Leeds Johnson, Wm., A Sons (Leeds) Ld., Armley, Leeds Coal Handling Plant—installations pour Ventre tien du charbon Bennis, Ed., and Co. Ld., Little Hulton, Bolton Coke Oven Construction Co. Ld., Sheffield Copp^e Co. (Gt. Britain) Ld., Kingsway, London Goodall, Clayton and Co. Ld., Hunslet, Leeds Hardy Patent Pick Co. Ld., Sheffield Head, Wrightson and Co. Ld., Stockton-on-Tees Jeffrey ’’—Hugh Wood A Co. Ld., N’castle-on-T. Johnson, Wm., ASons (Leeds) Ld., Armley, Leeds Koppers’ Coke Oven and Bye-Product Co., Sheffield Maritime Coaling Administration, Parliament- mansions, Westminster Mavor and Coulson Ld., 47, Broad-street, Mile End, Glasgow Nortons (Ti vidale) Ld„ Tipton, Staffs Beddaway, F., A Co. Ld., Pendleton, Manchester Simon-Carves Ld„ 20, Mount-street, Manchester Spencer and Co. Ld., Melksham, Wilts Sullivan Machinery Co., Salisbury House, E.O. Wood, John, A Sons Ldi, Brook Foundry, Wigan Wright’s Forge and Engineering Oo. Ld., Tipton Coal Heading Machines—Haveuses Davis, John, and Son (Derby) Ld., Derby Hardy Patent Pick Co. Ld.. Sheffield " Jeffrey ’’—Hugh Wood A Co. Ld., N’castle-on-T. Mavor and Coulson Ld., 47, Broad street, Mile End, Glasgow Mining Engineering Co. Ld., Sheffield Sullivan Machinery Co., Salisbury House, E.O. COAL-PiGKING Belts—Courroies de triage d la main Copp^e Co. (Gt. Britain) Ld., Kingsway, London Coulson, M., A Co. Ld., Spennymoor, Co. Durham Goodall, Clayton and Co. Ld., Hunslet, Leeds Hardy Patent Pick Co. Ld., Sheffield Head, Wrightson and Co. Ld., Stockton-on-Tees “ Jeffrey ’’—Hugh Wood A Co. Ld., N’castle-on-T Plowright Bros. Ld., Chesterfield Beddaway, F„ A Co. Ld., Pendleton, Manchester Scandinavia Belting Co.Ld., 59,Southwark-st ,S E Sheppard and Sons Ld., Bridgend, South Wales Spencer and Co. Ld., Melksham, Wilts Sutcliffe, R., Horbury, near Wakefield Walker Bros. (Wigan) Ld., Wigan Wood, John, and Sons Ld., Brook Foundry, Wiran Wootton Bros. Ld., Coalville, near Leicester Wright’s Forge and Engineering Co. Ld., Tipton Goal Screening Plant—Appareiis de sortiment Barns, W„ and Son, Globe Works, Holloway, N CoppeSe Co. (Gt. Britain) Ld., Kingsway, London Coulson; M., A Co. Ld., Spennymoor, Co. Durham Cousland, Alex., and Son, 3, Mitchell-st., Glasgow _ Goodall, Clayton and Co. Ld., Hunslet, Leeds Hadfields Ld., Hecla Works, Sheffield Hardy Patent Pick Co. Ld., Sheffield Harvey,G. A.,A Op. (Ldn.) Ld., Woolwich-rd, S.E. Haslam and Stretton Ld., Cardiff Head, Wrightson and Co. Ld., Stockton-on-Tees “ Jeffrey’’—Hugh Wood A Co. Ld., N’castle-on-T. Johnson, Wm., A Sons (Leeds) Ld., Armley, Leeds Luhrig Coal and Ore-Dressing Appliances Ld 32 Victoria-street, London, S.W. *’ Nortons (Tividale) Ld., Tipton, Staffs Plowright Bros. Ld., Chesterfield Sheppard and Sons Ld., Bridgend, South Wales Spencer and Co. Ld., Melksham, Wilts Walker Bros. (Wigan) Ld., Wigan Wood, John, A Sons Ld., Brook Foundry, Wigan- Wootton Bros. Ld., Coalville, near Leicester Wright’s Forge and Engineering Co. Ld., Tipton