190 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. January 26, 1917. XVI.—Coal Dust. Notes, on the Stone Dusting cwf Steam Coal Collieries. “Proc. S. Wales Inst. Engin.,” vol. 32, No. 3, p. 283. (Discussion on Mr. G. D. Budge’s paper.) Sprinkler Car for Mine Use. F. F. Jorgensen. “Colliery Guard.,” Dec. 29, p. 1266; 1 fig. (From “Coal Age.”) Stone Dusting in Collieries. “ Colliery Guard.,” Jan. 12, p. 72; 1 fig. (Scholefield mill.) XVIII.—Mine Fires. New. Fire Prevention. Rules tor. Colliery Brigades. “ Colliery Guard.,” Jan. 5, p. 30. (From “ Lehigh Empl. Mag.”) XIX. —Rescue and Ambulance. Testing Mine Rescue Apparatus. C. E. Pettibone. “ Colliery Guard.,” Jan. 12, p. 70; 1 fig. (From “ Coal Age.”) First-Aid and Mine Rescue Contests. “ Colliery Guard.,” Dec. 29, p. 1267. XX. —Drainage, Pumping, etc. An 18th Century Pumping Engine. “ Engin.,” Jan. 19, p. 56; 14 fig. ■ (The Pentrich engine^ Handling of Water in Mines. Le B. Smith. “ Coal . Tr. Bull.,” Jan. 2, p. 31. . (Paper'read.before Coal Min. Inst, of Amer.) Notes on an Old Colliery Pumping Engine (1791). W. T. Anderson. “ Colliery Guard.,” Jan. 12, p. 72. (From paper read before Manchester Geo. and Min. Soc.), The Optimum Hydraulic. Conditions for the Working of Centrifugal Pumps (Die Bedingung fur die giinstigsten hydraulischen Afb eits verbal tnisse von Zentrifugal- pumpen). —. Busse. “ Z. Turb. Wes.,” Nov. 20, p. 330; illus. XXI. —Preparation. Coal Washing. “ Sc. and Art Min.,” Dec. 30, p. 242; Jan. 16, p. 268; 9 fig. Latest Improvements for the Preparation of Bitu- minous Coal. W. Roberts. “ Coal Age,” Jan. 6, p. 4; 3 fig. Dry Preparation of Bituminous Coal in , Illinois.—I. : Tipples. E. A. Holbrook. “ Colliery Guard.,” Jan. 19, p. 121; 4 fig. (From “ Univ. Ill. Bull. 88.”) XXII. —Briquettes. Modern Practice in Fuel Briquetting. W. P. Frey. “ Coal Age,” Dec. 9, p. 960; 6 fig. XXIII.—Coke Ovens and By-Products. Benzol Recovery at Swinton and Mexborough Gas Works. “ Gas. Wld.,” Jan. 6, p. 8; 2 fig. Carbon-Tube Furnace for Testing Refractories. E. and E. A. Griffiths. “ Eng.,” Dec. 29, p. 644; 7 fig.' (Paper read before the Faraday Soc.) . Efficiency in Coke Oven Practice. G. B. Foxwell. “ Iron Coal Tr. Rev.,” Dec. 29. p. 798. (Paper read before Sheffield Univ. Gas and Coke Oven Assoc.) Gas-Fired Kilns at Glenboig Works. “ Iron Coal Tr. Rev.,” Jan. 5, p. 10; 2 fig. Gas in Vertical Retorts. “Times Eng. Suppit.,” Dec. 29, p. 198. „ Organisation of the: Coking Industry. Prof. L. T. O’Shea. “Gas Wld.” (Coking Section), Jan. 6, p. .13. “ Colliery Guard.,” Jan. 19, p. 123. (Paper read before Coke Oven Mgns. Assocn.) Problems in By-Product Coking. “ Coal Age,” Dec. 9, p. 969. Refractory Materials. “ Colliery Guard;,” Dec. 29, p. 1266. Waste'Heat from Coke Making. H. Peile. “ Colliery Guard.,” Jan. 19, p. 134. (From paper read before Soc. Chem. Ind., Newcastle.) Improvements in the Production of Water Gas (Neuer- ungen auf dem Gebiete der Wassergaserzeugung). . Gwosdz. “ Feuerungstechn.,”’ Nov. 15, p. 41; illus. Recovery of Benzine and Motor Spirit by Heating Brown Coal Products under Pressure (Gewinnuhg von Benzin ■und Treibol durch Druckerhitzung von Produkten aus der Braunkohle). Fischer and Schneider. “ Braunk.,” Nov. 24, p. 307. XXIV.—Fuels, Testing, etc. Is De-watering Peat by Machinery Commercially Prac- ticable? C. H. Condiet. “ JI. Amer. Peat Soc.,” Oct., p. 204. Heat Values of Fuels. “JI. Amer. Peat Soc.,” Oct., p. 209. (From “ Power.”) Solid Fuels. “ Pract. Engin.,” Jan. 11, p. 18. (From paper read by Mr. S. G. Martlew before Assocn. Engin. in Charge.) Some Sources of Error in Thermometry. E. B. Pausey. “ El. Rev.,” I)ec. 29, p. 706; 4 fig. The Peat Resources of Wisconsin. “ JI. Amer. Peat . Soc.,”. Oct., p. 237. (From “ Wis. Geol. and Nat. Histy. Survey Bull. 45.”) The.Use of Coke and Coke Breeze for Steam Generation. . J. B. C. Kershaw. “ Engin.,” Jan. 19, p. 51. Use of Powdered Coal as Fuel. J. Harrington. “ Iron Coal Tr. Rev.,” Jan. 12, p. 30. (From paper read before Amer. Soc. Meeh. Engin.) . . Fuel Economy and the Utilisation of Coal. Prof. W. A. Bone. “'Proc.'8/ Wales Inst. Engin.,” vol. 32, No. 3, p. 373. Boiler and Other Furnace Fires for Fuel Economy. “ Pract. Engin.,” Jan. 18, p. 29. Determination of the Calorific Power of Fuel. “ Cheap Steam,” Dec., p. 60. Chlorine in Coal. T. J. Drakeley. “ Sc. and Art Min.,” Dec. 16, p. 222; 1 fig. Carbon and Hydrogen.in Coal. T. J. Drakeley. “ Sc. and Art. Min.,” Dec. 30, p. 244; 4 fig. t> . Oxygen in Coal. T. J. Drakeley. “ Sc. and Art Min.,” 'Jan. 16, p. 270. Pulverised Coal as a Power House Fuel. R. Trautschold. “ Coal Age,” Jan. 6, p. 16; 4 fig. The Heating Value of Any Coal. W. F. Schaphorst. “ Blk. Diamond,” Dec. 30, p. 572; 1 fig. (Chart for- calculating heating values.) Specific. Gravity Studies in Coal. M. L. Nebel. “ Colliery Guard.,” Jan. 5, p. 33. • (From “ Univ. Ill. Bull.”) XXV.—Steam Engines and Boilers : Gas Engines. Indicating Gear for Internal Combustion Engines. “ Eng.,” Dec. 29, p. 575; 4 fig. Internal Combustion Engine Tests. W. A. Tookey. “ Engin.,” Jan. 12, p. 29; 7 charts and 2 tables.) Methods of Softening and Filtering Mine Water. M. F. Newman. “ Min. Eng. Wld.,” Dec. 9, p. 985; 5 fig. The Erith-Riley Stoker. “El. Rev.,” Jan. 19, p. 64; 3 fig... The Utilisation of Waste Heat for Steam Generating Purposes. “ Met. Chem. Eng.,” Jan. 1, p. 27; 1 fig. Superheaters. R. L. Streeter. “ Ind. Man.,” Jan., p. 513; 15 fig. The Care of Mechanical Stokers. “ Cheap:-Steam,” . Dec., p. 57 ; 1 fig. Utilising' the Waste Heat from. Internal Combustion Engines for Power Purposes (Die Verwertung, der Abwarme von Brennkraftmaschinen fur Kraftzwecke). —. Gentsch. “ Z. d. Ing.,” Nov. 25, p. 982; illus. Utilisation of the Power Recoverable from Coke Ovens for Mining and' Metallurgical Purposes (Die Ausnutz- ung der aus Kokereien zu gewinnenden Krafte im Bergwerks- und Hu'ttenbetrieb). —. Meyn. “Feuer- ungstechn.,” Nov. 15, p. 44. The Coke Firing Question (Zur Frage der Koksfeuer- ung). —. Pradel. “ Z. Dampfk. Betr.,” Nov. 24, p. 369. XXVII.—Electricity. Design of Overhead Power Transmission Lines. A. F. W. Richards. “ Iron Coal Tr. Rev.,” Jan. 12, p. 36; 4 fig. (Paper read before Assocn. of Min..El. Engita.) Modern Switch and Fuse Gear. A. McPhail. “Iron Coal Tr. Rev.,” Jan. 19, p. 62. (Paper to be read before Assocn. Min. El. Engin.) Protection of Mining Cables. C. Jones. “Iron Coal Tr. Rev.,” Jan. 5, p. 12; 5 fig. (Paper read before ' Natl. Asisocn. Colly. Mgrs.) The Control of Rotary Converters. “ El. Rev.,” Dec. 29, p. 709; 3 fig. XXVIII.—Surface Transport and Storage. Automatic Telpher Installations for Medium and Small Gas Works. C. F. Zimmer. “ Gas Wld.,” Dec. 30, p. 578. Belt Conveyor Loading Plants in New South Wales. “Engin.,” Jan. 5, p. 5; 11 fig. (Plant at Port Kembla.) , The . Universal Gravity . Bucket -Conveyor. G. F. Zimmer. “ Eng.,” Jan. 12, p. 25; 14 fig. The World’s Largest Collier. “ Iron Coal Tr. Rev.,” Jan. 12, p. 33; 1 fig. (Italian oil-fired collier ■ “ Milazzo.”) - Under Water Coal Storage at Pittsburg. “Blk. Dia- mond,” Jan. 6, p. 4; 1 fig. Chain Belt for Coal and Coke. A. A.'Wegner. “Colliery Guard.,” Jan. 5, p. 31; 1 fig. (From “Blk. Diamond.”) Pneumatic Conveyor for Slack. “ Colliery Guard./’ Jan. 5, p. 32; 1 fig. (From “ St. u. E.”) Wagon Tipple to Discharge on Both Sides (Nach beiden Gleisrichtungen kippbare Wagenkipper). —. Wille. “ Fordertechn.,” Nov. 15, p. 171; illus. Coal and Shipping—XI. : Coal Supplies at Spanish Ports. F. J. Warden-Stevens. “ Colliery Guard.,” Jan. 12, p. 67; 4 fig. COAL, IRON AND ENGINEERING COMPANIES. REPORTS AND DIVIDENDS. Consett Iron Company Limited.—Interim dividend of 2s. 6d. per share on the ordinary shares,- and; 5 per cent, per annum on the preference shares. An interim dividend of Is. per share will be paid to shareholders in the Spanish Ore Company Limited. East Indian Coal Company Limited. — The report to October 31 last states that, after making the usual allowance for depreciation, and writing £7,000 off development account, the half-year has resulted in a profit of £7,163, and £5,054 was brought in, making £12,217. The directors recommend a dividend of 8 per cent, for half-year, less tax, carrying for- ward, subject to excess profits duty, £2,617. The output was 276,634 tons, as compared with 313,602 tons for corre- sponding period. As far as can be seen, there will be no excess profits duty payable for the year ended April 30, 1916. Gas Light and Coke Company Limited.—The accounts for the past half-year show that (subject to audit) the balance to the credit of the net revenue account will enable the directors .to recomm end. the payment of a dividend at the rate of £4 4s. per cent, per annum, carrying forward to the next account the sum of £351,508. Lancashire and Yorkshire Wagon Company Limited.— Interim dividend 6s. per share, less tax. Lofthouse Colliery Company Limited.—The net profits for 1916 were £19,933, and £21,308 was brought forward. A final dividend of 9s. per share is proposed, making 16s. per share (26| per cent.), free of income-tax, for the 12 months, adding £5,500 to the reserve, setting aside £6,500 for excess profits tax, and carrving forward £15,247. Wagon Finance Corporation.—After providing for interest on debentures, and including £1,628 brought forward, profits for the past year were £14,411. A final dividend of 5 per cent, is proposed, making 10 per cent, for the 12 months, free of tax, placing £1,500 to the reserve (making that fund £18,500),.providing £1,000 for war profits tax, and carrying forward £1,911. Yorkshire Railway Wagon Company Limited.—The report for the year ended. 31st ult. states that the gross profits, including the balance brought forward, amount to £55,594; £27,645 is required to pay interest on the debentures and loans, leaving £27,949. An interim dividend was paid on August 1 last, and the directors now recommend a further dividend of 2s. 6d. per share on. 75,000 shares (£2 paid), and Is. 3d. per share on the 37,500 shares (£1 paid) (£187,500), payable on 8th prox.; £495 is to be applied to reduction of cost of freehold properties, and £5,000 added to reserve (making £102,500), leaving £2,923 to be carried forward. NEW COMPANIES. Bailey (Mark) and Company Limited.—Private company. Registered January 15. To acquire and take over the busi- ness of a coal merchant, agent, and contractor (Manchester). Nominal capital, £3,000 in 3,000 £1 shares. Directors : J. F., W. J., and Gertrude E. Bailey. Qualification, £200. Bradley Hall Colliery Company Limited. — Private com- pany. Registered office, Lower Bradley, Bilsbon, Stafford- shire. Registered January 16. To carry on the trade of colliery proprietors and coal merchants. Nominal capital, £1,000 in 1,000 £1 shares. Directors to be appointed by the. ■subscribers. Qualification, one share. Subscribers (one share each) : I. Davies and T. T. Gabes. Currian Brothers Limited.—Private company. Regis- tered January 16. To bake over the business of furnace and oven builders, patentees, engineers, and designers, etc. Nominal capital, £10,000 in 10,000 £1 shares. Directors : E. Curran and F. H. Turnbull. Qualification, five ordinary shares. ' This. list of new companies is taken from the Daily Register specially compiled by Messrs. Jordan and Sons Limited, company registration agents, Chancery-lane, E.C. CONTRACTS OPEN FOR COAL AND COKE." For Contracts Advertised in this issue received too late for inclusion in this column, see Leader and . Last White pages. Dover, February 13.—The Electricity Committee invite tenders for the supply and delivery of small steam coal (other than Welsh) for use at the Electricity Works during the 12 months ending March 31, 1918. Copies of specification and forms of tender may be obtained on application to the borough electrical engineer, Electricity Works, Dover. Sealed tenders, endorsed “ Fuel for electricity works,’1 to be delivered to the town clerk by noon on February 13. The Council do not bind themselves to accept the lowest or any tender. Portsmouth, February 6.—The Tramways Committee of the Portsmouth Corporation invite tenders for the supply of about 2,200 tons of Welsh or other steam coal, for use at the Power Station, from April 1 to September 20. Specifi- cation and form of tender may be obtained upon application to the engineer, Mr. V. G. Lironii, Engineer’s Office, Vivash- road, Fratton, Portsmouth. Tenders, marked “ Tender for coal for power station,” to be delivered to the town clerk, Town Hall, Portsmouth, by February 6. ■ The form of tender must include a declaration that the person making the tender pays the rates of wages and observes the hours of labour and conditions contained in the Corporation fair wages clause. The committee do npt bind themselves to accept the lowest or any tender. Southampton, February 8.—The Corporation of South- ampton invite tenders for the supply and delivery at Otter- bourne Siding, near Eastleigh, of cobbles and coke for the Waterworks Pumping Station, for six or 12 months. Forms and all particulars may be obtained at the Waterworks Engineer’s Office, French-street, Southampton. Sealed tenders, upon the prescribed form, endorsed “Tender for coal : waterworks,” must be delivered at the Town Clerk’s Office by February 8. No pledge is given to accept 'the lowest or any tender. Abstracts of Contracts Open. Acton, February 3.—Coke breeze, household coal, steam coal, for the Urban District Council. Forms from the sur- veyor, Council Offices, Acton. Bexhill, February 9.-4,000 gals, or less of distilled tar or other compound for spraying roads. Tenders to the town clerk, Town Hall. Cork, February 6.—500 tons best Welsh, Lancashire, or Whitehaven double-screened steam coal for Waterworks Committee. Forms from the secretary of committees, City Earby (Yorkshire), February 3.—Anthracite coal (12 months) for the Urban District Council. Forms from the surveyor, Council Offices. Keighley, February 24. — Coal for the Joint Hospital Board. Forms from J. N. Clarkson, 40, North-street, Keighley. Leeds, February 13.—3,800 tons best screened nuts, 25 tons hand-picked seconds, for Sewerage Works. Forms from the sewerage engineer, Great George-street, Leeds. Middlesbrough, February 1.—Coal - (domestic use only) and coke for the Corporation. Forms from the borough engineer. Mitcham, February 13.—House and steam coal and gas coke for the Urban District Council. Forms from the Council Offices, Mitcham. Neston (Cheshire), January 31—For about 400 tons of slack burgie or coal for the Council Waterworks, for the Neston and Parkgate Urban District Council. Forms on application to the surveyor, Town Hall, Neston. Stafford, February 17.—Coal (six months) for the Cor- poration. Forms from the engineer, Borough Hall. Stowmarket.—200 tons coal and 12 tons slack for Work- house. Forms from H. E. Wilkes, clerk, Stowmarket. Willesden, January 30.—Coal and coke for the Urban District Council. Forms from the. engineer, Municipal Offices, Dyne-road, Kilburn. The date given is the latest upon which tenders can be received. CONTRACTS OPEN FOR ENGINEERING, IRON AND STEEL WORK, Ac. Dublin, February 5. — Wheels, etc. — 30 pairs wagon wheels and axles for 25-ton goods vans. Forms from the secretary, Amiens-street Bailway Terminus. Halifax,. February 12.—Stores.—Bolts, nuts, iron, steel, insulating materials, wire, castings, etc. (12 months). Forms from the tramways engineer, Tramway Offices, Skircoat- road, Halifax.