164 THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. January 36, 1917. Telephone—No. 7. TWO GLASSES | f APPROVED Flame Safety Lamps. To meet the requirements of the New Mines Act, 1911. Cambrian Lamps are made for all Mining purposes, and are fitted with Magnetic, Pneu- matic, or Lead Locks, Double Gauzes, Com- bustion Tubes, and Electric Ignition. Our Double Glass Lamp gives a greater Candle Power than any Miner’s Electric Lamp. Makers of the new “ MAGNET” Underground Relig’HLei’. Telegrams—“ Lamps,” Aberdare. E. THOMAS’ PATENT DOUBLE GLASS LAMP, Inner glass with combustion tube aperture supported from below. FIRST IN 1870. E. THOMAS & WILLIAMS LIMITED. Cambrian Miner’s Safety Lamp Works, ABERDARE. Giving a bright light at the end of the shift = 14 C>P. STILL LEADING. Smoke Nuisance CYCLONE Too much smoke from the chimneys means waste of coal. Smoke represents the unburnt carbon in the fuel ; and just as sure as smoke is wasted, so the coal bill increases. The best way to get full value from the coal is to burn it effectively. Introduce the correct quantity of oxygen to the fire and you canthen have a thicker and hotter fire—quicker evapora- tion in the boiler—and an astonishing reduction in the volume of smoke. Induced Draught Plant is the only efficient and economical method of increasing the supply of oxygen to the fire. It enables the user to utilise the waste heat from the fire and so reduce the amount of fuel needed. In many cases it dispenses with the extra boiler required to take on abnormal loads. It also 21 makes possible the use of cheaper kinds of fuel. WWi Our Booklet 270 F contains fac- r U A similes of letters from satisfied users which conclusively uphold all our •' 't-- A claims for the “ Cyclone ” Induced Draught Plant. Send for it. ; Matthews & Yates Ltd., Cyclone Works, - A SWINTON, MANCHESTER. 1% ,