140 . THE COLLIERY GUARDIAN. . January 19, 1917. BILL FOR THE NATIONALISATION OF FRENCH NUNES. The Mines Natiou’alisatiou. Bill, introduced into the French Chamber by M. Theo-Bretin, propo>ses to reserve the. working of underground and opencast mines to the State, no further, concessions being granted. Existing concessions still unworked are to revert to the State, the concessionaires to be reimbursed for any justifiable expenses in eases where the concessions are not forfeit- able under the old Law. Those already being worked are to come under the ownership of the State within six months of the passing of the Bill, the State to pay for the buildings, equipment, and existing material on the basis of an inventory drawn up by the agents of the State and of the mine owner.. • The payment will take the form of scrip, to be redeemed out of the net profits made under State ownership. All questions in dispute arising out of the change of ownership to be settled’by a com- mittee representing the State Council, the Treasury, the Ministry' of Public Works, the mine owners, and work- men’s federation. A. special imines budget, setting out the receipts and expenditure, is to be established, and a certain sum transferred from the profits to the general budget. The management of the mines in each district is to be: vested’ in an administrative council of ■ nine members : a chief Government engineer, two members representing-the engineers and managers, two members representing the overmen., and three for the working miners, with one miners’ delegate. The superior council supervising the whole is to consist of 18 mem- bers, presided over by the Minister of Public Works or his deputy; the Director of Mines, the Director-General of the Treasury, four deputies, two.senators, one repre- sentative of each from the metallurgical industry, the railway companies, and the navigation companies, three delegates from the corps of engineers, and three from the miners’ federation. COAL AMD COKE EXPORTED FROM PORTS IM ENGLAND, SCOTLAND AMD WALES. During the month of December 1916 compared with the corresponding month of 1915. Port. Dec. 1916. Dec. 1915. Coals. Coke. Coals Che. Coals. Coke. Increase. Decrease. Increase. Decrease. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Newcastle 198.134 18,440 299,614 23,524 — 101,480 — 5,084 . North Shields ’. 14,997 242 21,813 — • — 6,816 242 -—•. South Shields 259,370 20,095. 287,580 . 16,824 — 28,210 3,271 —- Sunderland. 115,036 1,032 160,772 ' 5,400 — 45,736 — 4,368 West Hartlepool 73,876 597 61,256 . 1,008 , 12,620 — — 411 20,116 49,549 3,214 — 29,433 — 3,214 Blyth 109,189 948 162,766 1,227 — 53,577 — 279 Newport 164,720 879 309,994 2,12' — 145,274 — 1,241 Liverpool 34,915 40 , 12,231 760 22,684 • — 720 Methil 107,500 1,809 115,265 1,360 . -— 7,765 449 — Glasgow 97,019 3,451 131,593 3,3<9 — 34,544 112 — Kirkcaldy 1,864 — 3,774 — — 1,910 — — Burntisland 48,771 351 61,875 1,822 — 13,104 —. 1,471 Cardiff 555,658 7,903 839,113 9,666 — 283,455 — 1,763 Borrowstoness — — . —• — — — Llanelly 7,733 — 4,416 — 3,317 — — — Middlesbrough 200 1,572 2,495 353 —— • 2,295 1,219 — ■ 39,916 40 38,934 341 982 — — 301 Swansea :..... ; 111,241 72- 213,297 50 — • 102,056 22 — Granton 2,400 — 6,299 797 — 3,899 — 797 • Port Talbot 131,129 2,895 126,087 3,027 5,042 — —— 132 Alloa 1 — —- . ■' . . —- . ■■— — — . — — Grangemouth — — — — — — — . — Neath .... ...: — — ■ —- — — — — Hull..... 81,387 6,834 103,527 12,232 — 22,140 — 5,398 5,951 ,— 8,869 —- . . — 2,918 — —. 20,954 — 16,530 4,424 — — — Troon 2,893 . — 7,091 — — 4,198 — — Grimsby 20,972 •— • 13,881 127 7,091 — — 127 Ayr 15,785 — 23,134 ■—. • 1,572 7,319 — — • Greenock 1,969 397 350 — — 350 Leith 75,249 858 . 76,879 577 — 1,630 281 — Ardrossan 3,100 — 21,788 — 18,688 — —, Irvine — — 811 — . .. ■ —- 811 — — PITWOOD PRICES IM CARDIFF. The following comparison gives the monthly ranges of mean pitwood prices (ex ship) at Cardiff in the last four years :— . 1913. 1914. 1915. 1916. s. d. s. d. ■ s. d. s. d. s. ’.d. s. d. s. d. s. d. Jan. 22 0...20 0...21 3...19 6...28 6...28 0...53 6...52 6 Feb. 20 6...18 6...21 3 ..19 6...38 3...28 6...52 6.47 0 Mar. 20 3...18 9...20 3...19 6...41 6...38 3.49 6...46 0 Apl. 21 6...19 6...20 0...19 0...38 6...33 9.46 0...32 6 May 22 6...20 6:..22 3 ..19 6...34 0...31 6...49 6...33 0 June 22 6...21 9.. 21 6 ..19 0 . 31 9..,27 6 ..48 6...38 0 July 22 9...22 0...21 • 0...18 3...27 6...24 3.. 48 0 39 0 Aug. 22 9.. 22 0...35 0...21 0...29 0.21 3...48 0...44 0 Sept. 22 6...22 0...29 0...24 6...36 6.. 29 0...45 6...43 0 Oct. 21 0 ..21 0...24 6...19 0...44 6.36 6...45 0...43 0 Nov. 26 0...21 6. .22 6...21 0...51 6...44 6...48 0...43 6 Dec. 22 0...20 0...30 0...22 6.52 6...51 6..50 0...48 0 The average prices compiled by the Cardiff Chamber of Commerce for the previous six years were as follow :— Average Price of Pitwood (ex Ship). 1910. 1911. 1912. 1913. 1914. 1915. s. d. s. d. s'. d. s. d. s.- d. s. d. Jan 19 0 ... . 19 J 2 • .23 0 . .. 21 0 .. . 20 9 . ..29 0 Feb:..,... 17 9 ... 18 6 .20 6 .. .. 19 9 .. . 20 9 . ..33 0 Mar. ... 18 4 ... 17 0 .. . 20 0 .. .. 19 10L. .20 3 .. ..40 6 April ... 18 11 ... 16 101.. . 20 6 .. .. 20 6 .. . 19 6 .. . 36 6 May 17 6 ... . 18 3 .. .20 9 .. ..22 0 .. . 20 6 .33 0 June ... 18 3 ... 18 4L. . 20 3 .. .. 22 6 .. . 19 101.. .30 < 3 July ... 19 0 ... . 19 10|.. . 20 3 .. .. 22 71.. . 19 9 .. .25 6 Aug. ... 18 10L-. . 24 ”6*.. . 25 3 .. .. 22 3 .. . 27 9f.. ..27 3 Sept. ... 18 10|... 26 0*. . 23 0 .. 22 0 .. . 28 3f.. .32 6 Oct....... 19 8 . 25 6 .. . 23 6 .. .. 21 6 .. . 21 Gt.. ..40 6 Nov. ... 21 1 ... 29 6# . . 24 6 .. . 23 9 .. . 21 9f.. ..48 3 Dec. 23 2 ... 27 6 ... . 23 6 .. .. 21 9 ... .25 jt- ..52 0 Average 19 ,2i... . 21 9 .. . 22 1 . .. 22 6 .. . 22 ~71. ..35 81 * Prices nominal up to 32s. f Quotation nominal, the range being 20s. 6d. to 35s. The Victoria Government Gazette of October 19 contains the names of contractors for the supply of storesi to the Vic- torian Railways ■ for 1916-17 (fixed quantities) and 1916-18 (estimated quantities), together with prices of the goods con- tracted for. The list may be consulted at the Department of Commercial Intelligence, 73, Basinghall-street, London, E.C. ’ . • ■ The Diario Oficial (Santiago, Chile) of October 26 pub- lishes a Decree granting permission to Don Ricardo Lyon. Perez to construct and work, for a period of 60 years, a railway between the port of Paposo and a point on the Longi-. tudinal Railway between the Bitations of Los Vientos. and La Calle, The line wifi be of metre gauge, and approxi- mately 56 miles in length. Plans and estimates must be submitted for the approval of the Government within 18 months. Construction work must be commenced within a- year, and completed within four years from the date of the approval of the plans. The ^concessionaire must form a Chilean company for the construction and working of the projected railway.—[In reference to the foregoing, the Board of Trade Journal states, that the exportation to Chile of certain kihds of railway material is prohibited.] State Control of Canadian Mines. — As a result of the impossibility of the coal owners and miners of AFerta and British Columbia reaching an agreement, the ‘Government will take over a sufficient number of mines and work them, so as to prevent suffering in the prairie provinces owing to a5 scarcity of coal, and to keep the smelters in British' Columbia who are making supplies for munition factories supplied with coke. ... Negotiations have been in progress for some time, through the Government, between the owners and the men. The men asked for a 10 per cent, increase, but this was refused by the owners on the ground that tlhe men were violating a signed agreement. The Government has, issued a statement regretting that, in the present crisis, the owners have not given way, and announcing their intention, to see that the mines are kept working, and that neither the public nor munition plants suffer. It is also stated that the mines, may be worked at the cost of the owners. : COAL AMD COKE SHIPPED FOR LONDON AMD OTHER PORTS IN THE UNITED KINGDOM* Port. Dec. 1915. Dec. 1916. Port. Dec. 1915. Dec. 1916. . Coals. | Coke. Coals. Coke. Coals. Coke. Coals. | Coke. Tons. Tons. Tons.. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Newcastle 113,624 — 86,140 ■ ■— Ayr : 65,282 • — 79,146 55 North Shields ... 850 , 1,500 — Irvine : 3,819 • — 4,541 — South Shields . 183,260 • — • . 123,826 . — Alloa. : — — — Blyth 32,200 •-—■■ - 24,150 -— • Whitehaven ..... 15,656 .— 14,360 — Amble 1,290 —- • — • ■—- Liverpool 99,384 877 110,103 1,030 Sunderland 91,300 — • 67,470 T Grimsby 1,880 — — — . Seaham 65,550 ■■ — . 50,380 Granton 4,150 . 5,700 — Hartlepool 26,050 — . 36,150 Borrowstoness .. — — — — Stockton — . 20 • — ’ ■ Burntisland 12,900 — 8,900 — Middlesbrough... — 24 — — Kirkcaldy — — 180 — Hull 28,795 — 21,109 — Methil 17,350 11,538 — Goole 50,887 ■ — 25,598 — Port Talbot . 534 — 2,591 152 Swansea 10,772 — 9,749 — Glasgow 23,676 588 34,909 620 Cardiff 47,861 85 34,310 80 Grangemouth ... . ■— — — ■ — Llanelly 4,416 — 1,220 - — Greenock 595 . — 1,316 — Newport 43,850 60 36,343 70 Immingham 2,250 — 108 — Troon 12,264 19,174 — Leith 4,280 — 6,617 7 Ardrossan 18,384 6 18,655 — ■ Note.—The figures in the above tables do not include Admiralty and certain other shipments. * From Browne’s Export List. CONTRACTS OPEN FOR COAL AND COKE. For Contracts Advertised in this issue received too late for inclusion in this column, see Leader and Last White pages. Abstracts of Contracts Open. Battersea, January 24.—Coal and coke for the Borough Council. Forms from the town clerk. Bexhill, February 9.—4,000 gals, or less of distilled tar or other compound for spraying roads. Tenders to the town clerk, Town Hall. . Chelsea, January 24.—Coal and coke (12 months) for the Borough Council. Forms from the borough surveyor, Town Hall. Middlesbrough, February 1.—Coal (domestic use only) and coke for the Corporation. Forms from the borough engineer. Neston (Cheshire), January 31.—For about 400 tons of slack burgie or coal for the Council Waterworks, for the. Neston and Rarkgate Urban District Council. Form's on application to the surveyor, Town Hall, Neston. Surbiton, January 22.—Tar for roads (six months) for the Council. Forms from the Council Offices, Ewell-road, Surbiton. The date given is the latest upon which tenders can be received. CONTRAtTS OPEN FOR ENGINEERING, IRON AND STEEL WORK, Ac. Dartford, January 24. — Tractor, etc. — For one 5-ton steam tractor and four 6-ton trailers, for the Metropolitan Asylums Board. Forms may be inspected at .the office of the Board, Embankment, London, E.C., and can be obtained tipon payment of £1. Halifax, January 22.—Benzol Recovery Plant.—For an efficient .65 per cent, crude benzol recovery plant for the Gas Committee. Particulars may be obtained from the engineer by appointment. Tenders to be lodged with Mr. P. Saunders, town clerk, Town Hall, Halifax. Kirkcaldy, January 22.—Shaft, etc.—For new shaft and pinion in mild steel in connection with the dock gates at the harbour, for the Town Council. Full particulars wfil be given to contractors unon application to the harbour master. Tenders to be left with Mr. W. L. Macindoe, town clerk, Kirkcaldy. • Manchester, January 22.—Steel Air Ducts.—For supply, delivery, and erection of steel air ducts for turbo-alternator, for the Electricity Committee. Forms on application to Mr. F. E. Hughes, secretary, Electricity Department, Town Hall, Manchester. South Africa, February 12.—Cranes.—Six 4-ton electric travelling portable jib cranes for Durban Harbour. Forms from and tenders to the High Commissioner for South Africa, 32, Victoria-street, Westminster COAL, IRON AND ENGINEERING COMPANIES. REPORTS AND DIVIDENDS. Dundee Coal Company Limited.—Dividend of 5 per cent. to holders registered January 18. Gloucester Railway Carriage and Wagon Company ) Limited.^—The directors have .declared an interim dividend for the half-year ended November 30 last at the rate of 10, per cent, per annunij less income-tax. NEW COMPANIES. Essex Line Limited. — Private company. Registered office, 2, Fenchurch-avenue, London, E.C. Registered January 11. To contract for, build, hire, purchase, and otherwise acquire any ships, gear, etc. Nominal capital, £200,000 in 200,000 £1 shares. Directors : Meldrum and Swinson, 2, Fenchurch-avenue, E.C. Fairhaven Shipping Company Limited.—Private company. Registered.office, Exeter House, Bute Docks, Cardiff. Regis- tered January 8.' To build, charter, hire,, or acquire steam and other ships, etc. Nominal capital,’ £1,000 in 1,000 £1 shares. Director : P. Fairweather, Nethergate, Pencisely- road, Llandaff. New Cross Hands Collieries Limited.—Private company. Registered January ‘8. Nature of business indicated by ’tike. Nominal capital, £100 in 100 ordinary shares, Sub- scribers (one share each) : G. S. Harris, North-hill, St. James’s-creiscent, Swansea; and C. E. Cleeves, Heddfan, Sketty, Glamorgan. Walton (Joseph) and Company Limited.—Private com- pany. Registered office, Zeeland-buildings, Middlesbrough. Registered January 6. To take over the business of coat merchants and colliery agents now being carried on at Middlesbrough, etc., by Sir Joseph Walton, Bart., under the style of Joseph Walton. ‘ Nominal capital, £50,000 in 50,000 ,£1 shares. Directors': Sir-J. Walton, Rushpool, Saltburn by-the-Sea; and I. Calvert,- Park View, Middlesbrough. This list of new companies is taken from the Daily Register specially compiled by Messrs. Jordan and Sons Limited, company registration agents, Chancery-lane, E.C. Grimsby Coal Exports.—The returns for the week ended January 12 show that the coal exported from Grimsby totalled 1,834 tons foreign, against 6,459 tons foreign and 200 tons coastwise during the corresponding week of last year.